Android Core

Android Emulator: Scale size without using Eclipse

As you might have read following my previous post I’m currently experimenting with mobile web solutions. In such a case, having an Android emulator is quite comfortable for quickly testing your solution.
Personally though, I hate the default emulator skin, mainly also because it takes up quite a large portion of your screen. Hence, I normally use a custom emulator skin. But there is the problem of the scaling the size properly as the default settings will most probably go out of your screen.
A couple of years ago I wrote a blog post on how to tune your Android emulator with a custom skin. In that post, I also described on how to scale it properly, by adding the -scale option to the command line arguments from within the Eclipse Run Configuration dialog.
However, if you’re only interested in the emulator itself, you may start it by launching the AVD manager directly. In that case, the scale parameter can be directly set when launching your AVD:
Btw, should you have problems connecting to the Internet from your emulator, it might be due to the proxy settings of your (company) network. Have a look at this post then, it might help you.
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Juri Strumpflohner

Juri Strumpflohner mainly operates in the web sector developing rich applications with HTML5 and JavaScript. Beside having a Java background and developing Android applications he currently works as a software architect in the e-government sector. When he’s not coding or blogging about his newest discoveries, he is practicing Yoseikan Budo where he owns a 2nd DAN.
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