Enterprise Java

How To Setup Integration & SOA Tooling For JBoss Developer Studio 8


The release of the latest JBoss Developer Studio (JBDS) brings with it the questions around how to get started with the various JBoss Integration and BPM product tool sets that are not installed out of the box.

In this series of articles we will outline for you how to install each set of tools and explain which products they are supporting.

This should help you in making an informed decision about what tooling you might want to install before embarking on your next JBoss integration project.

There are four different software packs that offer tooling for various JBoss integration products:

  1. JBoss Business Process and Rules Development
  2. JBoss Integration and SOA Development

Missing integration stack?
Missing integration stack?

  1. JBoss Data Virtualization Development
  2. JBoss SOA 5.x Development

This article will outline how to get started with the JBoss Data Integration & SOA tooling and JBDS 8.

JBDS 8 can be obtained through the Customer Portal or via the early access downloads on jboss.org. After installing JBDS, start it up and you will see a welcoming JBoss Central tab with at the bottom a tab to look at the available tool sets labeled Software/Update.

You will notice that there are no JBoss Integration stacks offered to install upon first inspection. This is due to, at the time of this writing, the integration stacks being early access.

JBoss Integration and SOA Development.
JBoss Integration and SOA Development.

Eventually they will be shown by default once testing finished and they release, but for now you can obtain them by checking the Early Access box in the bottom right corner.

This will reveal the integration stack tooling offerings and we will select
JBoss Integration and SOA Development.

Click on the Install/Update button to start the installation and restart at the end to complete the process.

If you are interested in what is being installed, it can be examined by digging into the menu as follows:

The specifics.
The specifics.


  • Help -> Install new software…
    • pull down the menu offered by Work with:
    • select JBoss Developer Studio 8.x – Early Access
    • everything under JBoss Integration and SOA Development will be installed

Stay tuned for more articles in this series that will detail the installation of the remaining JBoss Integration Stack tools.

Eric Schabell

Eric is Chronosphere's Director Technical Marketing & Evangelism. He's renowned in the development community as a speaker, lecturer, author and baseball expert. His current role allows him to coach the next generation of technical marketers & evangelists helping the world to understand the challenges with cloud native observability. He brings a unique perspective to the stage with a professional life dedicated to sharing his deep expertise of open source technologies and organizations. Follow on https://www.schabell.org.
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