Enterprise Java

Workshop in a Can: Setup a JBoss BPM Suite Full Day Workshop

Looking for an easy way to promote, present or demonstrate how easy it is to get started with JBoss Business Process Management Suite (BPM Suite) product? announce-sign

Look no further as we have pulled together this workshop so that you can construct an evening, half day or full day session of learning around JBoss BPM Suite.

You can setup this workshop and run it at any event  as it can be constructed to take from a half to full day to complete. Think of the following possibilities for this workshop:

  • local Java User Group (JUG)
  • local JBoss User Group (JBug)
  • local tech meetup
  • work interest group
  • after hours meetup at work
  • submit it to a conference (yes you can use this!)

The workshop outlines how to build a human resources employee rewards BPM project that uses all the tooling JBoss BPM Suite offers.

You only need to be able to read a PDF to get started, have a browser to view html based workshop slides that lead you through the building phases, Java 7 or 8, Maven 3.2 or higher and the products JBoss BPM Suite and JBoss EAP.

JBoss BPM Suite workshop to build a human resources employee rewards project.
JBoss BPM Suite workshop to build a human resources employee rewards project.

Here are the four steps to get you started preparing to present this workshop to your excited attendees.

1. Get project

To run this workshop we will need to obtain a copy for ourselves and maybe tell the workshop attendees where to get it. It is a self contained setup so that makes it very easy with it hosted online:

This should give you a workshop hosted under a directory summit-choose-own-adventure-bpms-master.

2. Get products

Now you will need to add two JBoss products that you can download from the Red Hat Customer Portal. You will need the following:

You can also obtain the JBoss EAP and JBoss BPM Suite versions at their respective JBoss.org product pages (linked above) with a developer download.

3. Ready workshop for attendees

Now that you have the products listed above, you need to put them into the proper location. This is in the installs directory found here:


After you have done that, you can place the entire workshop directory on an USB stick or somewhere that your workshop attendees will be able to get a copy of it.

Building your JBoss BPM Suite  HR employee rewards process project.
Building your JBoss BPM Suite HR employee
rewards process project.

4. Prepare for workshop

Now you have the workshop ready for your attendees, you show up at the event and want to get started.

The first step is to introduce the topics around rules, events and processes, which is available both in the workshop and as an online hosted presentation.

You can also read up on these topics and watch the videos available here:

After you have gained the basic knowledge to explain to your attendees what is going on and what they are going to be doing, just point them to the PDF to get started:


This will have them run the project installation and point them to the initial workshop slides where they start building forms, domain model, processes and other artifacts.

We hope you can think of this as your go to JBoss BPM Suite workshop in a can, where you will be able to amaze friends, colleagues and family with your ability to lead them through building a JBoss BPM project.

Any and all feedback welcome, feel free to reach out to me directly with you comments.

Eric Schabell

Eric is Chronosphere's Director Technical Marketing & Evangelism. He's renowned in the development community as a speaker, lecturer, author and baseball expert. His current role allows him to coach the next generation of technical marketers & evangelists helping the world to understand the challenges with cloud native observability. He brings a unique perspective to the stage with a professional life dedicated to sharing his deep expertise of open source technologies and organizations. Follow on https://www.schabell.org.
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