Securing resources using Spring Security with OAuth
1. Introduction
In this tutorial, we will check out how we can use Spring Security with OAuth to secure the admin resources on the server based on the path pattern (/api/**). Another path pattern (/oauth/token) we have configured which will help configured authorization server generate the access token. Note that we will be using Password Grant Type in this demo application.
Before we move on with the implementation, let’s recap on the events involved with this grant type.
2. Resource Owner Password Credentials Grant Type
- Used between trusted applications.
- The user (Resource Owner) shares the credentials directly with the client application, which requests the Authorization Server to return the access token after successfully authenticating the user credentials and further authorizing the user to access limited resources on the server.
Useful Links
3. Implementation
Make sure the required pom entries are properly added to the pom.xml file.
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 | <!-- Spring dependencies --> < dependency > < groupId >org.springframework</ groupId > < artifactId >spring-core</ artifactId > < version >${springframework.version}</ version > </ dependency > < dependency > < groupId >org.springframework</ groupId > < artifactId >spring-web</ artifactId > < version >${springframework.version}</ version > </ dependency > < dependency > < groupId >org.springframework</ groupId > < artifactId >spring-webmvc</ artifactId > < version >${springframework.version}</ version > </ dependency > <!-- Spring Security Dependencies --> < dependency > < groupId ></ groupId > < artifactId >spring-security-core</ artifactId > < version >${spring-security.version}</ version > </ dependency > < dependency > < groupId ></ groupId > < artifactId >spring-security-web</ artifactId > < version >${spring-security.version}</ version > </ dependency > < dependency > < groupId ></ groupId > < artifactId >spring-security-config</ artifactId > < version >${spring-security.version}</ version > </ dependency > < dependency > < groupId ></ groupId > < artifactId >spring-security-oauth2</ artifactId > < version >${spring-security.oauth.version}</ version > </ dependency > |
Update the web.xml file to load the context files and configure the Spring Security filter, which will redirect the request for authentication and authorization before processing it.
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 | xsi:schemaLocation=" version = "3.0" > < display-name >Archetype Created Web Application</ display-name > < servlet > < servlet-name >mvc-dispatcher</ servlet-name > < servlet-class >org.springframework.web.servlet.DispatcherServlet</ servlet-class > < load-on-startup >1</ load-on-startup > </ servlet > < servlet-mapping > < servlet-name >mvc-dispatcher</ servlet-name > < url-pattern >/</ url-pattern > </ servlet-mapping > < listener > < listener-class >org.springframework.web.context.ContextLoaderListener</ listener-class > </ listener > <!-- Loads context files --> < context-param > < param-name >contextConfigLocation</ param-name > < param-value > /WEB-INF/mvc-dispatcher-servlet.xml, /WEB-INF/spring-security.xml </ param-value > </ context-param > <!-- Spring Security --> < filter > < filter-name >springSecurityFilterChain</ filter-name > < filter-class >org.springframework.web.filter.DelegatingFilterProxy</ filter-class > </ filter > < filter-mapping > < filter-name >springSecurityFilterChain</ filter-name > < url-pattern >/*</ url-pattern > </ filter-mapping > </ web-app > |
Since we will are using admin JSP files, we have configured the corresponding view resolver for it.
Now let’s configure the Spring Security OAuth in its context file.
