Software Development

[BLACK FRIDAY DEAL] Join Java Video Training Courses for $15!

UPDATE: The promotion period has ended. We hope you had the chance to pick up some great offers!

Hey geeks!

We are pretty excited today.

Our good partners over at Udemy have some great offers for Black Friday.

Over 17,000 courses are now for $15 each! And we have gathered some great courses for you.

Black Friday Blowout!

Everything is $15 for a few hours, but prices won’t last.

Get them Before this Deal Pops!


Here are some great courses:

The Complete Ethical Hacking Course: Beginner to Advanced! ($15 $199 93% off!)

Learn how to do ethical hacking, penetration testing, web testing, and wifi hacking using kali linux! Gain the ability to do ethical hacking and penetration testing by taking this course! Get answers from an experienced IT expert to every single question you have related to the learning you do in this course including installing Kali Linux, using VirtualBox, basics of Linux, Tor, Proxychains, VPN, Macchanger, Nmap, cracking wifi, aircrack, DoS attacks, SLL strip, known vulnerabilities, SQL injections, cracking Linux passwords, and more topics that are added every month!

Taming Big Data with MapReduce and Hadoop ($15 $89 84% off!)

Learn MapReduce fast by building over 10 real examples, using Python, MRJob, and Amazon’s Elastic MapReduce Service. “Big data” analysis is a hot and highly valuable skill – and this course will teach you two technologies fundamental to big data quickly: MapReduce and Hadoop. Ever wonder how Google manages to analyze the entire Internet on a continual basis? You’ll learn those same techniques, using your own Windows system right at home.

The Complete Java Tutorial with Java 8 ($15 $299 95% off!)

Learn Java Programming and Java 8’s new features by examples from scratch, and have a huge advantage over others. After finishing with Java fundamentals with Java 8 and you already have a good idea of the possibilities of Java 8 and you are curious to discover the main new features of this release.

The Complete Java Developer Course ($15 $199 93% off!)

Learn how to program using the worlds most popular programming language, Java! This course assumes no previous experience, and takes you from the absolute beginner concepts like showing you the tools you need to download and install, writing you very first Java program, and then goes into more detail as we explore the entire Java feature set.

Java Spring MVC Framework with AngularJS and HTML5 ($15 $45 67% off!)

Learn how to develop commercial web applications using Java Spring MVC Framework 4 wtih AngularJS by Google and HTML5. This is a fast track course and covers the most important concepts in AngularJS Framework, HTML5 and the latest Java Spring MVC Framework 4x with code examples and sample applications.

Ilias Tsagklis

Ilias is a software developer turned online entrepreneur. He is co-founder and Executive Editor at Java Code Geeks.
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9 years ago

Its say’s $299 not 15 :(

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