Hibernate Tutorial – The ULTIMATE Guide (PDF Download)
EDITORIAL NOTE: In this post, we feature a comprehensive Hibernate Tutorial. Hibernate ORM (Hibernate in short) is an object-relational mapping framework, facilitating the conversion of an object-oriented domain model to a traditional relational database. Hibernate solves the object-relational impedance mismatch problems by replacing direct persistence-related database accesses with high-level object handling functions.
Hibernate is one of the most popular Java frameworks out there. For this reason we have provided an abundance of tutorials here at Java Code Geeks, most of which can be found here.
Now, we wanted to create a standalone, reference post to provide a framework on how to work with Hibernate and help you quickly kick-start your Hibernate applications. Enjoy!
Table Of Contents
Hibernate is one of the most popular Object/Relational Mapping (ORM) framework in the Java world. It allows developers to map the object structures of normal Java classes to the relational structure of a database. With the help of an ORM framework the work to store data from object instances in memory to a persistent data store and load them back into the same object structure becomes significantly easier.
At the same time ORM solutions like Hibernate aim to abstract from the specific product used to store the data. This allows using the same Java code with different database products without the need to write code that handles the subtle differences between the supported products.
Hibernate is also a JPA provider, that means it implements the Java Persistence API (JPA). JPA is a vendor independent specification for mapping Java objects to the tables of relational databases. As another article of the Ultimate series already addresses the JPA, this article focuses on Hibernate and therefore does not use the JPA annotations but rather the Hibernate specific configuration files.
Hibernate consists of three different components:
- Entities: The classes that are mapped by Hibernate to the tables of a relational database system are simple Java classes (Plain Old Java Objects).
- Object-relational metadata: The information how to map the entities to the relational database is either provided by annotations (since Java 1.5) or by legacy XML-based configuration files. The information in these files is used at runtime to perform the mapping to the data store and back to the Java objects.
- Hibernate Query Language (HQL): When using Hibernate, queries send to the database do not have to be formulated in native SQL but can be specified using Hibernate’s query language. As these queries are translated at runtime into the currently used dialect of the chose product, queries formulated in HQL are independent from the SQL dialect of a specific vendor.
In this tutorial we are going through different aspects of the framework and will develop a simple Java SE application that stores and retrieves data in/from a relational database. We will use the following libraries/environments:
- maven >= 3.0 as build environment
- Hibernate(4.3.8.Final)
- H2 as relational database (1.3.176)
Project setup
As a first step we will create a simple maven project on the command line:
1 | mvn archetype:create -DgroupId=com.javacodegeeks.ultimate -DartifactId=hibernate |
This command will create the following structure in the file system:
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 | |-- src | |-- main | | `-- java | | `-- com | | `-- javacodegeeks | | `-- ultimate | `-- test | | `-- java | | `-- com | | `-- javacodegeeks | | `-- ultimate `-- pom.xml |
The libraries our implementation depends on are added to the dependencies section of the pom.xml
file in the following way:
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 | 1.3.176 4.3.8.Final com.h2database h2 ${h2.version} org.hibernate hibernate-core ${hibernate.version} |
To get a better overview of the separate versions, we define each version as a maven property and reference it later on in the dependencies section.
3. Basics
3.1. SessionFactory and Session
Now we cat start to implement our first O/R mapping. Let’s start with a simple class that provides a run()
method that is invoked in the application’s main
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 | public class Main { private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger( "Hibernate-Tutorial" ); public static void main(String[] args) { Main main = new Main(); main.run(); } public void run() { SessionFactory sessionFactory = null ; Session session = null ; try { Configuration configuration = new Configuration(); configuration.configure( "hibernate.cfg.xml" ); ServiceRegistry serviceRegistry = new StandardServiceRegistryBuilder().applySettings(configuration.getProperties()).build(); sessionFactory = configuration.buildSessionFactory(serviceRegistry); session = sessionFactory.openSession(); persistPerson(session); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, e.getMessage(), e); } finally { if (session != null ) { session.close(); } if (sessionFactory != null ) { sessionFactory.close(); } } } ... |
The run()
method creates a new instance of the class org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration
that is subsequently configured using the XML file hibernate.cfg.xml
. Placing the configuration file in the folder src/main/resources
of our project lets maven put it to the root of the created jar file. This way the file is found at runtime on the classpath.
As a second step the run()
method constructs a ServiceRegistry
that uses the previously loaded configuration. An instance of this ServiceRegistry
can now be passed as an argument to the method buildSessionFactroy()
of the Configuration
. This SessionFactory
can now be used to obtain the session needed to store and load entities to the underlying data store.
The configuration file hibernate.cfg.xml
has the following content:
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 | org.h2.Driver jdbc:h2:~/hibernate;AUTOCOMMIT=OFF 1 org.hibernate.dialect.H2Dialect thread org.hibernate.cache.internal.NoCacheProvider true true create |
As we see from the example above, the configuration file defines a set of properties for the session factory. The first property connection.driver_class
specifies the database driver that should be used. In our example this is the driver for the H2 database. Through the property connection.url
, the JDBC-URL is specified. In our case defines that we want to use h2 and that the single database file where H2 stores its data should be located in the home directory of the user and should be named hibernate
). As we want to commit our transactions in the example code on our own, we also define the H2 specific configuration option AUTOCOMMIT=OFF
Next the configuration file defines the username and password for the database connection as well as the size of the connection pool. Our sample application just executes code in one single thread, therefore we can set the pool size to one. In cases of an application that has to deal with multiple threads and users, an appropriate pool size has to be chosen.
The property dialect
specifies a Java class that performs the translation into the database specific SQL dialect.
As of version 3.1, Hibernate provides a method named SessionFactory.getCurrentSession()
that allows the developer to obtain a reference to the current session. With the configuration property current_session_context_class
it can be configured where Hibernate should obtain this session from. The default value for this property is jta
meaning that Hibernate obtains the session from the underlying Java Transaction API (JTA). As we are not using JTA in this sample, we instruct Hibernate with the configuration value thread
to store and retrieve the session to/from the current thread.
For the sake of simplicity, we do not want to utilize an entity cache. Hence we set the property cache.provider_class
to org.hibernate.cache.internal.NoCacheProvider
The following two options tell Hibernate to print out each SQL statement to the console and to format it for better readability. In order to relieve us for development purposes from the burden to create the schema manually, we instruct Hibernate with the option hbm2ddl.auto
set to create
to create all tables during startup.
Last but not least we define a mapping resource file that contains all the mapping information for our application. The content of this file will be explained in the following sections.
