Playing with Java 8 – Lambdas and Concurrency
So Java 8 was released a while back, with a ton of features and changes. All us Java zealots have been waiting for this for ages, all the way back to from when they originally announced all the great features that will be in Java 7, which ended up being pulled.
I have just recently had the time to actually start giving it a real look, I updated my home projects to 8 and I have to say I am generally quite happy with what we got. The java.time API the “mimics” JodaTime is a big improvement, the package is going useful, lambdas are going to change our coding style, which might take a bit of getting used to and with those changes… the quote, “With great power comes great responsibility” rings true, I sense there may be some interesting times in our future, as is quite easy to write some hard to decipher code. As an example debugging the code I wrote below would be “fun”…
The file example is on my Github blog repo
What this example does is simple, run couple threads, do some work concurrently, then wait for them all to complete. I figured while I am playing with Java 8, let me go for it fully…
Here’s what I came up with:
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01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 | package; import; import; import org.apache.log4j.BasicConfigurator; import org.junit.Assert; import org.junit.BeforeClass; import org.junit.Test; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; /** * Test * Created by brian on 4/26/14. */ public class CompletableFuturesRunnerTest { @BeforeClass public static void init() { BasicConfigurator.configure(); } /** * 5tasks at 3000ms concurrently should not be more than 3100 * @throws Exception error */ @Test (timeout = 3100 ) public void testGo() throws Exception { final List<Task<String, String>> taskList = setupTasks(); final WaitingFuturesRunner<String, String> completableFuturesRunner = new WaitingFuturesRunner<>(taskList, 4 , TimeUnit.SECONDS); final StringResults consolidatedResults = new StringResults(); completableFuturesRunner.go( "Something To Process" , consolidatedResults); Assert.assertEquals( 5 , consolidatedResults.getResults().size()); for ( final String s : consolidatedResults.getResults()) { Assert.assertTrue(s.contains( "complete" )); Assert.assertTrue(s.contains( "Something To Process" )); } } private List<Task<String, String>> setupTasks() { final List<Task<String, String>> taskList = new ArrayList<>(); final StringInputTask stringInputTask = new StringInputTask( "Task 1" ); final StringInputTask stringInputTask2 = new StringInputTask( "Task 2" ); final StringInputTask stringInputTask3 = new StringInputTask( "Task 3" ); final StringInputTask stringInputTask4 = new StringInputTask( "Task 4" ); final StringInputTask stringInputTask5 = new StringInputTask( "Task 5" ); taskList.add(stringInputTask); taskList.add(stringInputTask2); taskList.add(stringInputTask3); taskList.add(stringInputTask4); taskList.add(stringInputTask5); return taskList; } } |
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 | 0 [pool- 1 -thread- 1 ] Starting: StringInputTask{taskName= 'Task 1' } 0 [pool- 1 -thread- 5 ] Starting: StringInputTask{taskName= 'Task 5' } 0 [pool- 1 -thread- 2 ] Starting: StringInputTask{taskName= 'Task 2' } 2 [pool- 1 -thread- 4 ] Starting: StringInputTask{taskName= 'Task 4' } 2 [pool- 1 -thread- 3 ] Starting: StringInputTask{taskName= 'Task 3' } 3003 [pool- 1 -thread- 5 ] Done: Task 5 3004 [pool- 1 -thread- 3 ] Done: Task 3 3003 [pool- 1 -thread- 1 ] Done: Task 1 3003 [pool- 1 -thread- 4 ] Done: Task 4 3003 [pool- 1 -thread- 2 ] Done: Task 2 3007 [Thread- 0 ] WaitingFuturesRunner - complete... adding results |
Some of the useful articles / links I found and read while doing this:
Oracle: Lambda Tutorial
IBM: Java 8 Concurrency
Tomasz Nurkiewicz : Definitive Guide to CompletableFuture
Reference: | Playing with Java 8 – Lambdas and Concurrency from our JCG partner Brian Du Preez at the Zen in the art of IT blog. |
Good stuff.
private final Collection<Task> tasks;
Task ?
why do you use the package name “future” ,but not “feature”