Integrating Spring & JavaServer Faces : Improved Templating
Often the initial starting point with form templates is to add some boiler plate surround to each input. Often you need extra <div> or <span> tags for your css to use. Here is a typical example:
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 | <!-- /WEB-INF/pages/entername.xhtml --> < ui:decoreate template = "/WEB-INF/layout/form.xhtml" > < h:inputText id = "firstName" label = "First Name" value = "#{bean.firstName}" /> < ui:param name = "label" value = "First Name" /> < ui:param name = "for" value = "firstName" /> </ ui:decorate > < ui:decoreate template = "/WEB-INF/layout/form.xhtml" > < h:inputText id = "lastName" label = "Last Name" value = "#{bean.lastName}" /> < ui:param name = "label" value = "Last Name" /> < ui:param name = "for" value = "lastName" /> </ ui:decorate > <!-- Many additional form elements --> |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 | <!-- /WEB-INF/layout/form.xhtml --> < ui:composition > < div class = "formElement" > < span class = "formLabel" > < h:outputLabel for = "#{for}" label = "#{label}" > </ span > < ui:insert /> </ div > </ ui:composition > |
Here we can see that each item on the form is contained within a <div> and form labels are wrapped in an additional <span>. There is already some repetition in the mark-up, with the “for” parameter mirroring the component ID. I have also given each <h:inputText> element a label attribute
for better validation error messages, this is repeated in the “label” <ui:param>. Things start getting worse if we want to mark required fields with an asterisk:
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 | <!-- /WEB-INF/pages/entername.xhtml --> < ui:decoreate template = "/WEB-INF/layout/form.xhtml" > < h:inputText id = "firstName" label = "First Name" value = "#{bean.firstName}" required = "false" /> < ui:param name = "label" value = "First Name" /> < ui:param name = "for" value = "firstName" /> < ui:param name = "showAsterisk" value = "false" /> </ ui:decorate > < ui:decoreate template = "/WEB-INF/layout/form.xhtml" > < h:inputText id = "lastName" label = "Last Name" value = "#{bean.lastName}" required = "true" /> < ui:param name = "label" value = "Last Name" /> < ui:param name = "for" value = "lastName" /> < ui:param name = "showAsterisk" value = "true" /> </ ui:decorate > <!-- Many additional form elements --> |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 | <!-- /WEB-INF/layout/form.xhtml --> < ui:composition > < div class = "formElement" > < span class = "formLabel" > < h:outputLabel for = "#{for}" label = "#{label}#{showAsterisk ? ' *' : ''}" > </ span > < ui:insert /> </ div > </ ui:composition > |
It’s pretty frustrating that we need to pass <ui:param> items that duplicate attributes already specified on the <h:inputText>. It is easy to see how, even for relatively small forms, we are going to end up with a lot of duplication in our mark-up. What we need is a way to get information about the inserted component inside the template, even though we don’t know what type of component it will be. What we need is <s:componentInfo>.
The <s:componentInfo> component exposes a variable containing information about the inserted component. This information includes the label, the component clientID and if the component is required. By inspecting the inserted item we can remove a lot of duplication:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 | <!-- /WEB-INF/pages/entername.xhtml --> < ui:decoreate template = "/WEB-INF/layout/form.xhtml" > < h:inputText id = "firstName" label = "First Name" value = "#{bean.firstName}" required = "false" /> </ ui:decorate > < ui:decoreate template = "/WEB-INF/layout/form.xhtml" > < h:inputText id = "lastName" label = "Last Name" value = "#{bean.lastName}" required = "true" /> </ ui:decorate > <!-- Many additional form elements --> |
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 | <!-- /WEB-INF/layout/form.xhtml --> < ui:composition > < s:componentInfo var = "info" > < div class = "formElement" > < span class = "#{info.valid ? 'formLabel' : 'formErrorLabel'}" > < h:outputLabel for = "#{info.for}" label = "#{info.label}#{info.required ? ' *' : ''}" > </ span > < ui:insert /> </ div > </ s:componentInfo > </ ui:composition > |
Something else that we can now do is tell if the inserted component has failed validation. Notice that the example above will pick the “formErrorLabel” CSS class for components that are not valid.
One interesting feature of having the new <s:componentInfo> component is that all the <ui:decorate> tags become identical. We have removed all the repetition inside the tag, but the tag itself is still repeated many times. Here we have one more trick that can help by introducing a new <s:decorateAll> tag. Using <s:decorateAll> allows use to apply a template once for every child component. Here is the updated form mark-up:
1 2 3 4 5 6 | <!-- /WEB-INF/pages/entername.xhtml --> < s:decoreateAll template = "/WEB-INF/layout/form.xhtml" > < h:inputText id = "firstName" label = "First Name" value = "#{bean.firstName}" required = "false" /> < h:inputText id = "lastName" label = "Last Name" value = "#{bean.lastName}" required = "true" /> <!-- Many additional form elements --> </ s:decorateAll > |
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 | <!-- /WEB-INF/layout/form.xhtml --> < ui:composition > < s:componentInfo var = "info" > < div class = "formElement" > < span class = "#{info.valid ? 'formLabel' : 'formErrorLabel'}" > < h:outputLabel for = "#{info.for}" label = "#{info.label}#{info.required ? ' *' : ''}" > </ span > < ui:insert /> </ div > </ s:componentInfo > </ ui:composition > |
If you want to look at the source code for these components check out the org.springframework.springfaces.template.ui package on springfaces GitHub project.
Reference: Integrating Spring & JavaServer Faces : Improved Templating from our JCG partner Phillip Webb at the Phil Webb’s blog.