Software Development

[MEGA DEAL] Pay What You Want: The Complete Ruby on Rails Master Class Bundle

Hey fellow geeks,

This week, on our JCG Deals store, we have another extreme offer.

We are offering a massive 99% off on Pay What You Want: The Complete Ruby on Rails Master Class Bundle. Pay what you want, instead of the original price of $867.

Dissecting Ruby on Rails 5: Become a Professional Developer

This enormous Ruby on Rails course was compiled using feedback from CTOs and Senior Rails developers around the world, so you know it covers exactly what you need to become a professional developer. And not just for Ruby on Rails. This course was designed to walk you through a real-world approach to full stack coding, focusing on backend development with Ruby on Rails and front-end coding with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, and more.

This is an 11 Course bundle  containing the following courses:

  • Professional Rails Code AlongDevelop a Real World Rails Project Through a Step-by-Step Process
  • Angular & Rails 5 BootcampLearn How to Build a Real World Angular 2 App That Utilizes Ruby on Rails
  • HTML/CSS Bootcamp: Learn HTML, CSS, Flexbox, & CSS Grid
  • Ruby on Rails Foundations: Learn the Ruby on Rails Web Framework, from Basic Principles to Advanced Coding Techniques
  • Vim for Ruby Developers: Automate Your Coding Workflow & Use a Text Editor Like a Pro Ruby Developer
  • Introduction to TypeScript Development:Build Angular 2 Web & Mobile Applications with the TypeScript Programming Language
  • Comprehensive Algorithms: Explore Algorithm Analysis & Development
  • Comprehensive JavaScript Programming: Get Up to Speed with the Internet’s Most Common Programming Language
  • Freelance Bootcamp: The Comprehensive Guide to Freelancing: Build a Profitable Freelance Programming Business Completely from Scratch
  • Dissecting Ruby on Rails 5: Become a Professional Developer: Learn What it Takes to Become a Professional Rails Developer
  • Comprehensive Ruby on Rails: Start Building Powerful Apps with This Robust Framework

Java Code Geeks

JCGs (Java Code Geeks) is an independent online community focused on creating the ultimate Java to Java developers resource center; targeted at the technical architect, technical team lead (senior developer), project manager and junior developers alike. JCGs serve the Java, SOA, Agile and Telecom communities with daily news written by domain experts, articles, tutorials, reviews, announcements, code snippets and open source projects.
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