Android Core

15+ Useful Robotium Code Snippets for Android Test Automation

Robotium is a powerful android test automation framework. It can be used to create robust apps using unit, functional & automatic black box UI test cases.

When I first looked at Robotium, it sounded almost like Selenium (for web application). Though the names are similar, they are not related. Robotium is developed by different developer group.

I have tried several android testing libraries ( ) and was not able to fully accomplish my app testing requirements.

After few months of coding in Robotium, I realized that its a good candidate to be a part of android and jenkins continuous integration environment –

In past few weeks, I started exploring more in depth features of Robotium and started liking it. I have been a selenium (web driver) lover and had collected a handful of code snippets for web driver (Proved handy for cheating code :) ) . Therefore I decided to do the same for Robotium as well. I used it for a real app testing and collected a few commonly used code snippets that may prove helpful for other beginners including me.

Below are some commonly used code snippets for testing using robotium framework.

Take a Screenshot

Taking snapshot of any android screen is easy using takeScreenshot method.


The takeScreenshot() method saves the picture in “/sdcard/Robotium-Screenshots/” folder on device.

This will require write permission (android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE) in the AndroidManifest.xml of the application being tested.

Check If a Button Element Exists

Often its required to check if a button appears on the screen. We may want to do further action once the button is found. This can be achieved by searchButton method.

solo.searchButton("My Beautiful Button", true )

Notice that button text is provided as first parameter, and second parameter indicates that method will return button object that is visible. You may want to set it false if you want to check for not visible buttons too.

Running Same Test cases on Two Different Devices

Testing android apps on multiple devices is a common need. Though there is nothing special required from robotium side you can use a adb command option to run it on specific device.

The -s flag in adb command can be used to point to a specific device. When you want to run on two devices you can open two terminals and run the command pointing to two different devices. This will run the test cases in both devices in parallel.

Lets say We want to run two different test cases on 2 connected android devices. Below command should list out both devices

adb devices

Command output

List of devices attached
SER1   device1
SER2   device2

then using the serial numbers shown in command output above we can run below command:

adb -s SER1 shell am instrument -w -e class com.test.Test1 com.test/android.test.InstrumentationTestRunner

adb -s SERIALOFDEVICE2 shell am instrument -w -e class com.test.Test2 com.test/android.test.InstrumentationTestRunner



Are the test classes we want to run on each device.

How to Simulate a Long Press on Screen Robotium

Long press can be done using clickLongOnScreen method that accept two parameters for location (x,y) on the screen. Example

solo.clickLongOnScreen(10, 15);


If you are not sure about x,y coordinates on device screen below picture may be useful

How to Maintain the order of Robotium Test Cases

If you want to execute test cases in specific order than you can use test suites. Simple example is shown below.

public static final MyTest suite() { 
    TestSuite testSt = new TestSuite(); 
    testSt.addTest(new SampleTestCase("one"));
   testSt.addTest(new SampleTestCase("two"));

return testSuite;

Wait for activity to finish

Waiting for an activity to finish may be required in few test cases. You may want to perform test actions after an activity is finished. waitForActivity method can be used to accomplish this.


Wait for toast to apear

There is no direct method for wait for toast, however you can use a workaround by waiting for text (that is inside the toast) to appear

solo.waitForText("Some text inside toast");

Wait for view to disappear

There is no direct method to wait for a view to disappear, however you can use a workaround by waiting on condition for a field to become invisible. Lets say we have a text view. We can use below code snippet to wait on the textField to become invisible.

TextView textField = solo.getText("My Text Value", true);
 solo.waitForCondition(new Condition() {
public boolean isSatisfied() {
return textField.getVisibility() == View.INVISIBLE;
}, 1000);

Notice that we have used a anonymous class implementation here. You can always create a class for the same in case you use this code snippet often.

Conditional Wait – just like above example we can specify custom conditions on the wait method that proves really helpful for custom programmable wait configuration. Below is the signature of wait for condition method. It also has a timeout field that can be your upper limit on wait time for condition.

solo.waitForCondition(Condition condition, int timeout);

Wait for fragment

Waiting for fragment is a supported method in robotium. Just need to call the waitForFragmentByTag method


Above code snippet waits for a fragment matching the specified tag (MyTag).

solo.waitForFragmentByTag("MyTag", 100);

Above code snippet will wait for a fragment up to 100ms and continue execution.

How to validate a text value in text view

TextView textV = solo.getText("My Expected Value");

// if textV is not null than may be we do not need next line.

assertEquals("My Expected Value", textV.getText().toString());

How to Hide soft keyboard

Hiding soft keyboard is a common need and robotium has a method for that too.Simple calling hideSoftKeyboard method hides the soft keyboard.


How to navigate back

Going back to previous screen is easy with robotium. Just use the back() method.


How to check sufficient memory is available on device

There is a dedicated method to validate if the memory available is not considered low by android system


How to Clear the log file using robotium api

Clearing the log file using robotium clearLog method is really helpful specially when you have long running test cases and huge log files eating device memory.


How to delete text from a editable text field

You can clear the text from EditText field using below code

solo.clearEditText(editText object);

How overwrite update/enter text in a editable text field

Below method call will overwrite the existing content of EditField

solo.enterText(editText, "new value on field");

How append text in a editable text field

There is no dedicated method for appending text to EditText field therefore you may need to do it by extracting old value and appending new value to it.

solo.enterText(editText, editText.getText() + "new value on field");

How to set date in a date picker object

We can use setDatePicker method for setting specific dates on app using robotium

solo.setDatePicker(datePicker, 2014, 1, 5)

Sets the date (April 1st 2014) in the specified DatePicker.


My application test cases were mostly focused on native android apps, therefore these code snippets are more useful for native apps. I am sure the hybrid applications may have similar feature too. Feel free to suggest more snippets and it can become a really handy resource.

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Sachin Joshi

I have 10+ Years of web application programming experience in primarily Java. I have used many open source libraries and frameworks. I am a programmer at heart and love to learn new languages and programming techniques. I believe in continuous learning and sharing of knowledge through my blog
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