Software Development

Java vs Python in 2018 – Detailed Comparison

The world is moving fast and that’s because of the latest technologies. Every aspect of our life depends on updating technology. On a daily basis we see the applications running on the computer or on mobile devices and we interact with them in real time. While an application is impressive, it is the platform behind chosen by the programmer or developer that makes the difference.

Now the issue is who is the programmer and what is his background. That should leave a special impact on the technology they are developing. Technological lucidity depends entirely on the ease of coding. A programming language can be difficult or easy. But all that matters is the user to understand the use of the application since the developer is there only to develop the new product or application using a programming language. That product must be well accepted by customers around the world. This brings the lucidity concept of the application since the client is looking for the product to be practical and have easy access. This development for the client and the interface that is used specifically can be done with the concept of an application focus.

Therefore, to make a good application it is necessary to have a very accessible language and, since we are in 2018, we should look for the language with a creamy layer. From the languages that exist today two are the giants: Python and Java. Both are open source so you can access them very easy.

1. Java

Java is an open source programming language. It was officially introduced in 1996 by Games Gosling and Sun Microsystems while promoting the interactive TV system. Then Java was adopted for space consumption since the browser had less space to accommodate the dynamic HTML script. Java is capable of this type of interface to consume less space. Java was first started using the C / C ++ syntax and was facilitated with “Write Once, Run Anywhere (WORA)” means that it supports the independence of the platform. Java has several features such as simple, object-oriented, robust, multi-threaded and secure. Basically, it is a compiled language in which the code is translated first to bytecode and then the bytecode is executed. In the initial stage of introduction, Java was a slower language compared to C ++. But after the introduction of Just-in-Time Compilation in 1997 and with the release of Java 1.1, Java accelerated in execution. Java is applied in the small calculation for lump sum applications. The area of application is vast. Its field of application is:

  • Mobile applications
  • Embedded System
  • Desktop applications and Graphical User Interface(GUI)
  • Enterprise applications like API
  • Scientific Computations

So, in real world Java is everywhere and it runs in more or less 3 million devices in the world.

2. Python

Python is an open source programming language. It was developed and published by Guido Van Rossum in 1991. This is one of the easy and express languages. Python supports C ++ syntax in the background. It is a high-level, object-oriented language. Due to its syntax and focus portability, its demand is increasing exponentially in the market in the field of scientific calculations for data visualization. Python subsidy libraries, which are open source, are similarly characterized by their lucidity and, therefore, control over the approach used in them will be in the hands of the programmer. Python is an interpreted language and does not support compilation. Being easy and expressive, the code written in python is very easy to read and understand. Apart from the conventional language such as Java, the operations in Python such as file management, data acquisition, matrix manipulation, data analysis, and data visualization, is very simple in terms of expressive commands. In addition, Python supports extensions to other languages such as C, C ++, MATLAB, etc.

The notable application fields of Python are:

  • Web Development
  • Scientific Computations
  • Numeric Calculations
  • Graphical User Interface
  • Software Development
  • Data Mining
  • Data Visualization

Python and Java have in common many aspects and features. Now let’s make a comparison between them.

3. Java vs Python in 2018 – Detailed Comparison

Despite the fact that these two are the widely used languages in development, there are some pros and cons for each one. They need to be compared to find out which one is suitable and portable for the aspects of an application.

  • Java typifies statically while Python is typed dynamically, which makes it the best essence of python. The dynamically typed language provides a facility for the programmer to assign the value to a variable without assigning its type. So in this aspect Python is better.
  • Python is an interpreted language, while Java is one compiled. In this scenario, when the Java code is about to be executed, it is first compiled and created by the bytecode and, in the second step, the bytecode is executed.
  • While in Python, the bytecode is generated at runtime, in Java you can find two types of error: Compile Time Error, and Run Time Error. But for Python, only the Traceback or Runtime error is found.
  • Python and Java have enormous compatibility with open source libraries for different aspects such as matrix operation, data operation, etc. If the programmer or the developer faces a problem during their coding, they can surely get extensive support on the Internet where all the sources are available.
  • Another aspect is security over data. Particularly for the web platform in the creation of banking security, account security, data hiding, and cryptography are used. Java has captured the domain so far because of its security privileges and enhanced functionality such as encryption, authentication, etc. Python is also capable of performing more or less similar and many open source developers are still developed by different brilliant developers.
  • Mobile devices are used daily. Java so far dominates the market by providing the official programming language for Android or iOS. But Python still does not have access to it through mobile applications that can be developed using Python, but it is still in process.
  • In the recent era, Big Data, Data Mining, and Data Science have emerged on the market for their different types of operations and applications, such as obtaining data from the data warehouse or the native database. For example, in the Stock Exchange, there is a large amount of available data that must be analyzed and visualized in real time. Python provides immense and integrated support, as it is rich in this aspect. To do this in Java is a bit hectic and Java does not provide a fluid library for this.
  • While talking about inherited issues, Python is a bit behind compared to Java. As in the present system, the maximum number of applications developed in Java, the organization does not have much curiosity to use the second option.
  • The world had mainly faced language like Java for each of its developments and, therefore, architecture. Without a doubt, it is a matter of skill how they are made or designed and what the aspects are. As the Java and Python agreements are in the same way in the open source platform, the reuse and integration of the framework and libraries almost became the same problem.

As the two languages have their own advantages and disadvantages in some of the relevant topics and characteristics are suitable for different respective jobs as observed in the most recent analysis. This will make a firm decision on which one should be used. Maybe now we can not say this, since Java is being used extensively for development and, therefore, for python, except in some relevant fields. But we can differentiate the domain of work by its attributes, such as web development and security, which is done by Java, but considering the analysis of data, Data Science and others, Python will be preferred.

4. Resources

Saurabh Hooda

I have worked globally for telecom & finance giants in various capacities. My latest venture recommend the online programming courses for every programming language.
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Elio Bonazzi
Elio Bonazzi
6 years ago

This article is very, very hard to read. It sounds like it has been translated into English from another language using Google Translate and not edited afterwords…

6 years ago
Reply to  Elio Bonazzi


6 years ago you said 3 million devices run java.

There is a lack of depth that was expected from an article that contains the words : “detailed comparison”.

6 years ago

It’s a very nice idea to give a lay person like me a side-by-side comparison of the languages, but it should be a little more thorough, including, for example, easiness of use… The text is at times hard to follow, and some editing by an English-speaking person would have helped it a lot!

Richard Hildreth
Richard Hildreth
6 years ago

“Java statically types whereas Python is dynamically typed which makes the better essence of python. Dynamically typed language provides a facility to the programmer to assign the value to a variable without assigning it type. So in this aspect Python is better.”
Other than this completely vapid statement worthy of only the most naive developer, I refer you to the statement that Java was developed bu “Games Gosling” to recommend that this article is to be thrown into the bit bucket without further consideration.

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