Software Development

MongoDB Licensing and the Cloud

MongoDB, a popular NoSQL database, has a bit of a tangled relationship with the cloud. While it offers its own managed service, MongoDB Atlas, things get interesting when it comes to cloud providers like AWS or Azure offering MongoDB as part of their services.

The crux of the issue lies in MongoDB’s licensing. In 2018, they introduced the Server Side Public License (SSPL) for their Community Server edition. This license aims to ensure open-source contribution but has some cloud providers up in arms.

Here’s a quick breakdown:

  • The SSPL twist: Unlike the previous license, the SSPL requires cloud providers offering MongoDB as a service (DBaaS) to also open-source their related infrastructure or get a commercial license from MongoDB.
  • Cloud providers’ concern: This potentially forces them to disclose proprietary information and limits control over pricing for their MongoDB-based services.

The debate boils down to balancing open-source principles with fair compensation for MongoDB’s work. While the situation isn’t new, it’s still a consideration for companies choosing a cloud-based MongoDB solution.

The SSPL Shakes Things Up: Open Source vs. Cloud Control

Before 2018, things were simpler for MongoDB in the cloud. Back then, they used a licensing model called AGPL, which is a pretty open and collaborative approach. But in 2018, they introduced the Server Side Public License (SSPL), and that’s where the plot thickens.

The SSPL has some noble goals. It aims to keep the core of MongoDB open-source, which means anyone can tinker with it and contribute improvements. This can lead to a faster-growing, more robust database. The SSPL specifically targets cloud providers who offer MongoDB as a service (DBaaS). Here’s where things get complicated.

The SSPL requires these cloud providers to do one of two things:

  1. Open Up Their Cloud Kitchen: If a cloud provider wants to offer MongoDB as a service, the SSPL says they basically have to reveal the recipe – how their cloud service makes MongoDB work behind the scenes. This could involve disclosing proprietary software or techniques they use to manage and optimize MongoDB in their cloud environment.
  2. Buy a License: The other option for cloud providers is to purchase a commercial license from MongoDB. This lets them keep their cloud kitchen secrets under wraps, but it obviously comes at a cost.

So, what’s the big deal? Cloud providers are worried about the SSPL for a few reasons. First, revealing their secret sauce might give competitors an edge. Second, the SSPL could limit their control over pricing. Imagine you run a cloud storage unit, and you want to offer different pricing tiers based on features. The SSPL might make it harder to do that freely if MongoDB has a say in how their software is used within your service.

This clash between open-source ideals and cloud provider control is a hot topic for anyone considering using MongoDB in the cloud. It’s a balancing act: ensuring everyone contributes to the open-source project while still allowing companies to make a profit from their cloud services.

The SSPL situation isn’t all doom and gloom. Some cloud providers have found workarounds. They might offer alternative NoSQL database services that are compatible with MongoDB but don’t require dealing with the SSPL. Others might create a hybrid approach, offering a basic MongoDB service under the SSPL and a more feature-rich option with a different database technology entirely.

Ultimately, the choice comes down to your specific needs. If you’re a small startup with a simple data structure, the SSPL might not be a major concern. But for larger companies with complex cloud deployments and a desire for complete control, the restrictions of the SSPL could be a significant hurdle. This ongoing debate around open-source licensing and cloud control is sure to continue evolving, so staying informed is key for making the best decisions for your MongoDB needs in the cloud.


The relationship between MongoDB and the cloud has its complexities. The introduction of the SSPL in 2018 threw a curveball for cloud providers, forcing them to navigate open-source ideals and their own commercial interests. While the SSPL ensures contributions to the core MongoDB project, it raises concerns for cloud providers regarding potential disclosure of proprietary information and limitations on pricing control.

This debate highlights the ongoing challenge of balancing open-source principles with fair compensation for software creators in the cloud era. As workarounds and alternative solutions emerge, users have more options when deploying MongoDB in the cloud. Ultimately, understanding the SSPL and its implications is crucial for making informed decisions based on your specific needs and priorities. Whether you choose MongoDB Atlas, a third-party cloud offering, or a different NoSQL solution altogether, navigating the cloud with MongoDB requires careful consideration of licensing and control factors.

Eleftheria Drosopoulou

Eleftheria is an Experienced Business Analyst with a robust background in the computer software industry. Proficient in Computer Software Training, Digital Marketing, HTML Scripting, and Microsoft Office, they bring a wealth of technical skills to the table. Additionally, she has a love for writing articles on various tech subjects, showcasing a talent for translating complex concepts into accessible content.
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