Batching (collapsing) requests in Hystrix
Hystrix has an advanced feature of collapsing (or batching) requests. If two or more commands run similar request at the same time, Hystrix can combine them together, run one batched request and dispatch split results back to all commands. Let’s first see how Hystrix works without collapsing. Imagine we have a service that looks up StockPrice
of a given Ticker
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 | import lombok.Value; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.time.Instant; @Value class Ticker { String symbol; } @Value class StockPrice { BigDecimal price; Instant effectiveTime; } interface StockPriceGateway { default StockPrice load(Ticker stock) { final Set<Ticker> oneTicker = Collections.singleton(stock); return loadAll(oneTicker). get (stock); } ImmutableMap<Ticker, StockPrice> loadAll(Set<Ticker> tickers); } |
Core implementation of StockPriceGateway
must provide loadAll()
batch method while load()
method is implemented for our convenience. So our gateway is capable of loading multiple prices in one batch (e.g. to reduce latency or network protocol overhead), but at the moment we are not using this feature, always loading price of one stock at a time:
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 | class StockPriceCommand extends HystrixCommand<StockPrice> { private final StockPriceGateway gateway; private final Ticker stock; StockPriceCommand(StockPriceGateway gateway, Ticker stock) { super(HystrixCommandGroupKey.Factory.asKey( "Stock" )); this.gateway = gateway; this.stock = stock; } @Override protected StockPrice run() throws Exception { return gateway.load(stock); } } |
Such command will always call StockPriceGateway.load()
for each and every Ticker
, as illustrated by the following tests:
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 | class StockPriceCommandTest extends Specification { def gateway = Mock(StockPriceGateway) def 'should fetch price from external service' () { given: gateway.load(TickerExamples.any()) >> StockPriceExamples.any() def command = new StockPriceCommand(gateway, TickerExamples.any()) when: def price = command.execute() then: price == StockPriceExamples.any() } def 'should call gateway exactly once when running Hystrix command' () { given: def command = new StockPriceCommand(gateway, TickerExamples.any()) when: command.execute() then: 1 * gateway.load(TickerExamples.any()) } def 'should call gateway twice when command executed two times' () { given: def commandOne = new StockPriceCommand(gateway, TickerExamples.any()) def commandTwo = new StockPriceCommand(gateway, TickerExamples.any()) when: commandOne.execute() commandTwo.execute() then: 2 * gateway.load(TickerExamples.any()) } def 'should call gateway twice even when executed in parallel' () { given: def commandOne = new StockPriceCommand(gateway, TickerExamples.any()) def commandTwo = new StockPriceCommand(gateway, TickerExamples.any()) when: Future<StockPrice> futureOne = commandOne.queue() Future<StockPrice> futureTwo = commandTwo.queue() and: futureOne. get () futureTwo. get () then: 2 * gateway.load(TickerExamples.any()) } } |
If you don’t know Hystrix, by wrapping an external call in a command you gain a lot of features like timeouts, circuit breakers, etc. But this is not the focus of this article. Look at last two tests: when asking for price of arbitrary ticker twice, sequentially or in parallel (queue()
), our external gateway
is also called twice. Last test is especially interesting – we ask for the same ticker at almost the same time, but Hystrix can’t figure that out. These two commands are fully independent, will be executed in different threads and don’t know anything about each other – even though they run at almost the same time.
