Best Of The Week

Best Of The Week – 2011 – W10

Hello guys,

Time for the “Best Of The Week” links for the week that just passed. Here are some links that drew JavaCodeGeeks attention:

* Why do I have this long GC pause?: An article where the author discusses how he performed Garbage Collection diagnosis and troubleshooting in order to fix big delays in GC. Some of the inner details of GC are explained and lots of hints and tips are provided.

* Implementing Ajax Authentication using jQuery, Spring Security and HTTPS: Title says it all. How to implement autentication in an Ajax based page using jQuery, Spring Security and HTTPS. Some issues that the author encountered are also analyzed in the end. After this, also check our article Securing GWT apps with Spring Security.

* How to Dramatically Speed Up Your Web Application: An Introduction to memcached: An introductory article to Memcached, a free & open source, high-performance, distributed memory object caching system, generic in nature, but intended for use in speeding up dynamic web applications by alleviating database load. We have many caching options in Java, but Memcached is quite generic in nature and is totally worth to check out.

* A Practical Guide to Varnish – Why Varnish Matters: On the similar topic of scalability, this is a short guide to Varnish, an open source, high performance http accelerator that sits in front of a web stack and caches pages. This caching layer is very configurable and can be used for both static and dynamic content.

* Adopting the JVM: An InfoQ presentation where advice is offered to those interested in using the JVM with languages other than Java, talking about language interoperability, polyglot patterns, build tools, tweaking the JVM, and JVM tools.

* Behind the Scenes of Serialization in Java: An article on one of the most discussed issues ever, the one of serialization. The author provides an overview of the various existing alternatives. He omits Google’s Proto Buffers solution, but it is a good read nonetheless. Also check our article Java Best Practices – High performance Serialization.

* A parallel strategy for ‘millions of developers’: A short article discussing one of the proposed approaches for parallel programming which in theory could alleviate some of the developers burden. Parallel programming constantly gains ground and is about to change the way we write code. Don’t forget to check out our relevant article Java Fork/Join for Parallel Programming.

* Real Life Ajax Troubleshooting Guide: I am always fascinated by troubleshooting and debugging stories and this one is very interesting. Read how these guys managed to pinpoint a difficult to discover bug in an Ajax based web application. Also check Debugging a Production Server – Eclipse and JBoss showcase.

* Stack Overflow Architecture Update – Now at 95 Million Page Views a Month: High Scalability again (I just love their articles) on an article discussing some of the latest architectural changes in StackOverflow’s stack of technologies. StackOverflow has been using a Microsoft based stack but they are slowly shifting to more open technologies like Linux and NoSQL.

* Spring Web Services 2.0: Best Java Stack for SOAP-based Web Services: A short article discussing some of the new features in Spring’s Web Services stack. After that, also check JAX–WS with Spring and Maven Tutorial.

That’s all for this week. Stay tuned for more, here at JavaCodeGeeks.

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Ilias Tsagklis

Ilias is a software developer turned online entrepreneur. He is co-founder and Executive Editor at Java Code Geeks.
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