Software Development

INTEL Perceptual Computing – RealSense Challenge 2014








Perceptual Computing technology is redefining the boundaries between human and computer interaction. Intel invites you to claim your share of history by designing new, leading edge perceptual computing Apps.

RealSense Challenge 2014 is a new contest in which developers are challenged to design perceptual computing apps. At the heart of this competition, the new Intel RealSense 3D camera and SDK allow to interact with computer by supporting hand/finger tracking, facial analysis, speech recognition, background subtraction and augmented reality.



RealSense Challenge 2014

The competition has two phases: Ideation and Development. The ideation phase will be opened until the end of September, all you are asked to do is to submit your ideas (as an individual or as a team) and try to be within the 1300 participants who will be invited to turn their ideas into working demos. Everyone participating to the development phase will be loaned the Intel 3D camera and RealSense SDK for C/C++ development.

There are also two tracks for this challenge. The Pioneer track is open to all developers from around the world whereas the Ambassador track is only open to developers who submitted a demo to one of Intel Perceptual Computing Challenge 2013 or to its Ultimate Coder Challenge. Up to 1000 Pioneers and 300 Ambassadors will be chosen to move forward on the Development phase.

Both contest tracks will accept entries from participants in the following Innovation categories :

  • Gaming + Play
  • Learning Entertainment
  • Interact naturally
  • Collaboration/Creation
  • Open innovation

There are $1 Million cash prizes to be shared by the Pioneer and Ambassador groups. Each track will compete independantly though.






One overall winner chosen from the first place winners of each category will win an additional $25,000 cash prize.



One overall winner chosen from the first place winners of each category will win an additional $50,000 cash prize.



The top scoring demo in each category will win a $25,000 cash prize



The top scoring demo in each category will win a $50,000 cash prize



Two demos from each of the 5 categories will receive a $10,000 cash prize



Two demos from each of the 5 categories will receive a $20,000 cash prize



The top scoring demos, submitted prior to the Early submission deadline, across all 5 categories will each receive a cash prize of $1,000



The top scoring demos, submitted prior to the Early submission deadline, across all 5 categories will each receive a cash prize of $1,000


The top 250 scoring demos from Phase 1, across all 5 categories, will receive a Haswell NUC device valued at nearly $600.


The top 50 scoring demos from Phase 1, across all 5 categories, will receive a Haswell NUC device valued at nearly $600.


If you are a Pioneer, you can sign up today and have until October 1, 2014 to submit your idea. If you are an Ambassador, you can simply go to the challenge page and sign-in with the email address used for the 2013 competition.

More info and subscription on the RealSense Challenge 2014 page

On the side, Intel organizes two webinars for  developers to get inspired and to learn more about natural user interface and RealSense technology :

Byron Kiourtzoglou

Byron is a master software engineer working in the IT and Telecom domains. He is an applications developer in a wide variety of applications/services. He is currently acting as the team leader and technical architect for a proprietary service creation and integration platform for both the IT and Telecom industries in addition to a in-house big data real-time analytics solution. He is always fascinated by SOA, middleware services and mobile development. Byron is co-founder and Executive Editor at Java Code Geeks.
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10 years ago


This technology sounds like steps into the future. The development of the apps is done only through C++/C# ? or is there a room for development through Java. I saw in their documentation site mentioning Java too.

Just wondering, if it can be done by Java, would be a world of great for Java developer like me.


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