001 002 003 004 005 006 007 008 009 010 011 012 013 014 015 016 017 018 019 020 021 022 023 024 025 026 027 028 029 030 031 032 033 034 035 036 037 038 039 040 041 042 043 044 045 046 047 048 049 050 051 052 053 054 055 056 057 058 059 060 061 062 063 064 065 066 067 068 069 070 071 072 073 074 075 076 077 078 079 080 081 082 083 084 085 086 087 088 089 090 091 092 093 094 095 096 097 098 099 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 | <? xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8" ?> xmlns:xsi = "" xmlns:oauth = "" xmlns:sec = "" xmlns:mvc = "" xsi:schemaLocation=" "> <!-- Default url to get a token from OAuth --> < http pattern = "/oauth/token" create-session = "stateless" authentication-manager-ref = "clientAuthenticationManager" < intercept-url pattern = "/oauth/token" access = "IS_AUTHENTICATED_FULLY" /> < anonymous enabled = "false" /> < http-basic entry-point-ref = "clientAuthenticationEntryPoint" /> < custom-filter ref = "clientCredentialsTokenEndpointFilter" after = "BASIC_AUTH_FILTER" /> < access-denied-handler ref = "oauthAccessDeniedHandler" /> </ http > <!-- URLs should be protected and what roles have access to them --> <!-- Can define more patterns based on the protected resources hosted on the server --> < http pattern = "/api/**" create-session = "never" entry-point-ref = "oauthAuthenticationEntryPoint" access-decision-manager-ref = "accessDecisionManager" < anonymous enabled = "false" /> < intercept-url pattern = "/api/**" access = "ROLE_APP" /> <!-- Protect oauth clients with resource ids --> < custom-filter ref = "resourceServerFilter" before = "PRE_AUTH_FILTER" /> < access-denied-handler ref = "oauthAccessDeniedHandler" /> </ http > < bean id = "oauthAuthenticationEntryPoint" class = "" > < property name = "realmName" value = "demo/client" /> </ bean > < bean id = "clientAuthenticationEntryPoint" class = "" > < property name = "realmName" value = "demo/client" /> < property name = "typeName" value = "Basic" /> </ bean > < bean id = "oauthAccessDeniedHandler" class = "" /> < bean id = "clientCredentialsTokenEndpointFilter" class = "" > < property name = "authenticationManager" ref = "clientAuthenticationManager" /> </ bean > < bean id = "accessDecisionManager" class = "" < constructor-arg > < list > < bean class = "" /> < bean class = "" /> < bean class = "" /> </ list > </ constructor-arg > </ bean > < authentication-manager id = "clientAuthenticationManager" < authentication-provider user-service-ref = "clientDetailsUserService" /> </ authentication-manager > <!-- This is simple authentication manager, with a hard-coded username/password combination. We can replace this with a user defined service to fetch user credentials from DB instead --> < authentication-manager alias = "authenticationManager" < authentication-provider > < user-service > < user name = "admin" password = "123" authorities = "ROLE_APP" /> </ user-service > </ authentication-provider > </ authentication-manager > < bean id = "clientDetailsUserService" class = "" > < constructor-arg ref = "clientDetails" /> </ bean > <!-- This defines the token store. We have currently used in-memory token store but we can instead use a user defined one --> < bean id = "tokenStore" class = "" /> <!-- If need to store tokens in DB <bean id="tokenStore" class=""> <constructor-arg ref="jdbcTemplate" /> </bean> --> <!-- This is where we defined token based configurations, token validity and other things --> < bean id = "tokenServices" class = "" > < property name = "tokenStore" ref = "tokenStore" /> < property name = "supportRefreshToken" value = "true" /> < property name = "accessTokenValiditySeconds" value = "120" /> < property name = "clientDetailsService" ref = "clientDetails" /> </ bean > < bean id = "userApprovalHandler" class = "" > < property name = "tokenServices" ref = "tokenServices" /> </ bean > <!-- The server issuing access tokens to the client after successfully authenticating the resource owner and obtaining authorization --> < oauth:authorization-server client-details-service-ref = "clientDetails" token-services-ref = "tokenServices" user-approval-handler-ref = "userApprovalHandler" > < oauth:authorization-code /> < oauth:implicit /> < oauth:refresh-token /> < oauth:client-credentials /> < oauth:password /> </ oauth:authorization-server > <!-- Define protected resources hosted by the resource server --> < oauth:resource-server id = "resourceServerFilter" resource-id = "adminProfile" token-services-ref = "tokenServices" /> <!-- OAuth clients allowed to access the protected resources, can be something like facebook, google if we are sharing any resource with them --> < oauth:client-details-service id = "clientDetails" > < oauth:client client-id = "fbApp" authorized-grant-types = "password,refresh_token" secret = "fbApp" authorities = "ROLE_APP" resource-ids = "adminProfile" /> </ oauth:client-details-service > < sec:global-method-security pre-post-annotations = "enabled" proxy-target-class = "true" > < sec:expression-handler ref = "oauthExpressionHandler" /> </ sec:global-method-security > < oauth:expression-handler id = "oauthExpressionHandler" /> < oauth:web-expression-handler id = "oauthWebExpressionHandler" /> </ beans > |
We have configured /oauth/token URL for issuing access and refresh tokens and /api/** maps to the actual protected resources on the server. Hence to access any URL matching the pattern /api/**, a valid token needs to be passed along with the request.