As mentioned above, the session is used to communicate with the data store and actually represents a JDBC connection. This means all interaction with the connection is done through the session. It is single-threaded and provides a cache for all objects it has up to now worked with. Therefore each thread in the application should work with its own session that it obtains from the session factory.
In contrast to the session, the session factory is thread-safe and provides an immutable cache for the define mappings. For each database there is exactly one session factory. Optionally, the session factory can provide in addition to the session’s first level cache an application wide second level cache.
3.2. Transactions
In the hibernate.cfg.xml
configuration file we have configured to manage transactions on our own. Hence we have to manually start and commit or rollback every transaction. The following code demonstrates how to obtain a new transaction from the session and how to start and commit it:
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 | try { Transaction transaction = session.getTransaction(); transaction.begin(); ... transaction.commit(); } catch (Exception e) { if (session.getTransaction().isActive()) { session.getTransaction().rollback(); } throw e; } |
In the first step we call getTransaction()
in order to retrieve a reference for a new transaction. This transaction is immediately started by invoking the method begin()
on it. If the following code proceeds without any exception, the transaction gets committed. In case an exception occurred and the current transaction is active, the transaction is rolled back.
As the code shown above is the same for all upcoming examples, it is not repeated in the exact form again and again. The steps to refactor the code into a re-usable form, using for example the template pattern, are left for the reader.
3.3. Tables
Now that we have learned about session factories, sessions and transactions, it is time to start with the first class mapping. In order to have an easy start, we choose a simple class with only a few simple attributes:
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 | public class Person { private Long id; private String firstName; private String lastName; public Long getId() { return id; } public void setId(Long id) { this .id = id; } public String getFirstName() { return firstName; } public void setFirstName(String firstName) { this .firstName = firstName; } public String getLastName() { return lastName; } public void setLastName(String lastName) { this .lastName = lastName; } } |
The Person
class comes with two attributes to store the name of a person (firstName
and lastName
). The field id
is used to store the object’s unique identifier as a long value. In this tutorial we are going to use mapping files instead of annotations, hence we specify the mapping of this class to the table T_PERSON
as follows:
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 | <? xml version = "1.0" ?> <! DOCTYPE hibernate-mapping PUBLIC "-//Hibernate/Hibernate Mapping DTD 3.0//EN" < hibernate-mapping package = "hibernate.entity" > < class name = "Person" table = "T_PERSON" > < id name = "id" column = "ID" > < generator class = "native" /> </ id > < property name = "firstName" column = "FIRST_NAME" /> < property name = "lastName" column = "LAST_NAME" /> </ class > </ hibernate-mapping > |
The XML element hibernate-mapping
is used to define the package our entities reside in (here: hibernate.entity
). Inside this element one class
element is provided for each class that should be mapped to a table in the database.
The id
element specifies the name (name
) of the class’s field that holds the unique identifier and the name of the column this value is stored in (ID
). With its child element generator
Hibernate gets to know how to create the unique identifier for each entity. Next to the value native
shown above, Hibernate supports a long list of different strategies.
The native
strategy just chooses the best strategy for the used database product. Hence this strategy can be applied for different products. Other possible values are for example: sequence
(uses a sequence in the database), uuid
(generates a 128-bit UUID) and assigned
(lets the application assign the value on its own). Beyond the pre-defined strategies it is possible to implement a custom strategy by implementing the interface org.hibernate.id.IdentifierGenerator
The fields firstName
and lastName
are mapped to the columns FIRST_NAME
by using the XML element property
. The attributes name
and column
define the field’s name in the class and the column, respectively.
The following code shows exemplary how to store a person in the database:
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 | private void persistPerson(Session session) throws Exception { try { Transaction transaction = session.getTransaction(); transaction.begin(); Person person = new Person(); person.setFirstName( "Homer" ); person.setLastName( "Simpson" ); session.save(person); transaction.commit(); } catch (Exception e) { if (session.getTransaction().isActive()) { session.getTransaction().rollback(); } throw e; } } |
Next to the code to handle the transaction it creates a new instance of the class Person
and assigns two values to the fields firstName
and lastName
. Finally it stores the person in the database by invoking the session’s method save()
When we execute the code above, the following SQL statements are printed on the console:
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 | Hibernate: drop table T_PERSON if exists Hibernate: create table T_PERSON ( ID bigint generated by default as identity, FIRST_NAME varchar (255), LAST_NAME varchar (255), primary key (ID) ) Hibernate: insert into T_PERSON (ID, firstName, lastName, ID_ID_CARD) values ( null , ?, ?, ?) |
As we have chosen to let Hibernate drop and create the tables on startup, the first statements printed out are the drop table
and create table
statements. We can also see the three columns ID
of the table T_PERSON
as well as the definition of the primary key (here: ID
After the table has been created, the invocation of session.save()
issues an insert
statement to the database. As Hibernate internally uses a PreparedStatement
, we do not see the values on the console. In case you also want to see the values that are bound to the parameters of the PreparedStatement
, you can set the logging level for the logger org.hibernate.type
. This is done within a file called logging.properties
with the following content (the path to the file can be given for example as a system property -Djava.util.logging.config.file=src/main/resources/logging.properties
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 | .handlers = java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler .level = INFO java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler.level = ALL java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler.formatter = java.util.logging.SimpleFormatter org.hibernate.SQL.level = FINEST org.hibernate. type .level = FINEST |
Setting the logger org.hibernate.SQL
has the same effect as setting the property show_sql
in the Hibernate configuration file to true
Now you can see the following output and therewith the actual values on the console:
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 | DEBUG: insert into T_PERSON (ID, FIRST_NAME, LAST_NAME, ID_ID_CARD) values ( null , ?, ?, ?) TRACE: binding parameter [1] as [ VARCHAR ] - [Homer] TRACE: binding parameter [2] as [ VARCHAR ] - [Simpson] TRACE: binding parameter [3] as [ BIGINT ] - [ null ] |
4. Inheritance
An interesting feature of O/R mapping solutions like Hibernate is the usage of inheritance. The user can chose how to map superclass and subclass to the tables of a relational database. Hibernate supports the following mapping strategies:
- Single table per class: Both superclass and subclass are mapped to the same table. An additional column marks whether the row is an instance of the superclass or subclass and fields that are not present in the superclass are left empty.
- Joined subclass: This strategy uses a separate table for each class whereas the table for the subclass only stores the fields that are not present in the superclass. To retrieve all values for an instance of the subclass, a join between the two tables has to be performed.
