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Presenting the Complete Raspberry Pi 2 Starter Kit

Get the Hardware & the Know-How to Discover a World of Programming Potential

Hey fellow geeks,

This week, on our JCG Deals store, we have an extreme offer.

We are offering The Complete Raspberry Pi 2 Starter Kit for only $115 instead of the original price of $804, yeap that is 85% off. On top of that, we offer FREE Shipping too!

Whether you’re already a Pi addict or tempted by what you’ve heard, this bundle has everything you need to get going with the next generation of Raspberry Pi exploration.

Get a Pi 2 Model B board plus all the hardware to get started, and hours of online courses that will guarantee you start coding and creating right out of the box.

By purchasing this Starter Kit, you are getting ALL the following modules!

Raspberry Pi 2 Model B

The Raspberry Pi Foundation released a new and improved model of its iconic microcomputer that offers more memory, faster output, and increased opportunity for electronic exploration.

  • Game, compute & program 6x faster than w/ the previous version
  • Enjoy wider compatibility w/ the new ARMv7 quad core processor
  • Benefit from more memory: 1 GB RAM vs 512 MB (it has doubled!)
  • Run more apps simultaneously without lag
  • Use w/ all of the accessories made for the B+
  • Get backward compatibility w/ most Raspberry Pi Model B+ projects
  • Connect a Raspberry Pi camera & touchscreen display (each sold separately)
  • Stream & watch hi-definition 1080P video


Quick Starter Kit for Raspberry Pi 2 Model B

Whether you’re upgrading or trying Raspberry Pi for the firs time, you’re going to need to do a lot more than just purchase the Raspberry Pi 2 single-board computer to get started. With a wider range of compatibility (including Snappy Ubuntu Core & Microsoft Windows 10), there’s a lot of excitement around this next generation microcomputer, and this starter kit will get you up and running with the essential parts in no time.

  • Power up your Raspberry Pi 2
  • Play Minecraft out-of-the-box w/ the preinstalled Raspbian OS SD card
  • Save the time & money needed to buy all the essential devices part-by-part
  • Get a Wi-Fi USB Adapter
  • Set up shop w/ the included, clear guide
  • Receive the best power adapter for optimal Pi 2 use
  • Turn your Pi 2 on & off easily w/ built-in USB cable
  • Get flexibility & mobility w/ the extra-long HDMI cable
  • Easily connect to your microcontroller w/ the USB to TTL cable
  • Connect via Wi-FI or ethernet w/ included adapter


Intro to Raspberry Pi

What in the world is Raspberry Pi? It’s a simple, affordable, miniature computer and the gateway to endless projects. Apart from being a great learning tool for languages like Python, Raspberry Pi can interact with the outside world. Program it to turn on lights, start motors, or even build a robot—it will teach you all about computing from the inside out, and you may even have fun in the process.

  • Get a crash course in using Raspberry Pi to perform basic computing functions w/ over 22 lectures & 1.5 hours of content
  • Interact & tinker w/ the hardware
  • Consolidate your knowledge by completing hands-on projects
  • Write a Python program that powers a simple number guessing game
  • Connect your Pi to Christmas lights & run various lighting patterns
  • Turn your Pi into a low cost computer by hooking it up w/ a keyboard & monitor
  • Master basic programming by course’s end


Hardware Projects Using Raspberry Pi

This intermediate course dives deep into the world of physical computing by taking you through three hands-on projects. From a light detector to a motion sensor, these projects will teach you to build your own Raspberry Pi-controlled physical devices and build upon your knowledge of Python.

  • Build Raspberry Pi-controlled physical devices w/ over 32 lectures & 1.5 hours of content
  • Complete three hardware projects to gain practical, hands-on knowledge
  • Retrofit the Pi into a Linux-powered walkie talkie
  • Use Python code to turn the Pi into a light detector mechanism
  • Build a teddy bear that laughs when it senses nearby motion
  • Solidify your coding skills & get comfortable working w/ hardware


Python Programming for Beginners

Whether you have an arsenal of coding knowledge or absolutely none, Python is a great language to conquer. It’s a simple, streamlined coding language and this course will introduce you to the basics quickly and easily.

  • Master Python (commonly used w/ Raspberry Pi) w/ over 26 lectures & 3.5 hours of content
  • Use variables, loops & statements to automate the execution of tasks
  • Create functions w/ defined parameters to refine your code
  • Avoid common Python errors while programming
  • Work w/ files & classes to organize large chunks of code
  • Seamlessly handle errors to keep your code pristine
  • Utilize Python to calculate statistics & create modules
  • Complete a final project w/ your acquired knowledge


PiBot: Build Your Own Raspberry Pi-Powered Robot

Make your childhood dreams of building a fully operating robot with your own two hands finally come true. This course uses Raspberry Pi to take you step-by-step through the process of building a robot and controlling it remotely.

  • Master Raspberry Pi w/ over 19 lectures & 2 hours of content
  • Gain the knowledge necessary to construct a small, mobile robot with a Raspberry Pi brain
  • Install the libraries needed to access the GPIO pins
  • Configure a wireless adapter
  • Follow suggestions (not explicit instructions) for constructing the bot’s body
  • Receive an electronic copy of the book
  • Absorb information regarding the Raspberry Pi version 2
  • Study how to interact with servos using a different library, PiGPIO


Introduction to Internet of Things Using Raspberry Pi 2

The interaction of IoT and Raspberry Pi opens a world of operating possibilities. This course will teach you to remotely access your Raspberry Pi from your Windows computer—so you can eliminate the need to purchase any accessories for your Pi.

  • Build a firm foundation on Internet of Things using Raspberry Pi 2 w/ over 20 lectures & 53 mins of content
  • Get the complete source code
  • Deploy programs remotely, access the GPIO pins & control from your computer
  • Share Wi-Fi used on Windows to Raspberry Pi via LAN cable
  • Save $100 or more by substituting your monitor, keyboard or mouse for your laptop
  • Remotely access Raspberry Pi Linux terminal in Windows
  • Transfer files between Windows & Raspberry Pi without a flash drive


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Ilias Tsagklis

Ilias is a software developer turned online entrepreneur. He is co-founder and Executive Editor at Java Code Geeks.
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