Authentication Manager is the container where the authentication happens. In our case, the authentication manager checks –
- If the user is authenticated.
- If the user has requested for the correct client-id.
- If the client-id is fine, is the user authorized to use it to access the admin profile on the server.
Refer to the below snippet –
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 | < authentication-manager id = "clientAuthenticationManager" < authentication-provider user-service-ref = "clientDetailsUserService" /> </ authentication-manager > < bean id = "clientDetailsUserService" class = "" > < constructor-arg ref = "clientDetails" /> </ bean > <!-- OAuth clients allowed to access the protected resources, can be something like facebook, google if we are sharing any resource with them --> < oauth:client-details-service id = "clientDetails" > < oauth:client client-id = "fbApp" authorized-grant-types = "password,refresh_token" secret = "fbApp" authorities = "ROLE_APP" resource-ids = "adminProfile" /> </ oauth:client-details-service > |
Once the user is authenticated, the authorization server calls the tokenServices and issues the access token.
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 | < oauth:authorization-server client-details-service-ref = "clientDetails" token-services-ref = "tokenServices" user-approval-handler-ref = "userApprovalHandler" > < oauth:authorization-code /> < oauth:implicit /> < oauth:refresh-token /> < oauth:client-credentials /> < oauth:password /> </ oauth:authorization-server > < bean id = "tokenServices" class = "" > < property name = "tokenStore" ref = "tokenStore" /> < property name = "supportRefreshToken" value = "true" /> < property name = "accessTokenValiditySeconds" value = "120" /> < property name = "clientDetailsService" ref = "clientDetails" /> </ bean > < bean id = "tokenStore" class = "" /> < bean id = "userApprovalHandler" class = "" > < property name = "tokenServices" ref = "tokenServices" /> </ bean > |
While specifying the clients, note the grant type we have specified, which is password.
1 2 3 4 5 | < oauth:client-details-service id = "clientDetails" > < oauth:client client-id = "fbApp" authorized-grant-types = "password,refresh_token" secret = "fbApp" authorities = "ROLE_APP" resource-ids = "adminProfile" /> </ oauth:client-details-service > |
Once the access token has been issued, we can access the protected resources on the server passing it along with every request. Let’s finally take a look at the Spring Controller we have written –
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 | package com.jcombat.controller; import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping; @Controller public class DemoController { @RequestMapping ( "/api/admin" ) public String getAdminPage() { return "/secured/admin" ; } } |
4. Running the application
To run the application, let’s start with requesting the access token from the authorization server –
1 2 3 4 5 6 | { "access_token" : "5c0c1a28-9603-4818-9ebb-6014600c3de9" , "token_type" : "bearer" , "refresh_token" : "ada8a736-3082-4c3d-9cbf-f043ab8f415f" , "expires_in" :119 } |
Once the access token is generated, we are ready to pass it along with every subsequent requests for the protected resources on the server.
5. Download the code
Reference: | Securing resources using Spring Security with OAuth from our JCG partner Abhimanyu Prasad at the jCombat blog. |