- Table per class: This strategy also uses a separate table for each class but stores in the table for the subclass also the fields of the superclass. With this strategy one row in the subclass table contains all values and in order to retrieve all values no join statement is necessary.
The approach we are going to investigate is the “Single Table per class” approach. As a subclass of person we choose the class Geek
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 | public class Geek extends Person { private String favouriteProgrammingLanguage; public String getFavouriteProgrammingLanguage() { return favouriteProgrammingLanguage; } public void setFavouriteProgrammingLanguage(String favouriteProgrammingLanguage) { this .favouriteProgrammingLanguage = favouriteProgrammingLanguage; } } |
The class extends the already known class Person
and adds an additional field named favouriteProgrammingLanguage
. The mapping file for this use case looks like the following one:
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 | <? xml version = "1.0" ?> <! DOCTYPE hibernate-mapping PUBLIC "-//Hibernate/Hibernate Mapping DTD 3.0//EN" < hibernate-mapping package = "hibernate.entity" > < class name = "Person" table = "T_PERSON" > < id name = "id" column = "ID" > < generator class = "native" /> </ id > < discriminator column = "PERSON_TYPE" type = "string" /> < property name = "firstName" column = "FIRST_NAME" /> < property name = "lastName" column = "LAST_NAME" /> < subclass name = "Geek" extends = "Person" > < property name = "favouriteProgrammingLanguage" column = "FAV_PROG_LANG" /> </ subclass > </ class > </ hibernate-mapping > |
The first difference is the introduction of the discriminator
column. As mentioned above this column stores the information of which type the current instance is. In our case we call it PERSON_TYPE
and let for better readability a string denote the actual type. Per default Hibernate takes just the class name in this case. To save storage one can also use a column of type integer.
Beyond the discriminator we have also added the subclass
element that informs Hibernate about the new Java class Geek
and its field favouriteProgrammingLanguage
which should be mapped to the column FAV_PROG_LANG
The following sample codes shows how to store instances of type Geek
in the database:
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 | session.getTransaction().begin(); Geek geek = new Geek(); geek.setFirstName( "Gavin" ); geek.setLastName( "Coffee" ); geek.setFavouriteProgrammingLanguage( "Java" ); session.save(geek); geek = new Geek(); geek.setFirstName( "Thomas" ); geek.setLastName( "Micro" ); geek.setFavouriteProgrammingLanguage( "C#" ); session.save(geek); geek = new Geek(); geek.setFirstName( "Christian" ); geek.setLastName( "Cup" ); geek.setFavouriteProgrammingLanguage( "Java" ); session.save(geek); session.getTransaction().commit(); |
Executing the code shown above, leads to the following output:
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 | Hibernate: drop table T_PERSON if exists Hibernate: create table T_PERSON ( ID bigint generated by default as identity, PERSON_TYPE varchar (255) not null , FIRST_NAME varchar (255), LAST_NAME varchar (255), FAV_PROG_LANG varchar (255), primary key (ID) ) Hibernate: insert into T_PERSON (ID, FIRST_NAME, LAST_NAME, FAV_PROG_LANG, PERSON_TYPE) values ( null , ?, ?, ?, 'hibernate.entity.Geek' ) |
In contrast to the previous example the table T_PERSON
now contains the two new columns PERSON_TYPE
. The column PERSON_TYPE
contains the value hibernate.entity.Geek
for geeks.
In order to investigate the content of the T_PERSON
table, we can utilize the Shell application shipped within the H2 jar file:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 | > java - cp h2-1.3.176.jar org.h2.tools.Shell -url jdbc:h2:~ /hibernate ... sql> select * from t_person; ID | PERSON_TYPE | FIRST_NAME | LAST_NAME | FAV_PROG_LANG 1 | hibernate.entity.Person | Homer | Simpson | null 2 | hibernate.entity.Geek | Gavin | Coffee | Java 3 | hibernate.entity.Geek | Thomas | Micro | C # 4 | hibernate.entity.Geek | Christian | Cup | Java |
As discussed above, the column PERSON_TYPE
stores the type of the instance whereas the column FAV_PROG_LANG
contains the value null
for instances of the superclass Person
Changing the mapping definition in a way that it looks like the following one, Hibernate will create for the superclass and the subclass a separate table:
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 | <? xml version = "1.0" ?> <! DOCTYPE hibernate-mapping PUBLIC "-//Hibernate/Hibernate Mapping DTD 3.0//EN" < hibernate-mapping package = "hibernate.entity" > < class name = "Person" table = "T_PERSON" > < id name = "id" column = "ID" > < generator class = "native" /> </ id > < property name = "firstName" column = "FIRST_NAME" /> < property name = "lastName" column = "LAST_NAME" /> < joined-subclass name = "Geek" table = "T_GEEK" > < key column = "ID_PERSON" /> < property name = "favouriteProgrammingLanguage" column = "FAV_PROG_LANG" /> </ joined-subclass > </ class > </ hibernate-mapping > |
The XML element joined-subclass
tells Hibernate to create the table T_GEEK
for the subclass Geek
with the additional column ID_PERSON
. This additional key column stores a foreign key to the table T_PERSON
in order to assign each row in T_GEEK
to its parent row in T_PERSON
Using the Java code shown above to store a few geeks in the database, results in the following output on the console:
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 | Hibernate: drop table T_GEEK if exists Hibernate: drop table T_PERSON if exists Hibernate: create table T_GEEK ( ID_PERSON bigint not null , FAV_PROG_LANG varchar (255), primary key (ID_PERSON) ) Hibernate: create table T_PERSON ( ID bigint generated by default as identity, FIRST_NAME varchar (255), LAST_NAME varchar (255), primary key (ID) ) Hibernate: alter table T_GEEK add constraint FK_p2ile8qooftvytnxnqtjkrbsa foreign key (ID_PERSON) references T_PERSON |
Now Hibernate creates two tables instead of one and defines a foreign key for the table T_GEEK
that references the table T_PERSON
. The table T_GEEK
consists of two columns: ID_PERSON
to reference the corresponding person and FAV_PROG_LANG
to store the favorite programming language.
Storing a geek in the database now consists of two insert statements:
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 | Hibernate: insert into T_PERSON (ID, FIRST_NAME, LAST_NAME, ID_ID_CARD) values ( null , ?, ?, ?) Hibernate: insert into T_GEEK (FAV_PROG_LANG, ID_PERSON) values (?, ?) |
The first statement inserts a new row into the table T_PERSON
, while the second one inserts a new row into the table T_GEEK
. The content of these two tables look afterwards like this:
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 | sql> select * from t_person; ID | FIRST_NAME | LAST_NAME 1 | Homer | Simpson 2 | Gavin | Coffee 3 | Thomas | Micro 4 | Christian | Cup sql> select * from t_geek; ID_PERSON | FAV_PROG_LANG 2 | Java 3 | C # 4 | Java |
Obviously the table T_PERSON
only stores the attributes of the superclass whereas the table T_GEEK
only stores the field values for the subclass. The column ID_PERSON
references the corresponding row from the parent table.
