Software Development

[MEGA DEAL] Stone River eLearning: Lifetime Membership ( 99% off)

Hey fellow geeks,

This week, on our JCG Deals store, we have another extreme offer.

We are offering a massive 99% off on Stone River eLearning: Lifetime Membership. Get it now with only $59, instead of the original price of $11,500 .

They say you should never stop learning, and at Stone River that mantra is a way of life. Through this unlimited lifetime subscription, you’ll get full access to 170 courses and 2,000 hours of online learning, covering everything from iOS mobile development to graphic design. Plus, you’ll get a range of VIP perks, including unlimited eBooks, personal guidance on what to learn, and even certification exams (typically $50+/each). With all of this content, you are guaranteed to stay on top of the technology learning curve!

Here is what you are going to get:

  • Access to all current content; 170 courses & 2,000+ hours
  • All level courses available on web & mobile programming, web design, game app creation, 3D-animation & more
  • Instruction for using Bootstrap, Unity 3D, Java, Python, MySQL, node.js, CSS & more
  • Unlimited free certification exams, personal guidance on what to learn, eBooks, & a 1-year subscription to CodeMag
  • Skills for advancing your career or learning a hobby

game design

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Michail Kordelakos

Studying at the Department of Informatics at University of Piraeus with specialization in Software Engineering and Intelligent Systems. Mainly created applications in C# and Java. Good knowledge of groovy and SQL. Also completed some online courses about Cryptography from Stanford University.
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