
NoSQL Job Trends – February 2014

So, it is a few days late but we finally have the NoSQL installment of the February job trends. For the NoSQL job trends, we continue to focus on Cassandra, Redis, Couchbase , SimpleDB, CouchDB, MongoDB, HBase, and Riak. As was stated previously, Voldemort has been replaced by Couchbase and we are looking at other options to include as well. Given the nature of Hadoop and its technical differences from the NoSQL storage engines, I will no longer be considering it for inclusion.

First, let’s look at the trends from Indeed:


Overall, it looks like the overall demand stagnated a bit, and dropped in some cases, during 2013. MongoDB still holds a clear lead with Cassandra coming in next. HBase had a surprising drop during 2013 so that it lags significantly behind the leaders. Redis had a nice peak early in 2013, then dropped and is now starting to rise again. It retains a good margin of the pack at the bottom. CouchDB has been fairly stable for the past two years, seemingly unaffected by Couchbase, which is growing very slowly. Riak continues to grow and is now very close to CouchDB. SimpleDB had a slow decline for a while and is showing some sort of rebound at the end of 2013. Clearly, there is a lead pack and a follower pack at this point. If any solution had a chance to join the leaders, it would be Riak with their slow and consistent growth.

Now, it’s time for the short term trends from SimplyHired:


SimplyHired has the same leader, MongoDB and gap with the pack. Cassandra and HBase are showing some recent growth during the summer of 2013. Redis shows a flat trend throughout the year. CouchDB, Riak and Couchbase are all flat as well. In this graph, SimpleDB is showing signs of life during the summer and passing Couchbase at the end. Overall, SimplyHired showed a fairly big decline during the beginning of 2013, with a nice rebound in the middle of the year. This is definitely a little different than the Indeed long-term trends.

Lastly, we look at the relative growth from Indeed:


Cassandra growth now leads the group with a relatively stable trend during 2013. HBase growth slowed significantly as did Redis. MongoDB still shows solid growth with a stable 2013, but it definitely trails the lead pack by a good margin. Couchbase leads the trailing pack and points to an interesting 2014. Riak has a stable growth trend but it is still a fairly slow growth. CouchDB shows a similar trend, but with even less overall growth. SimpleDB trails everyone, with a barely positive trend at this point.

Overall, the major players are not changing much. There is the possibility for Riak and Couchbase to make a run at the leaders, but that will take some time. More likely is that some changes will come in the next version of these job trends. I need to review the space to see what solutions should be dropped and which should be included. As always, if there are other NoSQL tools that you want to be included, please let me know in the comments.

Reference: NoSQL Job Trends – February 2014 from our JCG partner Rob Diana at the Regular Geek blog.
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