The next strategy under investigation is “table per class”. Similar to the last strategy this one also creates a separate table for each class, but in contrast the table for the subclass contains also all columns of the superclass. Therewith one row in such a table contains all values to construct an instance of this type without the need to join additional data from the parent table. On huge data set this can improve the performance of queries as joins need to find additionally the corresponding rows in the parent table. This additional lookup costs time that is circumvented with this approach.
To use this strategy for the above use case, the mapping file can be rewritten like the following one:
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 | <? xml version = "1.0" ?> <! DOCTYPE hibernate-mapping PUBLIC "-//Hibernate/Hibernate Mapping DTD 3.0//EN" < hibernate-mapping package = "hibernate.entity" > < class name = "Person" table = "T_PERSON" > < id name = "id" column = "ID" > < generator class = "sequence" /> </ id > < property name = "firstName" column = "FIRST_NAME" /> < property name = "lastName" column = "LAST_NAME" /> < union-subclass name = "Geek" table = "T_GEEK" > < property name = "favouriteProgrammingLanguage" column = "FAV_PROG_LANG" /> </ union-subclass > </ class > </ hibernate-mapping > |
The XML element union-subclass
provides the name of the entity (Geek
) as well as the name of the separate table (T_GEEK
) as attributes. As within the other approaches, the field favouriteProgrammingLanguage
is declared as a property of the subclass.
Another important change with regard to the other approaches is contained in the line that defines the id generator. As the other approaches use a native
generator, which falls back on H2 to an identity column, this approach requires an id generator that creates identities that are unique for both tables (T_PERSON
and T_GEEK
The identity column is just a special type of column that automatically creates for each row a new id. But with two tables we have also two identity columns and therewith the ids in the T_PERSON
table can be the same as in the T_GEEK
table. This conflicts with the requirement that an entity of type Geek
can be created just by reading one row of the table T_GEEK
and that the identifiers for all persons and geeks are unique. Therefore we are using a sequence instead of an identity column by switching the value for the class
attribute from native
to sequence
Now the DDL statements created by Hibernate look like the following ones:
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 | Hibernate: drop table T_GEEK if exists Hibernate: drop table T_PERSON if exists Hibernate: drop sequence if exists hibernate_sequence Hibernate: create table T_GEEK ( ID bigint not null , FIRST_NAME varchar (255), LAST_NAME varchar (255), FAV_PROG_LANG varchar (255), primary key (ID) ) Hibernate: create table T_PERSON ( ID bigint not null , FIRST_NAME varchar (255), LAST_NAME varchar (255), primary key (ID) ) Hibernate: create sequence hibernate_sequence |
The output above clearly demonstrates that the table T_GEEK
now contains next to FAV_PROG_LANG
also the columns for the superclass (FIRST_NAME
). The statements do not create a foreign key between the two tables. Please also note that now the column ID
is no longer an identity column but that instead a sequence is created.
The insertion of a person and a geek issues the following statements to the database:
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 | Hibernate: call next value for hibernate_sequence Hibernate: insert into T_PERSON (FIRST_NAME, LAST_NAME, ID) values (?, ?, ?, ?) Hibernate: call next value for hibernate_sequence Hibernate: insert into T_GEEK (FIRST_NAME, LAST_NAME, FAV_PROG_LANG, ID) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?) |
For one person and one geek we have obviously only two insert statements. The table T_GEEK
is completely filled by one insertion and contains all values of an instance of Geek
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 | sql> select * from t_person; ID | FIRST_NAME | LAST_NAME 1 | Homer | Simpson sql> select * from t_geek; ID | FIRST_NAME | LAST_NAME | FAV_PROG_LANG 3 | Gavin | Coffee | Java 4 | Thomas | Micro | C # 5 | Christian | Cup | Java |
5. Relationships
Up to now the only relationship between two tables we have seen was the “extends” one. Next to the mere inheritance Hibernate can also map relationships that are based on lists where the one entity has a list of instances of another entity. The following types of relationships are distinguished:
- One to one: This denotes a simple relationship in which one entity of type A belongs exactly to one entity of type B.
- Many to one: As the name indicates, this relationship encompasses the case that an entity of type A has many child entities of type B.
- Many to many: In this case there can be many entities of type A that belong to many entities of type B.
To understand these different types of relationships a little better, we will investigate them in the following.
5.1. OneToOne
As an example for the “one to one” case we add the following class to our entity model:
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 | public class IdCard { private Long id; private String idNumber; private Date issueDate; private boolean valid; public Long getId() { return id; } public void setId(Long id) { this .id = id; } public String getIdNumber() { return idNumber; } public void setIdNumber(String idNumber) { this .idNumber = idNumber; } public Date getIssueDate() { return issueDate; } public void setIssueDate(Date issueDate) { this .issueDate = issueDate; } public boolean isValid() { return valid; } public void setValid( boolean valid) { this .valid = valid; } } |
An identity card as an internal unique identifier as well as an external idNumber, an issue date and a boolean flag that indicates if the card is valid or not.
On the other side of the relation the person gets a new field named idCard
that references the card of this person:
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 | public class Person { ... private IdCard idCard; ... public IdCard getIdCard() { return idCard; } public void setIdCard(IdCard idCard) { this .idCard = idCard; } |
To map this relation using the Hibernate specific mapping file, we change it in the following way:
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 | < hibernate-mapping package = "hibernate.entity" > < class name = "IdCard" table = "T_ID_CARD" > < id name = "id" column = "ID" > < generator class = "sequence" /> </ id > </ class > < class name = "Person" table = "T_PERSON" > < id name = "id" column = "ID" > < generator class = "sequence" /> </ id > < property name = "firstName" column = "FIRST_NAME" /> < property name = "lastName" column = "LAST_NAME" /> < many-to-one name = "idCard" column = "ID_ID_CARD" unique = "true" /> < union-subclass name = "Geek" table = "T_GEEK" > < property name = "favouriteProgrammingLanguage" column = "FAV_PROG_LANG" /> </ union-subclass > </ class > </ hibernate-mapping > |
First of all we add a new class
element for the new class, specifying the name of the class and its corresponding table name (here: T_ID_CARD
). The field id
becomes the unique identifier and should be filled with the value of a sequence.
