Enterprise Java

Introducing Hadoop Development Tools

Few days back Apache Hadoop Development Tools a.k.a. HDT was released.  The projects aims at bringing plugins in eclipse to simplify development on Hadoop platform. This blog aims to provide an overview of few great features of HDT.

Single Endpoint

The project can act as a single endpoint for your HDFS, Zookeeper and MR Cluster. You can connect to your HDFS/Zookeeper instance and browse or add more data. You can submit jobs to MR cluster and see status of all the running jobs.


 A grab of how the perspective looks like !

A grab of how the perspective looks like !

Map Reduce Project/Templates

There is support for creating Hadoop project. Just point is to the location of Hadoop, it will pull down all the required libs and generate a eclipse project. That’s not all, you could generate Mapper/Reducer/Partitioner/Driver based on the org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce API.


Multiple Version Support

Currently the projects supports two versions of the Hadoop platform viz 1.1 and 2.2. The project is based on eclipse plugin architecture and can  possibly support other versions like 0.23, CDH4 etc in next releases.

Eclipse Support

The project works with eclipse 3.6 and above. It has been tested on Indigo and Juno, and can work on Kepler as well.

The projects aims to simplify the Hadoop platform for developers. It is still young and would require support from community to flourish. To learn more or to get involved with the project check the project page or the mailing lists.

Reference: Introducing Hadoop Development Tools from our JCG partner Rahul Sharma at the The road so far… blog blog.
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