Software Development

Sustainable Software Deliverability with Timelines

In my previous post “Kill the Deadlines” I rant about how (fake) deadlines are demotivating, reduce quality and burn development teams. But if you think about why people use deadlines, is to deliver a software project in a timely manner. While I’m not a proponent of using fake deadlines as a way to push developers, in a product development process it is extremely important to have a time frame where you want to launch the product.

Agile software development has good tools and methodologies that can help you ship products fast, as long as you do it right and not follow the process blindly, but you understand the tools in your arsenal and pick the ones that work for you and adjust them to your needs and culture.

While it is extremely hard (if not impossible) to accurately predict how long a software project will last, setting a timeframe for a product launch is necessary to keep the team in focus and decide on priorities.

Release content

A project consists of many features: some take a long time to implement, and some take a short time to implement. While a product manager envisions a whole set of features, implementing all of them before the release will take a very long time and will probably never happen, or the product will never launch as there are always more features you would like to add, or more polishing to the product you would like to do.

Set a timeline

In order to keep everyone focused and be able to launch a product in a timely manner we need to set a timeline when we want to launch the product. The timeline consists of estimations of how long each feature should take. Based on these estimations we can build a release content list with all the features we would like to launch in this version. When we set a timeline we force ourselves to think about what are the features we would like to get into this version. The list of features in a version should be determined by the business value they provide. For instance, we can have one big feature with a lot of value or maybe two small features what each one has less value, but releasing two of these at the same time have a bigger value to the product that the one big feature.

Timeline should have checkpoints or milestones where you can evaluate your progress. In the axis of Time/Quality/Content I tend to keep quality as the constant (you should always strive to produce high quality software) and now you will have to play with time and content. Given a timeline, these milestones are good points to understand if you are going to be able to ship with your initial list of features in time, or you would have to take a good look and see what you can leave out for the next version. You will be surprised how “critical” features can be “less critical” and be cut down when you are forced to deal with a decision of extending the timeline or cut features, which helps you ship the product faster.

Synchronizing the company

Timelines help you synchronizing different departments inside the company. Since releasing a product requires also involvements from other department in the company, such as marketing, support, content writing, QA, etc’, having a public timeline that is visible and communicated to the whole company, helps synchronizing all the departments and help them plan accordingly to be ready for the release. You can communicate the timelines via periodic email updates, public boards, posters on the walls, publicly displayed on monitors in the office or any other method that will keep the timeline transparent and accessible to all.

So what are timelines?

Timeline is a rough time frame that you would like to ship a product. Timeline is NOT a deadline and is flexible to changes and delays (unfortunately most of the times it will be postponed, but you should try to keep it to a minimum).
Depending on the amount of the work timelines should be in a resolution of a week, month or a quarter.

Sometimes due to business constraints the timeline becomes a hard deadline. This is not an arbitrary date that you have set, but it is a direct result of a business constraints. For instance, a special feature that needs to be released before a holiday or a regulatory hard limit on something you need to change or add to your system. In this instance the real reason needs to be clearly communicated to the team.

When a timeline is delayed it should be as part of a discussion to understand what is the business impact of the delay as you may come to a conclusion that maybe instead of delaying the timeline you would make the hard choice of reducing the scope (content) of this version and keep the time unchanged.

So if a timeline is a rough estimate, when is the release date?
The release date, AKA deadline should be set towards the end of the timeline at the point you understand all the unknowns and you feel comfortable that you will be ready to launch (and so all the other dependencies). Setting the deadline late in the process will make the deadline based on REALITY and not a fake one. Yes, you will probably need to push the teams to get to this deadline but it will be something that they will be able to relate, understand and not sacrifice quality and release a bad product.

Continuous improvement

Agile software development is talking about retrospective as a tool to improve development process, in many organizations the retrospective is being done after a sprint and unfortunately geared towards improving the estimations which is causing the side effect of developers taking buffers just to be on the safe side. This should NOT be the point of retrospectives.
Retrospectives should be treated as a tool for continuous improvement of development velocity and not as a tool to improve estimations. In order to improve velocity, you should have a continuous feedback about what would have help you to deliver software faster.
Here are some examples of issues developers should point that would have made them finish their tasks faster: less context switches, faster build time, too many production alerts, I was waiting for QA, provisioning staging machines is taking a lots of time, I had too many meetings, etc’.
As opposed to I estimated a task to take 3 days and I realized that the initial database schema I chose was wrong and I had to redo it which caused delays, or I thought this was an easy task and realized I had to first do a big refactoring before I could implement it.
Once you get these feedbacks you will start to identify patterns and identify what are the bottlenecks in your development process and you could then tackle these bottlenecks and improve your development velocity. (Just between us, as a side effect of this process you will also get better estimations but that is accidental and not the real purpose of this)


In order to release a product efficiently, you can use agile software delivery practices, set a rough timeline and checkpoints along the way to see if you are on schedule. In case you are late you should re-evaluate the version content you may want to cut or switch some features.
Communicate and make the timeline visible to all the people in the company so everyone can be in sync, and when you feel that you can have a release date that you can actually make and it is based on real progress, only then set the actual date, and lastly have a process in place for continuous improvement of your development velocity.

Aviran Mordo

Aviran Mordo has over 20 years of experience in the software industry. He has been in many engineering roles and leading positions in start-ups and large corporations. Aviran is a tech-savvy and a technology blogger since the year 2000, with vast knowledge of the internet and software development.
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