Android Core

Android Emulator with Nexus One skin

I know it doesn’t really increase your value during development. It’s just for fun but those of you that like it, here are some links that point to Nexus One skins that can be used on your local dev emulator.

Update: The Nexus S skin is available at here.

Installation is easy. Just extract it to <android-sdk-install-root>/platforms/<your-platform>/skins and then use it.

The result is pretty nice :)


What I forgot to mention. If you have problems with the size of the emulator that is going to be started, you may want to add a -scale to your emulator run arguments. In Eclipse you add it under your Run Configurations:

Reference: Tune your emulator with a pretty Nexus One skin! from our NGC partner Juri Strumpflohner at the Juri Strumpflohner’s TechBlog blog.

Juri Strumpflohner

Juri Strumpflohner mainly operates in the web sector developing rich applications with HTML5 and JavaScript. Beside having a Java background and developing Android applications he currently works as a software architect in the e-government sector. When he’s not coding or blogging about his newest discoveries, he is practicing Yoseikan Budo where he owns a 2nd DAN.
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