Best Of The Week

Best Of The Week – 2012 – W05

Hello guys,

Time for the “Best Of The Week” links for the week that just passed. Here are some links that drew Java Code Geeks attention:

* 11 Most Influential Books Every Programmer / Developer Must Read: A list of the most influential and “must-read” books for software developers, including classics such as Code Complete, The Mythical Man-Month and Clean Code. For Java, check out Top 10 Java Books you don’t want to miss and Java Developer Most Useful Books.

* Introduction to Java Enterprise Edition 6: An overview of the features included in the new Java EE release. It provides information about Enterprise Java Beans (EJB) version 3.1, Java Persistence (JPA) version 2.0, Java API for XML-Based Web Services (JAX-WS) version 2.2 and Contexts and Dependency Injection for Java (CDI) version 1.0. Also check out our Java EE 6 artciles.

* Eclipse Juno and the Future of the Eclipse Platform: This article discusses the release of Eclipse Juno M5, a milestone towards this summer’s combined release train. The combined Eclipse release will be based on E4, representing a significant re-write of the Eclipse UI infrastructure using declarative EMF-based models.

* Tomcat CDI: This page introduces Apache TomEE, the Java Enterprise Edition of Tomcat. With TomEE you get Tomcat with CDI added and integrated and ready to go! Also see What Is CDI, How Does It Relate to @EJB And Spring? and Java EE6 CDI, Named Components and Qualifiers.

* A business component architecture with Spring 3.0/3.1 – Part 1: Structure: This tutorial shows how to implement the architecture of a business component that consists of a public interface describing the contract the component is offering and a hidden implementation. The interface and implementation of the business component are divided in two separate projects, allowing the code decoupling.

* Compressing all the Vaadin things: This tutorial explains the merits of gzip compression in application servers and shows how to enable gzip compression for Vaadin in Tomcat and Jetty. Also check out GlassFish Response GZIP Compression in Production.

* Dear business people, an iOS app actually takes a lot of work!: This article tries to provide an insight on is needed in order to develop a mobile app and addresses a very common issue, the fact that business-oriented people and non-tech savvy clients are not aware of the effort involved.

* Spring Data – Part 3: MongoDB: This tutorial describes how to use MongoDB with Spring Data. Spring allows us to perform basic CRUD operations without the need to write a single line of code. On the same note, also see MongoDB with Spring Data project and Using MongoDB with Morphia.

* How to Stop Writing Next Year’s Unsustainable Piece of Code: In this presentation, the turning points in project development that may affect the quality of the code are discussed, offering advice on avoiding writing crappy code.

* What Code Comments are Not For: Here the author discusses when to use comments (to describe why code isn’t doing something obvious) and for what purposes they should not be used. For a funny view of comments, don’t miss Funny Source Code Comments.

* All things Hadoop: In this interview Hadoop is discussed along with its current usage and its future. The reasons for Hadoop’s success are presented and recommendations on how to start using it are provided. Also check out Hadoop: A Soft Introduction and Hadoop Modes Explained – Standalone, Pseudo Distributed, Distributed.

* Polyglot Persistence for Java Developers – Moving Out of the Relational Comfort Zone: A showcase of how a relational database was ported to three NoSQL data stores: Redis, Cassandra and MongoDB.

* The 10 rules of a Zen programmer: An interesting article discussing the rules of a “Zen programmer”, including being focused, keeping your mind clean, letting your ego aside, knowing your position in the world etc. Also check out Things Every Programmer Should Know.

That’s all for this week. Stay tuned for more, here at Java Code Geeks.


Ilias Tsagklis

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Ilias Tsagklis

Ilias is a software developer turned online entrepreneur. He is co-founder and Executive Editor at Java Code Geeks.
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