On the other hand the Person
mapping now contains the new XML element many-to-one
and references with its attribute name
the field of the class Person
that stores the reference to the IdCard
. The optional attribute column
lets us specify the exact name of the foreign key column in the table T_PERSON
that links to the person’s id card. As this relation should be of type “one to one” we have to set the attribute unique
to true
Executing this configuration results in the following DDL statements (please note that in order to reduce the number of tables we have switched back to the “single table per class” approach where we have only one table for superclass and subclass):
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 | Hibernate: drop table T_ID_CARD if exists Hibernate: drop table T_PERSON if exists Hibernate: drop sequence if exists hibernate_sequence Hibernate: create table T_ID_CARD ( ID bigint not null , ID_NUMBER varchar (255), ISSUE_DATE timestamp , VALID boolean, primary key (ID) ) Hibernate: create table T_PERSON ( ID bigint not null , PERSON_TYPE varchar (255) not null , FIRST_NAME varchar (255), LAST_NAME varchar (255), ID_ID_CARD bigint , FAV_PROG_LANG varchar (255), primary key (ID) ) Hibernate: alter table T_PERSON add constraint UK_96axqtck4kc0be4ancejxtu0p unique (ID_ID_CARD) Hibernate: alter table T_PERSON add constraint FK_96axqtck4kc0be4ancejxtu0p foreign key (ID_ID_CARD) references T_ID_CARD Hibernate: create sequence hibernate_sequence |
What has changed with regard to the previous examples is that the table T_PERSON
now contains an additional column ID_ID_CARD
that is defined as foreign key to the table T_ID_CARD
. The table T_ID_CARD
itself contains as expected the three columns ID_NUMBER
The Java code to insert a person together with its id card looks like the following one:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 | Person person = new Person(); person.setFirstName( "Homer" ); person.setLastName( "Simpson" ); session.save(person); IdCard idCard = new IdCard(); idCard.setIdNumber( "4711" ); idCard.setIssueDate( new Date()); person.setIdCard(idCard); session.save(idCard); |
Creating an instance of IdCard
is straight-forward, please also note that the reference from Person
to IdCard
is set in the last but one line. Both instances are passed to Hibernate’s save()
Looking at the code above in more detail, one might argue why we have to pass both instances to the save()
method of the session. This point is justified, as Hibernate allows to define that certain operation should be “cascaded” when processing a complete entity graph. To enable cascading for the relationship to the IdCard
we can simply add the attribute cascade
to the many-to-one
element in the mapping file:
1 | < many-to-one name = "idCard" column = "ID_ID_CARD" unique = "true" cascade = "all" /> |
Using the value all
tells Hibernate to cascade all types of operations. As this is not always the preferred way to handle relationships between entities, one can also select only specific operations:
1 2 | < many-to-one name = "idCard" column = "ID_ID_CARD" unique = "true" cascade = "save-update,refresh" / ?- > |
The example above demonstrates how to configure the mapping such that only calls to save()
, saveOrUpdate()
and refresh
(re-reads the state of the given object from the database) are cascaded. Calls to the Hibernate methods delete()
or lock()
would for example not be forwarded.
Using on of the two configurations above, the code to store a person together with its id card can be rewritten to the following one:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 | Person person = new Person(); person.setFirstName( "Homer" ); person.setLastName( "Simpson" ); IdCard idCard = new IdCard(); idCard.setIdNumber( "4711" ); idCard.setIssueDate( new Date()); person.setIdCard(idCard); session.save(person); |
Instead of using the method save()
one could also use in this use case the method saveOrUpdate()
. The purpose of the method saveOrUpdate()
is that it can be also used to update an existing entity. A subtle difference between both implementations is the fact that the save()
methods returns the created identifier of the new entity:
1 | Long personId = (Long) session.save(person); |
This is helpful when writing for example server side code that should return this identifier to the caller of the method. On the other hand the method update()
does not return the identifier as it assumes that the entity has already been stored to the data store and therefore must have an identifier. Trying to update an entity without an identifier will throw an exception:
1 | org.hibernate.TransientObjectException: The given object has a null identifier: ... |
Therefore saveOrUpdate()
helps in cases where one wants to omit code that decides whether the entity has already been stored or not.
5.2. OneToMany
Another relation that appears frequently during O/R mappings is the “one to many” relation. In this case a set of entities belongs to one entity of another type. In order to model such a relation we add the class Phone
to our model:
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 | public class Phone { private Long id; private String number; private Person person; public Long getId() { return id; } public void setId(Long id) { this .id = id; } public String getNumber() { return number; } public void setNumber(String number) { this .number = number; } public Person getPerson() { return person; } public void setPerson(Person person) { this .person = person; } } |
As usual the entity Phone
has an internal identifier (id
) and a field to store the actual phone number. The field person
stores a reference back to the person who owns this phone. As one person can have more than one phone, we add a Set
to the Person
class that collects all phones of one person:
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 | public class Person { ... private Set phones = new HashSet(); ... public Set getPhones() { return phones; } public void setPhones(Set phones) { this .phones = phones; } } |
The mapping file has to be updated accordingly:
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 | < hibernate-mapping package = "hibernate.entity" > ... < class name = "Phone" table = "T_PHONE" > < id name = "id" column = "ID" > < generator class = "sequence" /> </ id > < property name = "number" column = "NUMBER" /> < many-to-one name = "person" column = "ID_PERSON" unique = "false" cascade = "all" /> </ class > < class name = "Person" table = "T_PERSON" > < id name = "id" column = "ID" > < generator class = "sequence" /> </ id > < discriminator column = "PERSON_TYPE" type = "string" /> < property name = "firstName" column = "FIRST_NAME" /> < property name = "lastName" column = "LAST_NAME" /> < many-to-one name = "idCard" column = "ID_ID_CARD" unique = "true" cascade = "all" /> < subclass name = "Geek" extends = "Person" > < property name = "favouriteProgrammingLanguage" column = "FAV_PROG_LANG" /> </ subclass > </ class > </ hibernate-mapping > |
The listing above shows the definition of the mapping for the class Phone
. Next to the usual identifier (id
) that is generated using a sequence and the field number
this definition also contains out the many-to-one
element. In contrast to the “one to one” relation we have seen before, the attribute unique
is set to false
. Beyond that the attribute column
defines the name of the foreign key column and the value of the attribute cascade
how Hibernate should cascade operations on this relation.