Collapsing is all about finding such similar requests and combining them. Batching (I will use this term interchangeably with collapsing) doesn’t happen automatically and requires a bit of coding. But first let’s see how it behaves:
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 | def 'should collapse two commands executed concurrently for the same stock ticker' () { given: def anyTicker = TickerExamples.any() def tickers = [anyTicker] as Set and: def commandOne = new StockTickerPriceCollapsedCommand(gateway, anyTicker) def commandTwo = new StockTickerPriceCollapsedCommand(gateway, anyTicker) when: Future<StockPrice> futureOne = commandOne.queue() Future<StockPrice> futureTwo = commandTwo.queue() and: futureOne. get () futureTwo. get () then: 0 * gateway.load(_) 1 * gateway.loadAll(tickers) >> ImmutableMap.of(anyTicker, StockPriceExamples.any()) } def 'should collapse two commands executed concurrently for the different stock tickers' () { given: def anyTicker = TickerExamples.any() def otherTicker = TickerExamples.other() def tickers = [anyTicker, otherTicker] as Set and: def commandOne = new StockTickerPriceCollapsedCommand(gateway, anyTicker) def commandTwo = new StockTickerPriceCollapsedCommand(gateway, otherTicker) when: Future<StockPrice> futureOne = commandOne.queue() Future<StockPrice> futureTwo = commandTwo.queue() and: futureOne. get () futureTwo. get () then: 1 * gateway.loadAll(tickers) >> ImmutableMap.of( anyTicker, StockPriceExamples.any(), otherTicker, StockPriceExamples.other()) } def 'should correctly map collapsed response into individual requests' () { given: def anyTicker = TickerExamples.any() def otherTicker = TickerExamples.other() def tickers = [anyTicker, otherTicker] as Set gateway.loadAll(tickers) >> ImmutableMap.of( anyTicker, StockPriceExamples.any(), otherTicker, StockPriceExamples.other()) and: def commandOne = new StockTickerPriceCollapsedCommand(gateway, anyTicker) def commandTwo = new StockTickerPriceCollapsedCommand(gateway, otherTicker) when: Future<StockPrice> futureOne = commandOne.queue() Future<StockPrice> futureTwo = commandTwo.queue() and: def anyPrice = futureOne. get () def otherPrice = futureTwo. get () then: anyPrice == StockPriceExamples.any() otherPrice == StockPriceExamples.other() } |
First test proves that instead of calling load()
twice we barely called loadAll()
once. Also notice that since we asked for the same Ticker
(from two different threads), loadAll()
asks for only one ticker. Second test shows two concurrent requests for two different tickers being collapsed into one batch call. Third test makes sure we still get proper responses to each individual request. Instead of extending HystrixCommand
we must extend more complexHystrixCollapser
. Now it’s time to see StockTickerPriceCollapsedCommand
implementation, that seamlessly replaced StockPriceCommand
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 | class StockTickerPriceCollapsedCommand extends HystrixCollapser<ImmutableMap<Ticker, StockPrice>, StockPrice, Ticker> { private final StockPriceGateway gateway; private final Ticker stock; StockTickerPriceCollapsedCommand(StockPriceGateway gateway, Ticker stock) { super(HystrixCollapser.Setter.withCollapserKey(HystrixCollapserKey.Factory.asKey( "Stock" )) .andCollapserPropertiesDefaults(HystrixCollapserProperties.Setter().withTimerDelayInMilliseconds( 100 ))); this.gateway = gateway; this.stock = stock; } @Override public Ticker getRequestArgument() { return stock; } @Override protected HystrixCommand<ImmutableMap<Ticker, StockPrice>> createCommand(Collection<CollapsedRequest<StockPrice, Ticker>> collapsedRequests) { final Set<Ticker> stocks = .map(CollapsedRequest::getArgument) . collect (toSet()); return new StockPricesBatchCommand(gateway, stocks); } @Override protected void mapResponseToRequests(ImmutableMap<Ticker, StockPrice> batchResponse, Collection<CollapsedRequest<StockPrice, Ticker>> collapsedRequests) { collapsedRequests.forEach(request -> { final Ticker ticker = request.getArgument(); final StockPrice price = batchResponse. get (ticker); request.setResponse(price); }); } } |
A lot is going on here, so let’s review StockTickerPriceCollapsedCommand
step by step. First three generic types:
(ImmutableMap<Ticker, StockPrice>
in our example) is the type of batched command response. As you will see later, collapser turns multiple small commands into a batch command. This is the type of that batch command’s response. Notice that it’s the same asStockPriceGateway.loadAll()
) is the type of each individual command being collapsed. In our case we are collapsingHystrixCommand<StockPrice>
. Later we will split value ofBatchReturnType
into multipleStockPrice
) is the input of each individual command we are about to collapse (batch). When multiple commands are batched together, we are eventually replacing all of them with one batched command. This command should receive all individual requests in order to perform one batch request.
