Parameterized JUnit tests
Sometimes you encounter a problem that just screams for using “parameterized” tests rather than copy/pasting the same method many times. The test method is basically the same and the only thing that changes is the data passed in. In this case, consider creating a test case that utilitizes the ” Parameterized” class from JUnit.
I recently ran into a problem where our validation of an email address did not allow unicode characters. The fix was fairly straight-forward, change the regular expression to allow those characters. Next, it was time to test the change. Rather than copy/paste separate methods for each set of data, I decided to learn about the Parameterized method. Below is the result. The data includes the expected result and the email address to be validated.
JUnit test class
package com.mycompany.client; import static org.junit.Assert.*; import java.util.Arrays; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.runner.RunWith; import org.junit.runners.Parameterized; import org.junit.runners.Parameterized.Parameters; import com.mycompany.test.TestServiceUtil; /** * Parameterized test case for validating email addresses against a regular expression. * We need to allow unicode characters in the userid portion of the email address, so * these test cases where created to help validate the validateEmailAddress method * in the FieldValidationController class. * * @author mmiller * */ @RunWith(Parameterized.class) public class TestFieldValiationController { @Parameters(name = "{index}: {1} is valid email address = {0}") public static Iterable<Object> data() { return Arrays.asList(new Object[][] { { true, "" }, { true, "" }, { true, "" }, { true, "" }, { false, "john" }, { false, "123@mycomp" }, { false, "john^" }, { true , "" }, { false, "" }, { false, "john!" }, { false, "john()" }, { false, "" }, { true, "johñ" }, { false, "john.brown@mycomp.coñ" }, { true, "johú" }, { true, "johíáó" } }); } private boolean expected; private String emailAddress; public TestFieldValiationController(boolean expected, String emailAddress) { this.expected = expected; this.emailAddress = emailAddress; TestServiceUtil.getInstance(); } @Test public void validateEmail() { assertEquals(expected, FieldValidationController.getInstance().validateEmailAddress(emailAddress)); } }
Hope this helps!
I assume the line 46 is redundant?
Parametrization of tests is easier with TestNG.
You didn’t mention that the functionality of customized test names is available since JUnit 4.11