Enterprise Java

Extending JMeter with a password digest generator

Recently I had to work on loading an OpenLDAP instance with 50,000 user records and carry on some stress testing.

JMeter was the best choice to populate the LDAP.

But.. in my case, OpenLDAP was configured not to accept any clear text passwords.

So, I could not login in with any of the random generated passwords I added via JMeter LDAP Request sampler.

This made me to write this extension to JMeter, which can be used in a generic way to generate message digest of a given text.

You can download the JAR file from here.

Then, you need to copy this to JMETER_HOME\lib\ext.

In your test plan, add a Java Request sampler to the thread group, just before where the digested text is needed. Now, select, org.wso2.apache.jmeter.message.digest.DigestGenerator.

Then you can set a hashing algorithm and which text to be digested. In that case, you can set a variable or text as it is. That’s it – once done, you can access the digest value via ${password}.

Reference: Extending JMeter with a password digest generator from our JCG partner Prabath Siriwardena at the Facile Login blog.

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suman A
suman A
12 years ago

Hi thanks for the post , it helped me a lot . Could you please help on how can i convert the return string to a hex value . I am looking something like sha1hex value for a string.

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