will be explained soon. createCommand()
creates a batch command. This command should replace all individual commands and perform batched logic. In our case instead of multiple individualload()
calls we just make one:
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 | class StockPricesBatchCommand extends HystrixCommand<ImmutableMap<Ticker, StockPrice>> { private final StockPriceGateway gateway; private final Set<Ticker> stocks; StockPricesBatchCommand(StockPriceGateway gateway, Set<Ticker> stocks) { super(HystrixCommandGroupKey.Factory.asKey( "Stock" )); this.gateway = gateway; this.stocks = stocks; } @Override protected ImmutableMap<Ticker, StockPrice> run() throws Exception { return gateway.loadAll(stocks); } } |
The only difference between this class and StockPriceCommand
is that it takes a bunch of Ticker
s and returns prices for all of them. Hystrix will collect a few instances of StockTickerPriceCollapsedCommand
and once it has enough(more on that later) it will create single StockPriceCommand
. Hope this is clear, because mapResponseToRequests()
is slightly more involved. Once our collapsed StockPricesBatchCommand
finishes, we must somehow split batch response and communicate replies back to individual commands, unaware of collapsing. From that perspectivemapResponseToRequests()
implementation is fairly straightforward: we receive batch response and a collection of wrapped CollapsedRequest<StockPrice, Ticker>
. We must now iterate over all awaiting individual requests and complete them (setResponse()
). If we don’t complete some of the requests, they will hang infinitely and eventually time out.
How it works
This is the right moment to describe how collapsing is implemented. I said before that collapsing happens when two requests occur at the same time. There is no such thing as the same time. In reality when first collapsible request comes in, Hystrix starts a timer. In our examples we set it to 100 milliseconds. During that period our command is suspended, waiting for other commands to join. After this configurable period Hystrix will call createCommand()
, gathering all request keys (by calling getRequestArgument()
) and run it. When batched command finishes, it will let us dispatch results to all awaiting individual commands. It is also possible to limit the number of collapsed requests if we are afraid of creating humongous batch – on the other hand how many concurrent requests can fit within this short time slot?
Use cases and drawbacks
Request collapsing should be used in systems with extreme load – high frequency of requests. If you get just one request per collapsing time window (100 milliseconds in examples), collapsing will just add overhead. That’s because every time you call collapsible command, it must wait just in case some other command wants to join and form batch. This makes sense only when at least couple of commands are collapsed. Time wasted for waiting is balanced by savings in network latency and/or better utilization of resources in our collaborator (very often batch requests are much faster compared to individual calls). But keep in mind collapsing is a double edged sword, useful in specific cases.
Last thing to remember – in order to use request collapsing you needHystrixRequestContext.initializeContext()
and shutdown()
in try-finally
1 2 3 4 5 6 | HystrixRequestContext context = HystrixRequestContext.initializeContext(); try { //... } finally { context.shutdown(); } |
Collapsing vs. caching
You might think that collapsing can be replaced with proper caching. This is not true. You use cache when:
- resource is likely to be accessed multiple times
- we can safely use previous value, it will remain valid for some period of time or we know precisely how to invalidate it
- we can afford concurrent requests for the same resource to compute it multiple times
On the other hand collapsing does not enforce locality of data (1), it always hits the real service and never returns stale data (2). And finally if we ask for the same resource from multiple threads, we will only call backing service once (3). In case of caching, unless your cache is really smart, two threads will independently discover absence of given resource in cache and ask backing service twice. However collapsing can work together with caching – by consulting cache before running collapsible command.
Request collapsing is a useful tool, but with very limited use cases. It can significantly improve throughput in our system as well as limit load in external service. Collapsing can magically flatten peaks in traffic, rather than spreading it all over. Just make sure you are using it for commands running with extreme frequency.
Reference: | Batching (collapsing) requests in Hystrix from our JCG partner Tomasz Nurkiewicz at the Java and neighbourhood blog. |