Core Java

[MEGA DEAL] Oracle Java Certification Exam Preparation Courses + Tests Training Bundle (92%)

Become a Certified Programmer with an Oracle Java Certification & Take a Step Ahead Toward a Brighter Development Career

Hey fellow geeks,

This week, on our JCG Deals store, we have another extreme offer.

We are offering a massive 92% off on Oracle Java Certification Exam Preparation Courses + Tests Training Bundle. Get it now with only $29,99, instead of the original price of $409,50

Programmers opt for Java certifications to benchmark their knowledge and skills in Java programming. These Oracle Java Certification exams are industry-respected certifications in Java technology. Any certification is central to the learning process as it provides validation of skill sets for specific job roles. This bundle offers you eight preparation courses and practice exams to guide you on your aspirations in Java development. These preparation solutions ensure that you’ve gained sufficient knowledge and practice to pass these coveted industry certifications in your first attempt.

With this lesson you will:

  • Get lifetime access to 40 full-length mock exams & 13+ hours of training videos
  • Validate your knowledge & skills to develop software and web applications in Java programming language
  • Benchmark & demonstrate your expertise to your employers and peers
  • Get globally recognized as a certified Oracle Java programmer
  • Add the certifications as an add-on to your resume & help you stand out of the crowd
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5 years ago

nice article. thank you.

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