Hibernate native SQL features into your Spring Data Repository
For those who have used Hibernate native SQL features before, you will find that it is much more easier to use than JPA’s @NamedNativeQuery. In recent projects, I am using Spring Data JPA. I have added hibernate native query features to my Spring Data base repostory. You can now perform native query in JPA without SqlResultSetMapping.
1. Add you cusomt annotation @NativeQueries and @NativeQuery
@Target(ElementType.TYPE) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) public @interface NativeQueries { NativeQuery[] queries() default {}; }
@Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) public @interface NativeQuery { String name() default ""; String sql() default ""; }
2. Add the method “queryNatively” in base Spring Data Repository.
If you do not know how to add custom behaviour to your Spring data JPA base repository, please see my previous post for how to customize your Spring data JPA base repository for detail. You can see in previous post that I intentionally expose the repository interface (i.e. the springDataRepositoryInterface property) in the GenericRepositoryImpl. This small tricks enable me to access the annotation in the repository interface easily.
public List queryNatively(String nativeQueryName, LinkedHashMap<String,Class<?>> inEntityClasses, Map inParams ){ SQLQuery query = this.createHibernateNativeQuery( nativeQueryName, inParams ); //add entities if (inEntityClasses!=null) { for (Object key: inEntityClasses.keySet()) { String entityClassAlias = key.toString(); Class<?> entityClass = (Class<?>)inEntityClasses.get(key); query.addEntity(entityClassAlias,entityClass); } } //add parameter if (inParams != null){ for (Object key: inParams.keySet()) { String queryParamName = key.toString(); Object queryParamValue = inParams.get(key); query.setParameter(queryParamName, queryParamValue); } } return (query!=null)? query.list() : null ; } private SQLQuery createHibernateNativeQuery (String nativeQueryName, Map inParams ){ if (GenericRepository.class.isAssignableFrom(getSpringDataRepositoryInterface())) { Annotation nativeQueryAnn = getSpringDataRepositoryInterface().getAnnotation(NativeQueries.class); if(nativeQueryAnn != null){ NativeQueries nativeQueries = (NativeQueries)nativeQueryAnn; NativeQuery[] queries = nativeQueries.queries(); for (NativeQuery sqlquery : queries) { if (StringUtils.equals(nativeQueryName, sqlquery.name())) { String sql = sqlquery.sql(); Session hiernateSess = em.unwrap(Session.class); SQLQuery query = hiernateSess.createSQLQuery(sql); //add parameter if (inParams != null){ for (Object key: inParams.keySet()) { String queryParamName = key.toString(); Object queryParamValue = inParams.get(key); query.setParameter(queryParamName, queryParamValue); } } return query; } } } } return null; }
3. Example Usage
In your repositry interface, define which native SQL queries you want to use through your @NativeQueries and @NativeQuery annotation. The usage is just similar to calling hibernate native query features. You could just see the hibernate alias and property references.
@NativeQueries ( queries = { @NativeQuery(name="query1", sql="SELECT {cat.*}, {mother.*} FROM CATS c, CATS m WHERE c.MOTHER_ID = c.ID and c.name = :catName "), @NativeQuery(name="query2", sql="SELECT {cat.*} FROM CATS where c.ID = :catName") } ) public interface CatRepository extends GenericRepository<Cat, Long> { }
In your service or business class that inject your repository, you could just simply call the queryNatively() method to perform native SQL query.
@Service public class CatService { @Inject private CatRepository catRepository; public List<Cat> searchCat( String catName) { List<Cat> catList; // Add entity mapping for your query HashMap<String, Object> inParams = new HashMap<String, Object>(); inParams.put("catName", "Felix"); // Prepare parameters for your native sql LinkedHashMap<String, Object> entityMap = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>(); entityMap.put("cat", Cat.class); entityMap.put("mother",Mother.class); catList = catRepository.queryNatively( "query1", "",entityParam); return catList; } }
Reference: Adding Hibernate native SQL features into your Spring Data Repository from our JCG partner Boris Lam at the Programming Peacefully blog.
I try to extends @Query functionality, it will use Method Annotation Element type, I just don’t understand how to implement QueryMethod invocation listener? , where and when to register those QueryMethod.
I am using version 1.0.2, and cannot find nativeQuery= … , the only available annotation parameter are value and countQuery