Having executed the above configuration will print out the following DDL statements:
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 | ... Hibernate: drop table T_PERSON if exists Hibernate: drop table T_PHONE if exists ... Hibernate: create table T_PERSON ( ID bigint not null , PERSON_TYPE varchar (255) not null , FIRST_NAME varchar (255), LAST_NAME varchar (255), ID_ID_CARD bigint , FAV_PROG_LANG varchar (255), primary key (ID) ) Hibernate: create table T_PHONE ( ID bigint not null , NUMBER varchar (255), ID_PERSON bigint , primary key (ID) ) ... Hibernate: alter table T_PHONE add constraint FK_dvxwd55q1bax99ibyw4oxa8iy foreign key (ID_PERSON) references T_PERSON ... |
Next to the table T_PERSON
Hibernate now also creates the new table T_PHONE
with its three columns ID
. As the latter column stores the reference to the Person
, Hibernate also adds a foreign key constraint to the table T_PHONE
that points to the column ID
of the table T_PERSON
In order to add a phone number to one of the existing persons, we first load a specific person and then add the phone:
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 | session.getTransaction().begin(); List resultList = session.createQuery( "from Person as person where person.firstName = ?" ).setString( 0 , "Homer" ).list(); for (Person person : resultList) { Phone phone = new Phone(); phone.setNumber( "+49 1234 456789" ); session.persist(phone); person.getPhones().add(phone); phone.setPerson(person); } session.getTransaction().commit(); |
This example shows how to load a person from the data store by using Hibernate’s Query Language (HQL). Similarly to SQL this query consists of a from and a where clause. The column FIRST_NAME
is not referenced by using its SQL name. Instead the name of the Java field/property is used. Parameters like the first name can be passed into the query by using the setString()
In the following the code iterates over the found persons (should be only one) and creates a new instance of Phone
that is added to the set of phones of the found person. The link back from the phone to the person is also set before the transaction is committed. Having executed this code, the database looks like the following one:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 | sql> select * from t_person where first_name = 'Homer' ; ID | PERSON_TYPE | FIRST_NAME | LAST_NAME | ID_ID_CARD | FAV_PROG_LANG 1 | hibernate.entity.Person | Homer | Simpson | 2 | null sql> select * from t_phone; ID | NUMBER | ID_PERSON 6 | +49 1234 456789 | 1 |
The result sets of the two select statements above shows that the row in T_PHONE
is connected to the selected row in T_PERSON
as it contains the id of the person with first name “Homer” in its column ID_ID_PERSON
5.3. ManyToMany
The next interesting relationship to look at is the “many to many” relation. In this case many entities of type A can belong to many entities of type B and vice versa. In practice this is for example the case with geeks and projects. One geek can work in multiple projects (either simultaneously or sequentially) and one project can consist of more than one geek. Therefore the new entity Project
is introduced:
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 | public class Project { private Long id; private String title; private Set geeks = new HashSet(); public Long getId() { return id; } public void setId(Long id) { this .id = id; } public String getTitle() { return title; } public void setTitle(String title) { this .title = title; } public Set getGeeks() { return geeks; } public void setGeeks(Set geeks) { this .geeks = geeks; } } |
It consists next to the identifier (id
) of a title and a set of geeks. On the other side of the relation the class Geek
has a set of projects:
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 | public class Geek extends Person { private String favouriteProgrammingLanguage; private Set projects = new HashSet(); public String getFavouriteProgrammingLanguage() { return favouriteProgrammingLanguage; } public void setFavouriteProgrammingLanguage(String favouriteProgrammingLanguage) { this .favouriteProgrammingLanguage = favouriteProgrammingLanguage; } public Set getProjects() { return projects; } public void setProjects(Set projects) { this .projects = projects; } } |
To support this kind of relation the mapping file has to be changed in the following way:
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 | < hibernate-mapping package = "hibernate.entity" > ... < class name = "Project" table = "T_PROJECT" > < id name = "id" column = "ID" > < generator class = "sequence" /> </ id > < property name = "title" column = "TITLE" /> < set name = "geeks" table = "T_GEEKS_PROJECTS" > < key column = "ID_PROJECT" /> < many-to-many column = "ID_GEEK" class = "Geek" /> </ set > </ class > < class name = "Person" table = "T_PERSON" > < id name = "id" column = "ID" > < generator class = "sequence" /> </ id > < discriminator column = "PERSON_TYPE" type = "string" /> < property name = "firstName" column = "FIRST_NAME" /> < property name = "lastName" column = "LAST_NAME" /> < many-to-one name = "idCard" column = "ID_ID_CARD" unique = "true" cascade = "all" /> < subclass name = "Geek" extends = "Person" > < property name = "favouriteProgrammingLanguage" column = "FAV_PROG_LANG" /> < set name = "projects" inverse = "true" > < key column = "ID_GEEK" /> < many-to-many column = "ID_PROJECT" class = "Project" /> </ set > </ subclass > </ class > </ hibernate-mapping > |
First of all we see the new class Project
that is mapped to the table T_PROJECT
. Its unique identifier is stored in the field id
and its field title
is stored in the column TITLE
. The XML element set
defines the one side of the mapping: the items inside the set geeks
should be stored in a separate table named T_GEEKS_PROJECTS
with the columns ID_PROJECT
. On the other side of the relation the XML element set
inside the subclass
for Geek
defines the inverse relation (inverse="true"
). On this side the field in the class Geek
is called projects
and the reference class is Project
The resulting statements to create the tables look like this:
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 | ... Hibernate: drop table T_GEEKS_PROJECTS if exists Hibernate: drop table T_PROJECT if exists ... Hibernate: create table T_GEEKS_PROJECTS ( ID_PROJECT bigint not null , ID_GEEK bigint not null , primary key (ID_PROJECT, ID_GEEK) ) Hibernate: create table T_PROJECT ( ID bigint not null , TITLE varchar (255), primary key (ID) ) ... Hibernate: alter table T_GEEKS_PROJECTS add constraint FK_2kp3f3tq46ckky02pshvjngaq foreign key (ID_GEEK) references T_PERSON Hibernate: alter table T_GEEKS_PROJECTS add constraint FK_36tafu1nw9j5o51d21xm5rqne foreign key (ID_PROJECT) references T_PROJECT ... |
These statements create the new tables T_PROJECT
. The table T_PROJECT
consists of the columns ID
whereby the values in the column ID
are referred to in the new table T_GEEKS_PROJECTS
in its column ID_PROJECT
. The second foreign key on this table points to the primary key of T_PERSON
In order to insert a project with a few geeks that can program in Java into the data store, the following code can be used:
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 | session.getTransaction().begin(); List resultList = session.createQuery("from Geek as geek where geek.favouriteProgrammingLanguage = ? ").setString(0, " Java").list(); Project project = new Project(); project.setTitle( "Java Project" ); for (Geek geek : resultList) { project.getGeeks().add(geek); geek.getProjects().add(project); } session.save(project); session.getTransaction().commit(); |
The initial query selects all geeks that have “Java” as their favorite programming language. Then a new instance of Project
is created and all geeks that are in the result set of the query are added to the project’s set of geeks. On the other side of the relation the project is added to the set of projects for the geek. Finally the project is stored and the transaction gets committed.
