Best Of The Week

Best Of The Week – 2011 – W36

Hello guys,

Time for the “Best Of The Week” links for the week that just passed. Here are some links that drew JavaCodeGeeks attention:

* JSR-107, JCache: Alive and Going to be Part of Java EE 7: It seems that JCache will make it to Java EE 7 providing a standard caching mechanism for Java apps. This article discusses the benefits of using a caching mechanism, the major changes and advancements that have been made in the progress of JCache and the specification’s roadmap.

* How server-side performance affects mobile user experience: A short article providing an example of how to perform basic analysis of a mobile web site’s performance using the desktop and not the mobile. This way performance issues caused by slow server-side response times or non-optimized resource delivery can be found easily.

* Getting Started with JUnit on Android: As the title suggests, an article that will get you started with Unit testing on Android. Also check out our Android Tutorials and our Android Game Tutorials

* Do You Really Get Memory?: A presentation where Jevgeni Kabanov creates a CPU model in Java in an attempt to explain the underlying mechanism of memory performance bottlenecks and the need for a correlated hardware, OS and JVM improvement. .

* How about distributed queues?: In this article, the GridGain approach to distributed queues is presented along with a simple showcase example. The idea is to enable developers to take well known data structures and distribute them over the grid..

* How to use Type safe dependency injection in Spring 3?: A short guide on how to achieve type safe dependency injection with Spring 3. Also check out The evolution of Spring dependency injection techniques and Spring configuration with zero XML.

* Functional thinking: Coupling and composition, Part 1: In this article the author discusses functional programming and shows how to refactor Java code in order to use a more functional approach via composition.

* Java Threads on Steroids: A Java Concurrency related article introducing the Disruptor framework and its underlying philosophy. The author argues that we can reduce the performance impact of context switching by forcing a thread or a process to run only on a specified set of CPUs, i.e. by leveraging processor affinity.

That’s all for this week. Stay tuned for more, here at JavaCodeGeeks.

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Ilias Tsagklis

Ilias is a software developer turned online entrepreneur. He is co-founder and Executive Editor at Java Code Geeks.
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