Enterprise Java

Using Stored Procedures With JPA, JDBC. Meh, Just Use jOOQ

The current edition of the Java magazine has an article about Big Data Best Practices for JDBC and JPA by Josh Juneauhttp://www.javamagazine.mozaicreader.com/MayJune2016

The article shows how to use a stored procedure with JDBC (notice how resources aren’t closed, unfortunately. This is commonly forgotten, even in Java Magazine articles)

// Using JDBC to call upon a database stored
// procedure
CallableStatement cs = null;
try {
    cs = conn.prepareCall("{call DUMMY_PROC(?,?)}");
    cs.setString(1, "This is a test");
    cs.registerOutParameter(2, Types.VARCHAR);

    // Do something with result
    String returnStr = cs.getString(2);
} catch (SQLException ex){

And with JPA:

// Utilize JPA to call a database stored procedure
// Add @NamedStoredProcedureQuery to entity class
    name="createEmp", procedureName="CREATE_EMP",
    parameters = {
            mode= ParameterMode.IN,
            mode = ParameterMode.IN,

// Calling upon stored procedure
StoredProcedureQuery qry =
qry.setParameter("first", "JOSH");

Specifically the latter was also recently discussed in blog posts by Vlad Mihalcea and Thorben Janssen.

Do you like verbosity and complexity?

No? We neither. This is why we give you a third option instead: Just use jOOQ. Here’s the equivalent jOOQ code:

// JDBC example:
String returnStr = Routines.dummyProc(
    config, "This is a test");

// JPA example
Routines.createEmp(config, "JOSH", "JUNEAU");

Yes! That’s it. Don’t waste time manually configuring your bind variables with JDBC API calls, or JPA annotations. No one likes writing annotations for stored procedures. With jOOQ and jOOQ’s code generator, procedure calls are:

  • A one-liner
  • A no-brainer
  • A way to bring back the fun to stored procedures

Learn more about using Oracle stored procedures with nested collections and object types here: Painless Access from Java to PL/SQL Procedures with jOOQ

Lukas Eder

Lukas is a Java and SQL enthusiast developer. He created the Data Geekery GmbH. He is the creator of jOOQ, a comprehensive SQL library for Java, and he is blogging mostly about these three topics: Java, SQL and jOOQ.
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