After having executed this code, the database looks like the following:
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 | sql> select * from t_person; ID | PERSON_TYPE | FIRST_NAME | LAST_NAME | ID_ID_CARD | FAV_PROG_LANG 1 | hibernate.entity.Person | Homer | Simpson | 2 | null 3 | hibernate.entity.Geek | Gavin | Coffee | null | Java 4 | hibernate.entity.Geek | Thomas | Micro | null | C # 5 | hibernate.entity.Geek | Christian | Cup | null | Java sql> select * from t_project; ID | TITLE 7 | Java Project sql> select * from t_geeks_projects; ID_PROJECT | ID_GEEK 7 | 5 7 | 3 |
The first select reveals that only the two geeks with id 3 and 5 have denoted that Java is their favorite programming language. Hence the project with title “Java Project” (id: 7) consist of the two geeks with ids 3 and 5 (last select statement).
5.4. Component
Object-Oriented design rules suggest to extract commonly used fields to a separate class. The Project
class above for example misses still a start and end date. But as such a period of time can be used for other entities as well, we can create a new class called Period
that encapsulates the two fields startDate
and endDate
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 | public class Period { private Date startDate; private Date endDate; public Date getStartDate() { return startDate; } public void setStartDate(Date startDate) { this .startDate = startDate; } public Date getEndDate() { return endDate; } public void setEndDate(Date endDate) { this .endDate = endDate; } } public class Project { ... private Period period; ... public Period getPeriod() { return period; } public void setPeriod(Period period) { this .period = period; } } |
But we do not want that Hibernate creates a separate table for the period as each Project
should only have exactly one start and end date and we want to circumvent the additional join. In this case Hibernate can map the two fields in the embedded class Period
to the same table as the class Project
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 | < hibernate-mapping package = "hibernate.entity" > ... < class name = "Project" table = "T_PROJECT" > < id name = "id" column = "ID" > < generator class = "sequence" /> </ id > < property name = "title" column = "TITLE" /> < set name = "geeks" table = "T_GEEKS_PROJECTS" > < key column = "ID_PROJECT" /> < many-to-many column = "ID_GEEK" class = "Geek" /> </ set > < component name = "period" > < property name = "startDate" column = "START_DATE" /> < property name = "endDate" column = "END_DATE" /> </ component > </ class > ... </ hibernate-mapping > |
The way how to map this embedded class to fields of the table T_PROJECT
is to use the component
element and provide the name of the field in the Project
class for the name
attribute. The two fields of the class Period
are then just declared as properties of the component
This results in the following DDL statement:
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 | ... Hibernate: create table T_PROJECT ( ID bigint not null , TITLE varchar (255), START_DATE timestamp , END_DATE timestamp , primary key (ID) ) ... |
Although the fields for START_DATE
are located in a separate class, Hibernate adds them to the table T_PROJECT
. The following code creates a new project and adds a period to it:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 | Project project = new Project(); project.setTitle( "Java Project" ); Period period = new Period(); period.setStartDate( new Date()); project.setPeriod(period); ... session.save(project); |
This results in the following data situation:
1 2 3 | sql> select * from t_project; ID | TITLE | START_DATE | END_DATE 7 | Java Project | 2015-01-01 19:45:12.274 | null |
To load the period together with the project no additional code has to be written, the period is automatically loaded and initialized:
1 2 3 4 5 | List projects = session.createQuery( "from Project as p where p.title = ?" ) .setString( 0 , "Java Project" ).list(); for (Project project : projects) { System.out.println( "Project: " + project.getTitle() + " starts at " + project.getPeriod().getStartDate()); } |
Just in case all fields of the period have been set to NULL
in the database, Hibernate also sets the reference to Period
to null
6. User-defined Data Types
When working for example with a legacy database it can happen that certain columns are modelled in a different way than Hibernate would map them. The Boolean
data type for example is mapped on an H2 database to the type boolean
. If the original development team has decided to map boolean values using a string with the value “0” and “1”, Hibernate allows to implement user-defined types that are used for the mapping.
Hibernate defines the interface org.hibernate.usertype.UserType
that has to be implemented:
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 | public interface UserType { int [] sqlTypes(); Class returnedClass(); boolean equals(Object var1, Object var2) throws HibernateException; int hashCode(Object var1) throws HibernateException; Object nullSafeGet(ResultSet var1, String[] var2, SessionImplementor var3, Object var4) throws HibernateException, SQLException; void nullSafeSet(PreparedStatement var1, Object var2, int var3, SessionImplementor var4) throws HibernateException, SQLException; Object deepCopy(Object var1) throws HibernateException; boolean isMutable(); Serializable disassemble(Object var1) throws HibernateException; Object assemble(Serializable var1, Object var2) throws HibernateException; Object replace(Object var1, Object var2, Object var3) throws HibernateException; } |
Simple implementations for those methods that are not specific for our problem are shown below:
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 | @Override public boolean equals(Object x, Object y) throws HibernateException { if (x == null ) { return y == null ; } else { return y != null && x.equals(y); } } @Override public int hashCode(Object o) throws HibernateException { return o.hashCode(); } @Override public Object deepCopy(Object o) throws HibernateException { return o; } @Override public boolean isMutable() { return false ; } @Override public Serializable disassemble(Object o) throws HibernateException { return (Serializable) o; } @Override public Object assemble(Serializable cached, Object owner) throws HibernateException { return cached; } @Override public Object replace(Object original, Object target, Object owner) throws HibernateException { return original; } |
The interesting part of the UserType
are the methods nullSafeGet()
and nullSafeSet()
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 | @Override public Object nullSafeGet(ResultSet resultSet, String[] strings, SessionImplementor sessionImplementor, Object o) throws HibernateException, SQLException { String str = (String) StringType.INSTANCE.nullSafeGet(resultSet, strings[ 0 ], sessionImplementor, o); if ( "1" .equals(str)) { return Boolean.TRUE; } return Boolean.FALSE; } @Override public void nullSafeSet(PreparedStatement preparedStatement, Object value, int i, SessionImplementor sessionImplementor) throws HibernateException, SQLException { String valueToStore = "0" ; if (value != null ) { Boolean booleanValue = (Boolean) value; if (booleanValue.equals(Boolean.TRUE)) { valueToStore = "1" ; } } StringType.INSTANCE.nullSafeSet(preparedStatement,valueToStore, i, sessionImplementor); } |
The method nullSafeGet()
uses Hibernate’s StringType
implementation to extract the string representation of the boolean value from the ResultSet
of the underlying query. If the returned string equals “1” the method returns “true”, otherwise it returns “false”.
