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Top 10 JavaCodeGeeks posts for 2014

2014 is coming to its end and all I have to say is “Wow!”. This has been an absolutely massive year for Java Code Geeks. I am proud and moved to see how much our platform and community has advanced in only a year’s time period. I am also proud to see that we have cracked the limit of 1 million visitors per month. This is insane just to contemplate. Thank you for your support on achieving this great milestone!

During this year we have delivered an enormous amount of articles and tutorials, both on our main site and our Examples section. Major contributors were our JCG Partners. Our JCG Program partners list has grown immensely, topping now over 500 participants.

A great part of the material were Ultimate Tutorials, which are tutorials “on steroids” and cover a specific programming topic. Most of them come with a downloadable PDF ebook version, so make sure to check them out.

We have also “opened” our content by providing numerous programming books for FREE with our JCG Newsletter. Speaking of newsletter, our insiders list now counts over 66,000 subscribers. Make sure to hop on here to enjoy the latest news in the Java world and more.

2014 was also the year we launched JCG Academy, our premium content, subscription based portal. The Academy features amazing courses like the one on Design Patterns and the Advanced Java one. You can learn more about the launch here and read why you should join here. You can also have a taste of it by checking our FREE course, Java Concurrency Essentials.

On our quest to give even more value back to the community, we sponsored the Philadelphia Java Users’ Group November 2014 Meeting. It was great seeing the impact our efforts have on the Java community, we were really happy to contribute.

On a side note, we also launched Web Code Geeks! This is our sister site, targeted to Web programming developers. Come on, admit it, there is a web developer inside you too, so make sure to check it and get access to two FREE ebooks by joining our WCG Newsletter.

All in all, I am proud to say that Java Code Geeks offer now the best way to learn Java programming!

Now, keeping the tradition, we are compiling the top Java Code Geeks for the year that just passed.

As with the Top 10 JavaCodeGeeks posts for 2010, the Top 10 JavaCodeGeeks posts for 2011, the Top 10 JavaCodeGeeks posts for 2012 and the Top 10 JavaCodeGeeks posts for 2013, we have created a compilation with the most popular posts for this year for your eyes only.

The ranking of the posts was based on the absolute number of page views per post, not necessarily unique. It includes only articles published in 2014.

So, let’s see in ascending order the top posts for 2014.

10) Abstraction in Java – The ULTIMATE Tutorial
In this tutorial the concept of Abstraction in Java is examined. A full tutorial is provided, covering a simple Payroll System using Interfaces, Abstract Classes and Concrete Classes.

9) Single Page Application with Angular.js, Node.js and MongoDB
The new Javascript based libraries like Angular.js and Node.js are really getting some traction. This tutorial is a proof of concept of a web application with a Javascript based Web Server.

8) Building Java Web Application Using Hibernate With Spring
This post shows how to create a sample application using MySQL DB with Hibernate ORM in a Spring environment. The application aims to collect the input details from the user during signup, save the details in the MySQL DB and provide and authentication mechanism.

7) JUnit Tutorial for Unit Testing – The ULTIMATE Guide
The term unit testing refers to the practice of testing small units of your code, so as to ensure that they work as expected and JUnit is the basic Java based framework to achieve that. We have gathered all the JUnit features in one detailed guide for your convenience!

6) Android Service Tutorial
Android development is still a hot topic and in this post we talk about Android Service. This is a key component in developing Android app. Differently from Activity, Service in Android runs in background, they don’t have an interface and have a life-cycle very different from Activities.

5) JMeter Tutorial for Load Testing – The ULTIMATE Guide
This tutorial discusses JMeter, a Java based load and performance testing tool with several applications and uses. JMeter is an application that offers several possibilities to configure and execute load, performance and stress tests using different technologies and protocols.

4) 5 most awesome desktop environments for Ubuntu
This article was a surprise to me, but it shows how popular Linux is growing, especially the Ubuntu distribution. In this we have collected 10 desktop environments that are superbly awesome and you would want to use them on your own machine!

3) Java 8 Features Tutorial – The ULTIMATE Guide
This year was also very important to the Java platform since Version 8 was released. It brings tons of new features to the Java as a language, its compiler, libraries, tools and the JVM (Java virtual machine) itself. In this tutorial we are going to take a look on all these changes and demonstrate the different usage scenarios on real examples!

2) 69 Spring Interview Questions and Answers – The ULTIMATE List
This is a summary of some of the most important questions concerning the Spring Framework, that you may be asked to answer in an interview or in an interview test procedure! There is no need to worry for your next interview test, because Java Code Geeks are here for you!

1) 115 Java Interview Questions and Answers – The ULTIMATE List
The undisputed king of posts for this year. We discovered that Java interview questions is a hot topic for developers, so we delivered a massive guide with over 100 questions and their answers. We discuss object-oriented programming and its characteristics, general questions regarding Java and its functionality, collections in Java, garbage collectors, exception handling, Java applets, Swing, JDBC, Remote Method Invocation (RMI), Servlets and JSP. Check it out!

Bonus Post: 7 Brain Tips for Software Developers. This was my personal favorite for this year and I believe that it holds “secrets” that could be life altering for your programming career. I highly recommend it, the time invested to read it will be totally worth it!

So, that would be all! I hope you enjoyed this folks. Our top posts for 2014. We would love to see you around again and have your support and love in the year to come. Stay tuned for more Java Code Geeks surprises within the new year. It is going to be… legendary!

Happy new year everyone! From the whole Java Code Geeks team, our best wishes!

Be well,

Ilias Tsagklis

Ilias is a software developer turned online entrepreneur. He is co-founder and Executive Editor at Java Code Geeks.
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