Overview of Message Queues [slides]
Yesterday I gave a talk that went through all the aspects of using messages queues. I’ve previously written that “you probably don’t need a message queue” – now the conclusion is a bit more nuanced, but I still stand by the simplicity argument.
The talk goes through the various benefits and use cases of using message queues, and discusses alternatives of the typical “message queue broker” architecture. The slides are available here
One maybe strange approach that I propose is to use distributed locks (e.g. with Hazelcast) for distributed batch processing – you lock on a particular id (possibly organization id / client id, rather than an individual record id) thus allowing multiple processors to run in parallel without stepping on each other’s toes (one node picks the first entry, the other one tries the first, but fails, and picks the second one).
Something I missed as a benefit of brokers like RabbitMQ is the available tooling – you can monitor and debug your queues pretty easily.
I wasn’t able to focus in detail on much on any of the concepts – e.g. how does brokerless work, or how to deploy a broker (e.g. RabbitMQ) in multiple data centers (availability zones), or how akka (and akka cluster) fits in the the “message queue” landscape. But I hope it’s a good overview that lets everyone have a clear picture of the options, which then they can analyze and assess in more details.
And I’ll finish with the Dijkstra quote from the slides:
Simplicity is prerequisite for reliability
Reference: | Overview of Message Queues [slides] from our JCG partner Bozhidar Bozhanov at the Bozho’s tech blog blog. |