Before an insert
statement can be executed, the boolean value passed in as parameter value
has to be “decoded” into either the string “1” or the string “0”. The method nullSafeSet()
then uses Hibernate’s StringType
implementation to set this string value on the PreparedStatement
Finally we have to tell Hibernate which kind of object is returned from nullSafeGet()
and which type of column it should use for this type:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 | @Override public int [] sqlTypes() { return new int []{ Types.VARCHAR }; } @Override public Class returnedClass() { return Boolean. class ; } |
Having implemented the UserType
interface, an instance of this class can now be given to the Configuration
1 2 3 4 | Configuration configuration = new Configuration(); configuration.configure( "hibernate.cfg.xml" ); configuration.registerTypeOverride( new MyBooleanType(), new String[]{ "MyBooleanType" }); ... |
is here our implementation of the UserType
interface, whereas the String
array defines how to reference this type in the mapping file:
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 | < hibernate-mapping package = "hibernate.entity" > < class name = "IdCard" table = "T_ID_CARD" > < id name = "id" column = "ID" > < generator class = "sequence" /> </ id > < property name = "idNumber" column = "ID_NUMBER" /> < property name = "issueDate" column = "ISSUE_DATE" /> < property name = "valid" column = "VALID" type = "MyBooleanType" /> </ class > ... </ hibernate-mapping > |
As can be seen from the snippet above, the new type “MyBooleanType” is used for the boolean property of the table T_ID_CARD
1 2 3 | sql> select * from t_id_card; ID | ID_NUMBER | ISSUE_DATE | VALID 2 | 4711 | 2015-03-27 11:49:57.533 | 1 |
7. Interceptors
A project may come with the requirement that for each entity/table the timestamp of its creation and its last update should be tracked. Setting these two values for each entity on all insert and update operations is a fairly tedious task. Therefore Hibernate offers the ability to implement interceptors that are called before an insert or update operation is performed. This way the code to set the creation and update timestamp can be extracted to a single place in the code base and does not have to be copied to all locations where it would be necessary.
As an example we are going to implement an audit trail that tracks the creation and update of the Project
entity. This can be done by extending the class EmptyInterceptor
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 | public class AuditInterceptor extends EmptyInterceptor { @Override public boolean onSave(Object entity, Serializable id, Object[] state, String[] propertyNames, Type[] types) { if (entity instanceof Auditable) { for ( int i= 0 ; i < propertyNames.length; i++ ) { if ( "created" .equals( propertyNames[i] ) ) { state[i] = new Date(); return true ; } } return true ; } return false ; } @Override public boolean onFlushDirty(Object entity, Serializable id, Object[] currentState, Object[] previousState, String[] propertyNames, Type[] types) { if (entity instanceof Auditable) { for ( int i= 0 ; i < propertyNames.length; i++ ) { if ( "lastUpdate" .equals( propertyNames[i] ) ) { currentState[i] = new Date(); return true ; } } return true ; } return false ; } } |
As the class EmptyInterceptor
already implements all methods defined in the interface Interceptor
, we only have to override the methods onSave()
and onFlushDirty()
. In order to easily find all entities that have a field created
and lastUpdate
we extract the getter and setter methods for these entities into a separate interface called Auditable
1 2 3 4 5 6 | public interface Auditable { Date getCreated(); void setCreated(Date created); Date getLastUpdate(); void setLastUpdate(Date lastUpdate); } |
With this interface it is easy to check whether the instance passed into the interceptor is of type Auditable
. Unfortunately we cannot modify the entity directly through the getter and setter methods but we have to use the two arrays propertyNames
and state
. In the array propertyNames
we have to find the property created
) and use its index to set the corresponding element in the array state
Without the appropriate property definitions in the mapping file Hibernate will not create the columns in the tables. Hence the mapping file has to be updated:
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 | < hibernate-mapping > ... < class name = "Project" table = "T_PROJECT" > < id name = "id" column = "ID" > < generator class = "sequence" /> </ id > < property name = "title" column = "TITLE" /> < set name = "geeks" table = "T_GEEKS_PROJECTS" > < key column = "ID_PROJECT" /> < many-to-many column = "ID_GEEK" class = "Geek" /> </ set > < component name = "period" > < property name = "startDate" column = "START_DATE" /> < property name = "endDate" column = "END_DATE" /> </ component > < property name = "created" column = "CREATED" type = "timestamp" /> < property name = "lastUpdate" column = "LAST_UPDATE" type = "timestamp" /> </ class > ... </ hibernate-mapping > |
As can be seen from the snippet above, the two new properties created
and lastUpdate
are of type timestamp
1 2 3 4 5 6 | sql> select * from t_person; ID | PERSON_TYPE | FIRST_NAME | LAST_NAME | CREATED | LAST_UPDATE | ID_ID_CARD | FAV_PROG_LANG 1 | hibernate.entity.Person | Homer | Simpson | 2015-01-01 19:45:42.493 | null | 2 | null 3 | hibernate.entity.Geek | Gavin | Coffee | 2015-01-01 19:45:42.506 | null | null | Java 4 | hibernate.entity.Geek | Thomas | Micro | 2015-01-01 19:45:42.507 | null | null | C # 5 | hibernate.entity.Geek | Christian | Cup | 2015-01-01 19:45:42.507 | null | null | Java |
8. Download Hibernate Tutorial Source Code
This was a Hibernate Tutorial.
You can download the full source code of this tutorial here: hibernate-tutorial-sources.
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mvn archetype:generate -DgroupId=com.javacodegeeks.ultimate -DartifactId=hibernate
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How to download if i am already subscribed?
You can find the pdf version of this here:https://www.javacodegeeks.com/minibook/hibernate-tutorial
thank u
I wanted to download the manuals they offer. They ask you to subscribe (to send you advertising and courses), well I subscribed. But, the page does not tell you how and where to download the manuals. Bad. I feel cheated.
You can find the pdf version of this here: https://www.javacodegeeks.com/minibook/hibernate-tutorial but first you have to login. If you don’t have an account you should first create one.