
Getting started with Apache Mesos and Apache Aurora using Vagrant

Apache Mesos is a cluster manager that provides efficient resource isolation and sharing across distributed applications, or frameworks. Think of it as the “kernel” for your data center. Paco Nathan talked about this on one of the All Things Hadoop Podcasts.


  • Fault-tolerant replicated master using ZooKeeper
  • Scalability to 10,000s of nodes
  • Isolation between tasks with Linux Containers
  • Multi-resource scheduling (memory and CPU aware)
  • Java, Python and C++ APIs for developing new parallel applications
  • Web UI for viewing cluster state

Apache Aurora is a service scheduler that runs on top of Mesos, enabling you to run long-running services that take advantage of Mesos’ scalability, fault-tolerance, and resource isolation. Apache Aurora is currently a part of the Apache Incubator.  The main benefits to a Mesos scheduler like Aurora (and Marathon) is not having to worry about using the Mesos API to take advantage of the grid.  Your application can work the way it does today while Mesos figures out what server(s) to run it on and when to scale that differently from the scheduler.


  • Deployment and scheduling of jobs
  • The abstraction a “job” to bundle and manage Mesos tasks
  • A rich DSL to define services
  • Health checking
  • Failure domain diversity
  • Instant provisioning

First you need to make sure that you have vagrant and virtual box installed, if you don’t already have these installed then install them please.

  1. Install Vagrant
  2. Install Virtual Box

That is all you need (assuming you also have git installed). Everything else from here is going to be done from within the virtual machine.

git clone
cd incubator-aurora
vagrant up

The virtual machines will take some time to spin up so hang tight.

Once the virtual machines are launched you will have your command prompt back and ready to go.

There are 5 vms that are launched: devtools, zookeeper, mesos-master, mesos-slave and aurora-scheduler and they are all configured and networked together (for more info on this check out the Vagrantfile).

Next step is to create an app on the scheduler to provision it to the Mesos cluster that is running.

vagrant ssh aurora-scheduler
vagrant@precise64:~$ cd /vagrant/examples/jobs/
vagrant@precise64:~$aurora create example/www-data/prod/hello hello_world.aurora
 INFO] Creating job hello
 INFO] Response from scheduler: OK (message: 1 new tasks pending for job www-data/prod/hello)
 INFO] Job url: http://precise64:8081/scheduler/www-data/prod/hello

Now go to your browser and pull up and you’ll see your job running


Basically all of what is happening is in the configuration

hello = Process(
  name = 'hello',
  cmdline = """
    while true; do
      echo hello world
      sleep 10

task = SequentialTask(
  processes = [hello],
  resources = Resources(cpu = 1.0, ram = 128*MB, disk = 128*MB))

jobs = [Service(
  task = task, cluster = 'example', role = 'www-data', environment = 'prod', name = 'hello')]

It is an exciting time for virtualization and resource scheduling and process provisioning within infrastructures. It is all open source so go dig in and see how it all works for yourself.

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10 years ago

This article seems to be outdated.
I got this:

$ vagrant ssh aurora-scheduler
The machine with the name ‘aurora-scheduler’ was not found configured for
this Vagrant environment.

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