Software Development

10 things you can do as a developer to make your app secure: #8 Leverage other people’s Code (Carefully)

As you can see from the previous posts, building a secure application takes a lot of work.

One short cut to secure software can be to take advantage of the security features of your application framework. Frameworks like .NET and Rails and Play and Django and Yii provide lots of built-in security protection if you use them properly. Look to resources like OWASP’s .NET Project and .NET Security Cheat Sheet, the Ruby on Rails Security Guide, the Play framework Security Guide, Django’s security documentation, or How to write secure Yii applications, Apple’s Secure Coding Guide or the Android security guide for developers for framework-specific security best practices and guidelines.

There will probably be holes in what your framework provides, which you can fill in using security libraries like Apache Shiro, or Spring Security, or OWASP’s comprehensive (and heavyweight) ESAPI, and special purpose libraries like Jasypt or Google KeyCzar and the Legion of the Bouncy Castle for crypto, and encoding libraries for XSS protection and protection from other kinds of injection.

Keep frameworks and libraries up to date

If you are going to use somebody else’s code, you also have to make sure to keep it up to date. Over the past year or so, high-profile problems including a rash of serious vulnerabilities in Rails in 2013 and the recent OpenSSL Heartbleed bug have made it clear how important it is to know all of the Open Source frameworks and libraries that you use in your application (including in the run-time stack), and to make sure that this code does not have any known serious vulnerabilities.

We’ve known for a while that popular Open Source software components are also popular (and easy) attack targets for bad guys. And we’re making it much too easy for the bad guys.

A 2012 study by Aspect Security and Sonatype looked at 113 million downloads of the most popular Java frameworks (including Spring, Apache CXF, Hibernate, Apache Commons, Struts and Struts2, GWT, JSF, Tapestry and Velocity) and security libraries (including Apache Shiro, Jasypt, ESAPI, BouncyCastle and AntiSamy). They found that 37% of this software contained known vulnerabilities, and that people continued to download obsolete versions of software with well-known vulnerabilities more than ¼ of the time.

This has become a common enough and serious enough problem that using software frameworks and other components with known vulnerabilities is now in the OWASP Top 10 Risk list.

Find Code with Known Vulnerabilities and Patch It – Easy, Right?

You can use a tool like OWASP’s free Dependency Check or commercial tools like Sonatype CLM to keep track of Open Source components in your repositories and to identify code that contains known vulnerabilities.

Once you find the problems, you have to fix them – and fix them fast. Research by White Hat Security shows that serious security vulnerabilities in most Java apps take an average of 91 days to fix once a vulnerability is found. That’s leaving the door wide open for way too long, almost guaranteeing that bad guys will find their way in. If you don’t take responsibility for this code, you can end up making your app less secure instead of more secure.

Next: let’s go back to the beginning, and look at security in requirements.

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Jim Bird

Jim is an experienced CTO, software development manager and project manager, who has worked on high-performance, high-reliability mission-critical systems for many years, as well as building software development tools. His current interests include scaling Lean and Agile software development methodologies, software security and software assurance.
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