Software Development

Top 10 Artificial Intelligence (AI) Tools For Developers

The most trending topic of technology 2019 is undoubtedly Artificial Intelligence. Big companies like Facebook, Amazon, Google, Microsoft are investing money in AI field.

The most shocking thing is smartphones are also trying to incline towards AI. They are working hard in the research of this field.

People nowadays are discovering ways to make their lives easy and comfortable. AI is the only way to make this happen.

So what are the best AI tools for developers? Let’s take a look at the top five.


Amazon Web Services (AWS) accompanies a few AI toolboxs for engineers. For instance, AWS Rekognition uses AI to manufacture picture translation and facial acknowledgment into applications with normal biometric security highlights.

Moreover, AWS Lex is the open source device behind Amazon’s own right hand Alexa. This innovation empowers designers to incorporate chatbots into portable and web applications. AWS Polly, then again, uses AI to robotize voice to composed content in 24 dialects and 47 voices.


This is an apparatus that empowers engineers to manufacture savvy partners inside practically all product applications. Frequently alluded to as organically roused knowledge, ai-one’s Analyst Toolbox is furnished with the accompanying:

  • APIs
  • building specialists
  • record library

The essential advantage of this apparatus is the capacity to transform information into summed up sets of guidelines that empower top to bottom ML and AI structures.


Deeplearning4j or Deep Learning for Java is a main open source profound learning (DL) library composed for Java and Java Virtual Machine (JVM). It’s particularly intended to keep running on big business applications, for example, Apache Spark and Hadoop.

It additionally incorporates the accompanying:

  • Boltzmann machine
  • Profound autoencoder
  • Profound conviction net
  • Doc2vec
  • Recursive neural tensor system
  • Stacked denoising autoencoder
  • Word2vec


This is a library of adaptable ML calculations that can be actualized over Apache Hadoop by using the MapReduce worldview. Therefore, when all the enormous information is put away on Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS), you can utilize the information science apparatuses given by Apache Mahout to recognize important examples in those huge informational collections.

The essential bit of leeway of the Apache Mahout task is that it makes it a lot simpler and quicker to get genuine incentive from enormous information.

More useful resources:

How the AI technology helps business improve their marketing

How will AI influence the web development in future?


This is another open-source Tool that is basically a class library written in the programming language C++ for SL that is used to invigorate neural systems.

With this OpenNN apparatus, you can actualize neural systems that are portrayed by superior and profound engineering.

6. Infosys Nia

Infosys Nia is an information based AI stage, worked by Infosys in 2017 to gather and total authoritative information from individuals, procedures and heritage frameworks into a self-learning information base.

It is intended to handle troublesome business undertakings, for example, determining incomes and what items should be manufactured, understanding client conduct and that’s only the tip of the iceberg.

Infosys Nia empowers organizations to oversee client request effectively, with a protected request to-money process with hazard mindfulness conveyed progressively.

7. Accord.NET Framework

Accord.NET Framework is an AI system that is joined with sound and picture handling libraries written in C#.

The structure is intended for engineers to manufacture applications, for example, design acknowledgment, PC vision, PC tryout (or machine tuning in) and sign preparing for business use.

The Accord.NET Framework is separated into different libraries for clients to browse. These incorporate logical registering, sign and picture preparing and bolster libraries, with highlights like regular learning calculations, continuous face identification and the sky is the limit from there.

8. Protégé

Despite the fact that undertaking centered, Protege has a suite of open source instruments perfect for designers to make ‘information based applications with ontologies’.

Gone for the two specialists and (to some degree) fledglings, Protege gives designers a chance to make, transfer, alter and share applications. Protege additionally houses a functioning network, making investigating straightforward and joint effort streamlined.

9. Caffe

Caffee is a profound learning structure which is prevalent among scientists and even venture clients as a result of its speed. Caffee was created by the Ph.D. understudy of the US Berkeley Vision and Learning Center (BVLC). It can process in excess of 50 million pictures, all in a solitary day. Caffe system is predominantly utilized for research ventures, mixed media, discourse and even vision.

10. TensorFlow

TensorFlow is Google’s open source stage. It is one of the man-made consciousness apparatuses. It gives a library utilizing information stream charts for calculation. Its site offers instructional exercises and assets which help the engineers who have less information about it. It keeps running on various frameworks with over numerous CPUs. It can even keep running on the cell phones. It underpins C++ and Python.

If your loved tool is missed in the list above, please comment below so that I can add it.

Published on Java Code Geeks with permission by Francesco Azzola, partner at our JCG program. See the original article here: Top 10 Artificial Intelligence (AI) Tools For Developers

Opinions expressed by Java Code Geeks contributors are their own.

Francesco Azzola

He's a senior software engineer with more than 15 yrs old experience in JEE architecture. He's SCEA certified (Sun Certified Enterprise Architect), SCWCD, SCJP. He is an android enthusiast and he has worked for long time in the mobile development field.
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David Smith
5 years ago

Great Blog!
Today, Artificial Intelligence is a favorite subject that people discuss it in technology and business circles. With the advancement in technology, we connect ourselves to AI in one way or the other. All artificial intelligence tools mentioned by you in this post are marvelous. It is very beneficial for beginners and developers. I appreciate the fact that you have explained all the information in a simple manner and step-by-step.
Thanks for sharing such a valuable post.

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