Best Of The Week

Best Of The Week – 2012 – W04

Hello guys,

Time for the “Best Of The Week” links for the week that just passed. Here are some links that drew Java Code Geeks attention:

* Java Anti-Patterns: A comprehensive lists of Java programming anti-patterns. Also check out our Java Best Practices series while you are at it.

* Time Management: 6 Ways to Improve Your Productivity: A nice article providing suggestions on how to improve one’s productivity including elimination of distractions, being prepared for bonus time, knowing when you are done with a task etc.

* Solving OutOfMemoryError (part 5) – JDK Tools: This article discusses the tools bundled with the JDK that can help us troubleshoot OutOfMemoryError problems in productions machines. It provides examples for the jps, jmap and jhat command line tools. Also check out Monitoring OpenJDK from the CLI and Profile your applications with Java VisualVM.

* JSON Parsing in android: Short tutorial on how to perform JSON parsing in Android using the native SDK. Also check out Android JSON Parsing with Gson Tutorial for a more efficient and robust way.

* 25 Best Free Eclipse Plug-ins for Java Developer to be Productive: A comprehensive list of the best free Eclipse plug-ins that can boost your productivity including hits like FindBugs, Checkstyle, PMD, M2eclipse, Subclipse, EGit, Spring Tool Suite, JbossTools and others. Also check out Eclipse Shortcuts for Increased Productivity.

* Submitting Your Application to the Android Market: A full blown, step by step guide on how to submit an Android application to the Android market. Check out our “Android Full Application Tutorial” series in order to find out how to build one.

* Coding for success: Amazing article discussing technical education and explaining why tomorrow’s children should be educated on writing code. Some lines from the article: “Learning to code is learning to use logic and reason”, “Code is simply the tool for automating the boring stuff”. Awesome…

* Automated Acceptance-Testing using Concordion: This article discusses Concordion and the interesting approach it takes on automated acceptance testing. A simple example of how to use it is also provided. Check out 7 mistakes of software testing on the overall subject of testing.

* Load Balancing With Apache Tomcat: Simple and straightforward tutorial on how to implement load balancing with Tomcat using Apache web server and mod_jk. Also see Multiple Tomcat Instances on Single Machine.

* Java development 2.0: Securing Java application data for cloud computing: This tutorial shows how to use private-key encryption and the Advanced Encryption Standard to secure sensitive application data for the cloud. Additionally, an encryption strategy is provided, which is important for maximizing the efficiency of conditional searches on distributed cloud datastores. Also check out Developing and Testing in the Cloud.

That’s all for this week. Stay tuned for more, here at Java Code Geeks.


Ilias Tsagklis

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Ilias Tsagklis

Ilias is a software developer turned online entrepreneur. He is co-founder and Executive Editor at Java Code Geeks.
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