Core Java

Detecting and testing stalled streams – RxJava FAQ

Imagine you have a stream that publishes events with unpredictable frequency. Sometimes you can expect dozens of messages per second, but occasionally no events can be seen for several seconds. This can be an issue if your stream is transmitted over web socket, SSE or any other network protocol. Silent period taking too long (stall) can be interpreted as network issue. Therefore we often send artificial events (pings) once in a while just to make sure:

  • clients are still alive
  • let clients know we are still alive

A more concrete example, imagine we have a Flowable<String> stream that produces some events. When there is no event for more than one second, we should send a placeholder "PING" message. When the silence is even longer, there should be a "PING" message every second. How can we implement such a requirement in RxJava? The most obvious, but incorrect solution is to merge original stream with pings:

Flowable<String> events = //...
Flowable<String> pings = Flowable
            .interval(1, SECONDS)
            .map(x -> "PING");
Flowable<String> eventsWithPings = events.mergeWith(pings);

mergeWith() operator is crucial: it takes genuine events and combines them with a constant stream of pings. Surely, when no genuine events are presents, "PING" messages will appear. Unfortunately they are entirely unrelated to original stream. This means we keep sending pings even when there are plenty of normal events. Moreover when the silence begins we do not send "PING" precisely after one second. If you are OK with such mechanism, you may stop reading here.

debounce() operator

A more sophisticated approach requires discovering silence that lasts for more than 1 second. We can use timeout()operator for that. Unfortunately it yields TimeoutException and unsubscribes from upstream – way too aggressive behaviour. We just want to get some sort of notification. Turns out debounce() operator can be used for that. Normally this operator postpones emission of new events just in case new events arrive, overriding the old ones. So if I say:

Flowable<String> events = //...
Flowable<String> delayed = events.debounce(1, SECONDS);

This means delayed stream will only emit an event if it was not followed by another event within 1 second. Technically delayed may never emit anything if events stream keeps producing events fast enough. We will use the delayedstream to discover silence in the following way:

Flowable<String> events = //...
Flowable<String> delayed = events.debounce(1, SECONDS);
Flowable<String> pings = -> "PING");
Flowable<String> eventsWithPings = Flowable.merge(events, pings);

Keep in mind that there is no difference between mergeWith() and its static merge() counterpart. So we are getting somewhere. If the stream is busy, delayed stream never receives any events, therefore no "PING" messages are sent. However when original stream does not send any event for more than 1 second, delayed receives the last seen event, ignores it and transforms into "PING". Clever, but broken. This implementation only sends one "PING" after discovering stall, as opposed to sending periodic pings every second. Fairly easy to fix! Rather than transforming the last seen event into single "PING" we can transform it into a sequence of periodic pings:

Flowable<String> events = //...
Flowable<String> delayed = events.debounce(1, SECONDS);
Flowable<String> pings = delayed
        .flatMap(x -> Flowable
                .interval(0, 1, SECONDS)
                .map(e -> "PING")
Flowable<String> eventsWithPings = Flowable.merge(events, pings);

Can you see where the flaw is? Every time a bit of silence appears in the original stream, we start emitting pings every second. However we should stop doing so once some genuine events appear. We don’t. Every stall in the upstream causes new infinite stream of pings to appear on the final merged stream. We must somehow tell the the pings stream that it should stop emitting pings because the original stream emitted genuine event. Guess what, there is takeUntil()operator that does just that!

Flowable<String> events = //...
Flowable<String> delayed = events.debounce(1, SECONDS);
Flowable<String> pings = delayed
        .flatMap(x -> Flowable
                .interval(0, 1, SECONDS)
                .map(e -> "PING")
Flowable<String> eventsWithPings = Flowable.merge(events, pings);

Take a moment to fully grasp the above code snippet. delayed stream emits an event every time nothing happens on the original stream for more than 1 second. pings stream emits a sequence of "PING" events every second for each event emitted from delayed. However pings stream is terminated the moment an event appears on the events stream. You can even define all of this as a single expression:

Flowable<String> events = //...
Flowable<String> eventsWithPings = events
                        .debounce(1, SECONDS)
                        .flatMap(x1 -> Flowable
                                .interval(0, 1, SECONDS)
                                .map(e -> "PING")


