Neo4j Import: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Mixing specified and unspecified group belongings in a single import isn’t supported
I’ve been working with the Neo4j Import Tool recently after a bit of a break and ran into an interesting error message that I initially didn’t understand.
I had some CSV files containing nodes that I wanted to import into Neo4j. Their contents look like this:
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 | $ cat people_header.csv name:ID(Person) $ cat people.csv "Mark" "Michael" "Ryan" "Will" "Jennifer" "Karin" $ cat companies_header.csv name:ID(Company) $ cat companies.csv "Neo4j" |
I find it easier to use separate header files because I often make typos with my column names and it’s easier to update a single line file than to open a multi-million line file and change the first line.
I ran the following command to create a new Neo4j database from these files:
1 2 3 4 5 | $ ./bin/neo4j-admin import \ --database=blog.db \ --mode=csv \ --nodes:Person people_header.csv,people.csv \ --nodes:Company companies_heade.csv,companies.csv |
which resulted in this error message:
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 | Neo4j version: 3.3 . 3 Importing the contents of these files into /Users/markneedham/Library/Application Support/Neo4j Desktop/Application/neo4jDatabases/database-b59e33d5- 2060 -4a5d-bdb8-0b9f6dc919fa/installation- 3.3 . 3 /data/databases/blog.db: Nodes: :Person /Users/markneedham/Library/Application Support/Neo4j Desktop/Application/neo4jDatabases/database-b59e33d5- 2060 -4a5d-bdb8-0b9f6dc919fa/installation- 3.3 . 3 /people_header.csv /Users/markneedham/Library/Application Support/Neo4j Desktop/Application/neo4jDatabases/database-b59e33d5- 2060 -4a5d-bdb8-0b9f6dc919fa/installation- 3.3 . 3 /people.csv :Company /Users/markneedham/Library/Application Support/Neo4j Desktop/Application/neo4jDatabases/database-b59e33d5- 2060 -4a5d-bdb8-0b9f6dc919fa/installation- 3.3 . 3 /companies.csv ... Import error: Mixing specified and unspecified group belongings in a single import isn't supported Caused by:Mixing specified and unspecified group belongings in a single import isn't supported java.lang.IllegalStateException: Mixing specified and unspecified group belongings in a single import isn't supported at org.neo4j.unsafe.impl.batchimport.input.Groups.getOrCreate( 52 ) at org.neo4j.unsafe.impl.batchimport.input.csv.InputNodeDeserialization.initialize( 60 ) at org.neo4j.unsafe.impl.batchimport.input.csv.InputEntityDeserializer.initialize( 68 ) at org.neo4j.unsafe.impl.batchimport.input.csv.ParallelInputEntityDeserializer.lambda$ new $ 0 ( 104 ) at org.neo4j.unsafe.impl.batchimport.staging.TicketedProcessing.lambda$submit$ 1 ( 103 ) at org.neo4j.unsafe.impl.batchimport.executor.DynamicTaskExecutor$ 237 ) |
The output actually helpfully indicates which files it’s importing from and we can see under the ‘Company’ section that the header file is missing.
As a result of the typo I made when trying to type companies_header.csv, the tool now treats the first line of companies.csv as the header and since we haven’t specified a group (e.g. Company, Person) on that line we receive this error.
Let’s fix the typo and try again:
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 | $ ./bin/neo4j-admin import \ --database=blog.db \ --mode=csv \ --nodes:Person people_header.csv,people.csv \ --nodes:Company companies_header.csv,companies.csv Neo4j version: 3.3 . 3 Importing the contents of these files into /Users/markneedham/Library/Application Support/Neo4j Desktop/Application/neo4jDatabases/database-b59e33d5- 2060 -4a5d-bdb8-0b9f6dc919fa/installation- 3.3 . 3 /data/databases/blog.db: Nodes: :Person /Users/markneedham/Library/Application Support/Neo4j Desktop/Application/neo4jDatabases/database-b59e33d5- 2060 -4a5d-bdb8-0b9f6dc919fa/installation- 3.3 . 3 /people_header.csv /Users/markneedham/Library/Application Support/Neo4j Desktop/Application/neo4jDatabases/database-b59e33d5- 2060 -4a5d-bdb8-0b9f6dc919fa/installation- 3.3 . 3 /people.csv :Company /Users/markneedham/Library/Application Support/Neo4j Desktop/Application/neo4jDatabases/database-b59e33d5- 2060 -4a5d-bdb8-0b9f6dc919fa/installation- 3.3 . 3 /companies_header.csv /Users/markneedham/Library/Application Support/Neo4j Desktop/Application/neo4jDatabases/database-b59e33d5- 2060 -4a5d-bdb8-0b9f6dc919fa/installation- 3.3 . 3 /companies.csv ... IMPORT DONE in 1s 5ms. Imported: 7 nodes 0 relationships 7 properties Peak memory usage: 480.00 MB |
Published on Java Code Geeks with permission by Mark Needham, partner at our JCG program. See the original article here: Neo4j Import: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Mixing specified and unspecified group belongings in a single import isn’t supported Opinions expressed by Java Code Geeks contributors are their own. |