Java: Schedule a job to run on a time interval
Recently I’ve spent some time building a set of tests around rolling upgrades between Neo4j versions and as part of that I wanted to log the state of the cluster as the upgrade was happening.
The main thread of the test blocks waiting until the upgrade is done so I wanted to log on another thread every few seconds. Alistair pointed me at the ScheduledExecutorService which worked quite nicely.
I ended up with a test which looked roughly like this:
public class MyUpgradeTest { @Test public void shouldUpgradeFromOneVersionToAnother() throws InterruptedException { ScheduledExecutorService scheduledExecutorService = Executors.newSingleThreadScheduledExecutor(); scheduledExecutorService.scheduleAtFixedRate( new LogAllTheThings(), 0, 1, TimeUnit.SECONDS ); Thread.sleep(10000); // do upgrade of cluster scheduledExecutorService.shutdown(); } static class LogAllTheThings implements Runnable { @Override public void run() { Date time = new Date( System.currentTimeMillis() ); try { Map<String, Object> masterProperties = selectedProperties( client(), URI.create( "http://localhost:7474/" ) ); System.out.println( String.format( "%s: %s", time, masterProperties ) ); } catch ( Exception ignored ) { ignored.printStackTrace(); } } private static Client client() { DefaultClientConfig defaultClientConfig = new DefaultClientConfig(); defaultClientConfig.getClasses().add( JacksonJsonProvider.class ); return Client.create( defaultClientConfig ); } public static Map<String, Object> selectedProperties( Client client, URI uri ) { Map<String, Object> jmxProperties = new HashMap<String, Object>(); ArrayNode transactionsProperties = jmxBean( client, uri, "org.neo4j/instance%3Dkernel%230%2Cname%3DTransactions" ); addProperty( jmxProperties, transactionsProperties, "LastCommittedTxId" ); ArrayNode kernelProperties = jmxBean( client, uri, "org.neo4j/instance%3Dkernel%230%2Cname%3DKernel" ); addProperty( jmxProperties, kernelProperties, "KernelVersion" ); ArrayNode haProperties = jmxBean( client, uri, "org.neo4j/instance%3Dkernel%230%2Cname%3DHigh+Availability" ); addProperty( jmxProperties, haProperties, "Role" ); addProperty( jmxProperties, haProperties, "InstanceId" ); return jmxProperties; } private static void addProperty( Map<String, Object> jmxProperties, ArrayNode properties, String propertyName ) { jmxProperties.put( propertyName, getProperty( properties, propertyName ) ); } private static String getProperty( ArrayNode properties, String propertyName ) { for ( JsonNode property : properties ) { if ( property.get( "name" ).asText().equals( propertyName ) ) { return property.get( "value" ).asText(); } } throw new RuntimeException( "Could not find requested property: " + propertyName ); } private static ArrayNode jmxBean( Client client, URI uri, String beanExtension ) { ClientResponse clientResponse = client .resource( uri + "db/manage/server/jmx/domain/" + beanExtension ) .accept( MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON ) .get( ClientResponse.class ); JsonNode transactionsBean = clientResponse.getEntity( JsonNode.class ); return (ArrayNode) transactionsBean.get( 0 ).get( "attributes" ); } } }
LogAllTheThings gets called once every second and it logs the KernelVersion, InstanceId, LastCommittedTxId and Role which Neo4j server exposes as JMX properties.
If we run that against a local Neo4j cluster we’d see something like the following:
Sun Nov 17 22:31:55 GMT 2013: {KernelVersion=Neo4j - Graph Database Kernel 2.0.0-M06, InstanceId=1, LastCommittedTxId=18, Role=master} Sun Nov 17 22:31:56 GMT 2013: {KernelVersion=Neo4j - Graph Database Kernel 2.0.0-M06, InstanceId=1, LastCommittedTxId=18, Role=master} Sun Nov 17 22:31:57 GMT 2013: {KernelVersion=Neo4j - Graph Database Kernel 2.0.0-M06, InstanceId=1, LastCommittedTxId=18, Role=master} Sun Nov 17 22:31:58 GMT 2013: {KernelVersion=Neo4j - Graph Database Kernel 2.0.0-M06, InstanceId=1, LastCommittedTxId=18, Role=master} Sun Nov 17 22:31:59 GMT 2013: {KernelVersion=Neo4j - Graph Database Kernel 2.0.0-M06, InstanceId=1, LastCommittedTxId=18, Role=master} ... removed for brevity
The next step was to get the properties of all the members of the cluster at the same time and to do that we can introduce another ExecutorService which has a thread pool of 3 so that it will evaluate each machine (at least close to) simultaneously:
static class LogAllTheThings implements Runnable { private ExecutorService executorService = Executors.newFixedThreadPool( 3 ); @Override public void run() { List<URI> machines = new ArrayList<>( ); machines.add(URI.create( "http://localhost:7474/" )); machines.add(URI.create( "http://localhost:7484/" )); machines.add(URI.create( "http://localhost:7494/" )); Map<URI, Future<Map<String, Object>>> futureJmxProperties = new HashMap<>( ); for ( final URI machine : machines ) { Future<Map<String, Object>> futureProperties = executorService.submit( new Callable<Map<String, Object>>() { @Override public Map<String, Object> call() throws Exception { try { return selectedProperties( client(), machine ); } catch ( Exception ignored ) { ignored.printStackTrace(); return new HashMap<>(); } } } ); futureJmxProperties.put( machine, futureProperties ); } Date time = new Date( System.currentTimeMillis() ); System.out.println( time ); for ( Map.Entry<URI, Future<Map<String, Object>>> uriFutureEntry : futureJmxProperties.entrySet() ) { try { System.out.println( "==> " + uriFutureEntry.getValue().get() ); } catch ( Exception ignored ) { } } } // other methods the same as above }
We submit each job to the ExecutorService and receive back a Future which we store in a map before retrieving its result later on. If we run that we’ll see the following output:
Sun Nov 17 22:49:58 GMT 2013 ==> {KernelVersion=Neo4j - Graph Database Kernel 2.0.0-M06, InstanceId=1, LastCommittedTxId=18, Role=master} ==> {KernelVersion=Neo4j - Graph Database Kernel 2.0.0-M06, InstanceId=2, LastCommittedTxId=18, Role=slave} ==> {KernelVersion=Neo4j - Graph Database Kernel 2.0.0-M06, InstanceId=3, LastCommittedTxId=18, Role=slave} Sun Nov 17 22:49:59 GMT 2013 ==> {KernelVersion=Neo4j - Graph Database Kernel 2.0.0-M06, InstanceId=1, LastCommittedTxId=18, Role=master} ==> {KernelVersion=Neo4j - Graph Database Kernel 2.0.0-M06, InstanceId=2, LastCommittedTxId=18, Role=slave} ==> {KernelVersion=Neo4j - Graph Database Kernel 2.0.0-M06, InstanceId=3, LastCommittedTxId=18, Role=slave} Sun Nov 17 22:50:00 GMT 2013 ==> {KernelVersion=Neo4j - Graph Database Kernel 2.0.0-M06, InstanceId=1, LastCommittedTxId=18, Role=master} ==> {KernelVersion=Neo4j - Graph Database Kernel 2.0.0-M06, InstanceId=2, LastCommittedTxId=18, Role=slave} ==> {KernelVersion=Neo4j - Graph Database Kernel 2.0.0-M06, InstanceId=3, LastCommittedTxId=18, Role=slave} ... removed for brevity
Overall the approach works quite well although I’m always open to learning of a better way if there is one!