All right, we wrote all of this, but how are we suppose to test this triple-nested blob of event-driven code? How do we make sure that pings appear at the right moment and stop when silence is over? How to simulate various time-related scenarios? RxJava has many killer features but testing how time passes through is probably the biggest one. First of all let’s make our pinging code a little bit more testable and generic:

<T> Flowable<T> withPings(Flowable<T> events, Scheduler clock, T ping) {
    return events
                            .debounce(1, SECONDS, clock)
                            .flatMap(x1 -> Flowable
                                    .interval(0, 1, SECONDS, clock)
                                    .map(e -> ping)

This utility method takes arbitrary stream of T and adds pings in case the stream doesn’t produce any events for a longer period of time. We use it like this in our test:

PublishProcessor<String> events = PublishProcessor.create();
TestScheduler clock = new TestScheduler();
Flowable<String> eventsWithPings = withPings(events, clock, "PING");

Oh boy, PublishProcessorTestSchedulerPublishProcessor is an interesting class that is a subtype of Flowable(so we can use it as an ordinary stream). On the other hand we can imperatively emit events using its onNext() method:


If someone listens to events stream, he will receive "A" event straight away. And what’s with this clock thing? Every single operator in RxJava that deals with time in any way (e.g. debounce()interval()timeout()window()) can take an optional Scheduler argument. It serves as an external source of time. Special TestScheduler is an artificial source of time which we have full control of. I.e. time stands still as long as we don’t call advanceTimeBy() explicitly:

clock.advanceTimeBy(999, MILLISECONDS);

999 milliseconds is not a coincidence. Pings start to appear precisely after 1 second so they should not be visible after 999 milliseconds. Now it’s about time to reveal full test case:

public void shouldAddPings() throws Exception {
    PublishProcessor<String> events = PublishProcessor.create();
    final TestScheduler clock = new TestScheduler();
    final Flowable<String> eventsWithPings = withPings(events, clock, "PING");
    final TestSubscriber<String> test = eventsWithPings.test();
    clock.advanceTimeBy(999, MILLISECONDS);
    test.assertValues("A", "B");
    clock.advanceTimeBy(999, MILLISECONDS);
    test.assertValues("A", "B");
    clock.advanceTimeBy(1, MILLISECONDS);
    test.assertValues("A", "B", "PING");
    clock.advanceTimeBy(999, MILLISECONDS);
    test.assertValues("A", "B", "PING");
    test.assertValues("A", "B", "PING", "C");
    clock.advanceTimeBy(1000, MILLISECONDS);
    test.assertValues("A", "B", "PING", "C", "PING");
    clock.advanceTimeBy(999, MILLISECONDS);
    test.assertValues("A", "B", "PING", "C", "PING");
    clock.advanceTimeBy(1, MILLISECONDS);
    test.assertValues("A", "B", "PING", "C", "PING", "PING");
    clock.advanceTimeBy(999, MILLISECONDS);
    test.assertValues("A", "B", "PING", "C", "PING", "PING");
    test.assertValues("A", "B", "PING", "C", "PING", "PING", "D");
    clock.advanceTimeBy(999, MILLISECONDS);
    test.assertValues("A", "B", "PING", "C", "PING", "PING", "D", "E");
    clock.advanceTimeBy(999, MILLISECONDS);
    test.assertValues("A", "B", "PING", "C", "PING", "PING", "D", "E");
    clock.advanceTimeBy(1, MILLISECONDS);
    test.assertValues("A", "B", "PING", "C", "PING", "PING", "D", "E", "PING");
    clock.advanceTimeBy(3_000, MILLISECONDS);
    test.assertValues("A", "B", "PING", "C", "PING", "PING", "D", "E", "PING", "PING", "PING", "PING");

Looks like a wall of text but it’s actually a complete testing scenario of our logic. It makes sure pings appear precisely after 1000 milliseconds, are repeated when silence is very long and quite down when genuine events appear. But the most important part: the test is 100% predictable and blazingly fast. No Awaitility, busy waiting, polling, intermittent test failures and slowness. Artificial clock that we have full control of makes sure all these combined streams work exactly as expected.

Tomasz Nurkiewicz

Java EE developer, Scala enthusiast. Enjoying data analysis and visualization. Strongly believes in the power of testing and automation.
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