Enterprise Java

Red Hat officially announces release of JBoss BPM Suite 6 and JBoss BRMS 6

automate_middlewareRed Hat has just announced general availability of these long awaited products!

It takes a large effort to turn the community code into enterprise quality software that customers and end-users can rely on in production with Red Hat support. It is now a great time for current and potential customers to learn about the product, for partners to start engaging with it and learning the nuts and bolts, and for the open source community and Red Hat to receive all sorts of input on these products; all of which turns them into better products to use with the world-class customer service Red Hat has gotten us used to.

The new JBoss BPM Suite has a well defined, integral focus on process management and automation. It represents the culmination of an awesome amount of work done by the open source community over many months. It contains not only improvements on existing components, not only a completely redesigned look and feel, but also a set of exciting new features!

It’s new, but it maintains backwards compatibility with your previous JBoss BRMS business process and rules project implementations. It also offers with your subscription the world class Red Hat JBoss support of your production environment you are familiar with.

JBoss BPM Suite 6 also represents the final phase in the integration of Polymita into Red Hat. That’s why you will find advanced functionalities such as dynamic data and forms modeling. This innovative feature lets you manage those directly from the web interfaces of the tool without coding! Another cool new thing derived from the acquisition is the Business Activity Monitoring. Now you are able to create beautiful dashboards by dragging and dropping on a web interface with all sort of rich graphics that are linked to the processes. In addition, BPM Suite now also includes the entire state-of-the-art BRMS 6 product with its advanced decision management and data analysis capabilities, which is also a separate product in itself that you can continue to use with its own support subscription.

So now it’s your turn! Discover how these new products can contribute value to your organization!

Download Links:


Web Pages:

BPM Example App:

A fully functional BPM Example Application is included as part of the downloads.

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Eric Schabell

Eric is Chronosphere's Director Technical Marketing & Evangelism. He's renowned in the development community as a speaker, lecturer, author and baseball expert. His current role allows him to coach the next generation of technical marketers & evangelists helping the world to understand the challenges with cloud native observability. He brings a unique perspective to the stage with a professional life dedicated to sharing his deep expertise of open source technologies and organizations. Follow on https://www.schabell.org.
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