Enterprise Java

Apache Camel 3.1 – More camel-core optimizations coming

Hope all is good and you had a safe entry into 2020. 

The Camel team is already busy working on the next Camel 3.1 version. One of the goals is to continue optimize camel-core, and this time we have had some time to look into finding some hot spots in the routing engine.

One of the aspects we have looked at is also the object allocations that occurs per message that Camel routes. The JVM itself is great at allocation objects and garbage collecting them when they are no longer in use. However there are room for improvements if you can identify a number of objects that is unnecessary per EIP in the route.

So today I found several of these by just running a basic Camel route that is



Which basically routes 1000 messages per second. And prints each message to the log.

One of the bigger culprits in object allocations turned out to be human logging for the reactive executor which logs at TRACE level. So by avoiding this we can reduce a great deal of allocations, and string building for logging messages.

Other aspects we have optimised is the to EIP (the most used EIP) which is now smarter in its startup to avoid creating caches that was not necessary. And this goes together with areas where we now lazy creates some features in Camel that were very rarely in use that would otherwise also setup and create some caches. 

We also identified as part of the Camel 3 work, then the LRUCache was not pre warmed up as early as before, which meant Camel would startup a bit slower than it otherwise are capable of. So by moving this warmup to an earlier phase then Camel can startup faster by doing concurrent work on startup until the LRUCache is warmed up (its caffeine cache that needs this).

The log component has also been optimised to reduce its object allocations which building the logging message.

So all together a great day and if we compare startup up a Camel 3.0.0 vs 3.1.0-SNAPSHOT with the Camel route as shown above, then we have an awesome reducing in object allocations per second (thanks to YourKit for profiler).

The profile says that in Camel 3.0.0 then Camel would roughly generate about 22.000 objects per second (routing 1000 messages). And that has been reduced to about 6.000 objects per second in Camel 3.1. That is fantastic, and is almost a 4x reduction.

Published on Java Code Geeks with permission by Claus Ibsen, partner at our JCG program. See the original article here: Apache Camel 3.1 – More camel-core optimizations coming

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Claus Ibsen

Claus Ibsen is a principal software engineer from Red Hat. Claus is working full time as Apache Camel committer. And is author of the "Camel in Action" book.
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