Enterprise Java

And some more REST tips

In previous blog posts I have covered some ideas and tips for achieving a REST architecture. In this post, I cover a few more ideas and tips.


  • Caching is a big part of the original dissertation.  See section 5.1.4 
  • Strategies include validation (client checks it has the latest version) and expiration (client assumes it has the latest version until a specified time)
  • Expiration:
    • Expires header tells client when resource is going to expire. The value 0 means avoid caching
    • Cache-Control
      • Use max-age directive to specify how long response should be considered valid for; s-maxage for shared caches
      • Can also be used in requests no-cache means re validate response with server
  • Validation
    • Etag – unique version of resource. Used in conjunction with If-none-match request header
    • Last-Modified – tells client when resource last changed

Controller APIs

  • When something does fit neatly to a CRUD operation, consider a Controller API

Handling Dates

  • Use ISO-8601 for your dates – better for natural sorting, handles timezone, locale nuetral, support from most programming languages
  • Accept any timezone as anyone in the world may call your API
  • Store in UTC, not in your server’s timezone.  There should be no offset when persisted.
  • Return in UTC.  Allow the client to adjust to its timezone as necessary
  • Don’t use time if you don’t need it.  If Date only suffices, only persist Date. This means, timezone complexity goes away.



  • Always return what headers are useful.  Consider:
    • Content-Type
    • Content-Length
    • Last-Modified
    • ETag
    • Location

Hypermedia (advantages)

  • Less coupling
  • Consistent format for links => cleaner client code
  • Developer productivity: API’s easier to navigate
  • Make easier to introduce services in a more granular way
  • Code easier to debug – messages always have the URL that created them via the self link

Hypermedia (choices)

  • HAL – reduces Address coupling
  • SIREN – reduces Address and Actions coupling
  • Collection+JSON (CJ) – reduces Address, Action and Object coupling


  • Can be called several times and return the same result
  • OPTIONS, GET, HEAD, PUT and DELETE are all idempotent

Long Running Requests

  • Some operations take a long time.  In such cases, consider returning a 202 with the location field set to a URL the client can poll to check for operation progress.

Method not allowed

  • If an API only supports GET, it should return a 405 for any PUT, POST, DELETEs etc

Must Ignore Principle

  • Clients should ignore data they are not interested in. This makes it much easier for APIs to be backwardly compatible .  If an API returns extra data and some clients aren’t expecting it they will just ignore it.

Not acceptable

  • When a resource doesn’t support a specific media type, it should return 406  (see Masse, Rule: 406 (“Not Acceptable”) must be used when the requested media type cannot be served


  • OPTIONS should return what actions are available on a resource

Partial Update

  • Handle partial updates with  PATCH


  • The query component of a URI should be used to filter collections

Resource Creation

  • When a Resource has been successfully created a 201 should be returned
  • The location header should indicate the URL to get the Resource.


  • Actions are considered Safe if they Do not modify resources
  • OPTIONS, GET and HEAD are safe

Self link

  • Response bodies should always include a self link – the URL that was used to return the resource.

Singular or Plural?

  • Use Singular for Singular Document type resource  – when there can only be one.  For example: /humans/12343343/head
  • Otherwise plural
Published on Java Code Geeks with permission by Alex Staveley, partner at our JCG program. See the original article here: And some more REST tips

Opinions expressed by Java Code Geeks contributors are their own.

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