Enterprise Java

Java EE 8 : What does the community want?

Following the earlier two community surveys, the first announced in December 2013 and the second in January 2014, Oracle calls the enterprise community for a third and final survey on Java EE 8.  The closing date for the survey will be March 24, 2014 at 12 AM Pacific Time.

It is worth noting that while the first two surveys revealed the specific features that Java EE community requested most for the new upgraded 8 version, this third one will focus on imposing a priority order upon them.

It is a given that it’s impossible for all of the requested features to make it to the final release, and it is certainly sure that Java EE 8 creators have a very specific set of features to add that are not met in the results of these surveys. That’s why they asked the community basically to choose the most important/wanted ones.

Some early results of the survey reveal the most anticipated features :

  • 79% requested the inclusion of  JSR for Java API for JSON Binding
  • 77% requested a standard Java API for server-side events
  • 79% requested security enhancements, including interceptors
  • 77% chose RESTful Deployment, Management, and Monitoring APIs, over JMX or others.
  • 40% denoted that is too early to concur with on NoSQL standards, despite the maturity and the acceptance of the technology for the industry

It is natural that the final results of that survey will play a crucial role on Oracle’s decisions about the new features of Java EE 8.

Nikos Maravitsas

Nikos has graduated from the Department of Informatics and Telecommunications of The National and Kapodistrian University of Athens.
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