Software Development

List of Open Source Security Tools

As a founder of a security company, I’m constantly looking for open source tools to either incorporate in our offering, or get inspiration from, or provide integration with. And there are dozens of great open source security tools, so I decided to publish a list of them. This plethora of options is one of the reasons that security is so hard – they are many different ways to achieve something and it almost always involves headaches with configuring and connecting various “point solutions” (as marketers call them). So here’s the list in on apparent order (note that I’ve listed only defensive tools, offensive ones like metasploit, nmap, wireshark, etc. probably deserve a separate post):

Security monitoring, intrusion detection/prevention

  • Suricata – intrusion detection system
  • Snort – intrusion detection system
  • Zeek – network security monitoring
  • OSSEC – host-based intrusion detection system
  • Wazuh – a more active fork of OSSEC
  • Velociraptor – endpoint visibility and response
  • OSSIM – open source SIEM, at the core of AlienVault
  • SecurityOnion – security monitoring and log management
  • Elastic SIEM – SIEM functionality by Elasticsearch
  • Mozdef – SIEM-like layer ontop of
  • Sagan – log analytics and correlation
  • Apache Metron – (retired) network security monitoring, evolved from Cisco OpenSOC
  • Arkime – packet capture and search tool (formerly Moloch)
  • PRADAS – real-time asset detection
  • BloodHound – ActiveDirectory relationship detection

Threat intelligence

  • MISP – threat intelligence platform
  • SpiderFoot – threat intelligence aggregation
  • OpenCTI – threat intelligence platform
  • OpenDXL – open source tools for security intelligence sharing

Incident response

Vulnerability assessment

  • OpenVAS – very popular vulnerability assessment
  • ZAProxy – web vulnerability scanner by OWASP
  • WebScarab – (obsolete) web vulnerability scanner by OWASP
  • w3af – web vulnerability scanner
  • Loki – IoC scanner
  • CVE Search – set of tools for search in CVE data


Antivirus / endpoint protection

Email security

I’m sure there are more (and I’d be happy to add them, e.g. this list suggested in reddit, or others in the reddit thread). Assessing each individual tool, its ease of use, its compliance aspects and the combination between multiple tools is a hard task (here’s a SANS paper on “stitching” multiple tools together). And making sense of the whole landscape (as I’ve tried previously) hints about the complexity of a security professional’s job.

Published on Java Code Geeks with permission by Bozhidar Bozhanov, partner at our JCG program. See the original article here: List of Open Source Security Tools

Opinions expressed by Java Code Geeks contributors are their own.

Bozhidar Bozhanov

Senior Java developer, one of the top stackoverflow users, fluent with Java and Java technology stacks - Spring, JPA, JavaEE, as well as Android, Scala and any framework you throw at him. creator of Computoser - an algorithmic music composer. Worked on telecom projects, e-government and large-scale online recruitment and navigation platforms.
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