Enterprise Java

Leveraging the Power of Kafka with Quarkus: A Professional Guide

1. Understanding Apache Kafka Integration with Quarkus

Apache Kafka – A Distributed Event Streaming Platform

Apache Kafka is a widely-used open-source distributed event streaming platform that enables high-performance data pipelines, streaming analytics, data integration, and mission-critical applications. It provides powerful features such as publishing and subscribing to streams of events, durable storage of records in topics, and real-time record processing. Kafka is designed to be highly scalable, fault-tolerant, secure, and capable of handling large volumes of data.

Introduction to Quarkus Messaging

Quarkus is a full-stack, Kubernetes-native Java framework that is optimized for containerized and cloud-native applications. It offers impressive performance and fast startup times, making it an excellent choice for microservices architectures. Quarkus Messaging is an integral part of the Quarkus framework that enables developers to easily interact with messaging systems like Apache Kafka.

Benefits of Utilizing Kafka with Quarkus

Integrating Apache Kafka with Quarkus brings several benefits to developers and organizations:

  1. Scalability: Kafka’s distributed nature allows it to handle large volumes of data and high traffic loads, ensuring that your application can scale seamlessly.
  2. Real-time Data Processing: With Kafka as the messaging backbone, Quarkus applications can process events in real time, enabling timely and responsive data processing pipelines.
  3. Fault Tolerance: Kafka’s fault-tolerant architecture guarantees that messages are persisted and reliably delivered, even in the case of failures.
  4. Elasticity: Both Kafka and Quarkus are designed to work in highly scalable and elastic environments, allowing your application to adapt to changing resource demands.
  5. Flexibility: Quarkus Messaging provides a flexible programming model that bridges the gap between CDI (Contexts and Dependency Injection) and event-driven architectures, making it easy to develop reactive applications.

2. Implementing Quarkus Extension for Apache Kafka

Adding the messaging-kafka Extension

To integrate Apache Kafka with your Quarkus project, you need to add the messaging-kafka extension. This can be done by running the appropriate command in your project base directory, depending on your build tool:

quarkus extension add messaging-kafka


./mvnw quarkus:add-extension -Dextensions='messaging-kafka'


./gradlew addExtension --extensions='messaging-kafka'

Configuring Dependencies in the Project

After adding the messaging-kafka extension, the necessary dependencies will be automatically added to your project’s build file. For Maven projects, the following dependency will be added to the pom.xml file:


For Gradle projects, the following implementation will be added to the build.gradle file:

implementation "io.quarkus:quarkus-messaging-kafka"

Advantages of Using SmallRye Reactive Messaging Framework

Quarkus utilizes the SmallRye Reactive Messaging framework for interacting with Apache Kafka. This framework is based on the Eclipse MicroProfile Reactive Messaging specification 2.0 and provides a flexible programming model that integrates CDI and event-driven architectures.

The SmallRye Reactive Messaging framework simplifies the development of reactive applications by offering features such as seamless integration with Apache Kafka, support for message channels and connectors, and automatic serialization and deserialization of message payloads. It also provides a set of powerful annotations and abstractions that enable developers to easily consume and produce messages from Kafka topics.

3. Configuring and Consuming Messages with SmallRye Kafka Connector

Understanding Message Terminology in SmallRye Reactive Messaging

SmallRye Reactive Messaging employs a generic vocabulary to describe messaging concepts, irrespective of the messaging backend. When working with Kafka, the following terminology is used:
Messages: Messages are the units of data being sent and consumed. In the context of Kafka, a message corresponds to a Kafka record.

  • Channels: Channels are the conduits through which messages flow. Application components connect to channels to publish and consume messages. In Kafka, channels are mapped to Kafka topics.
  • Connectors: Connectors are responsible for connecting channels to message backends. Each connector is specifically designed for a particular messaging technology. For Kafka, the connector is called smallrye-kafka.

Configuring Channels and Connectors for Kafka

To configure the SmallRye Kafka connector in Quarkus, you need to specify the required properties in your application’s configuration file (e.g., application.properties). For example:


In the above configuration, kafka.bootstrap.servers specifies the location of the Kafka broker for the production profile. Depending on your environment, you can configure the broker location globally or per channel using the mp.messaging.incoming.$channel.bootstrap.servers property.

Implementing Minimal Configuration for the Kafka Connector

To consume messages from Kafka in your Quarkus application, you can define a consumer method annotated with @Incoming in a CDI bean. For example:

import org.eclipse.microprofile.reactive.messaging.Incoming;
public class PriceConsumer {@Incoming("prices")
public void consume(double price) {
    // Process the price

In the above example, the PriceConsumer bean consumes messages from the “prices” channel and processes the received price. You can customize the annotation and method parameters based on your specific requirements.

4. Handling Messages in Quarkus Application

Receiving Message Payload Directly

Apart from the method shown in the previous section, there are several other ways to consume incoming messages in your Quarkus application. One of the options is to use the Message type, which allows you to access the incoming message metadata and handle acknowledgment manually. For example:

public CompletionStage<Void> consume(Message<Double> msg) {
// Access record metadata
var metadata = msg.getMetadata(IncomingKafkaRecordMetadata.class).orElseThrow();
// Process the message payload
double price = msg.getPayload();
// Acknowledge the incoming message (commit the offset)
return msg.ack();

In the above example, the Message<Double> type allows the consuming method to access the incoming message metadata, such as the Kafka record metadata. It also provides methods to access the message payload and handle acknowledgment.

Exploring Different Message Consumption Methods

Apart from the Message type, you can also access the Kafka record objects directly using the ConsumerRecord or Record types. For example:

public void consume(ConsumerRecord<String, Double> record) {
String key = record.key(); // Can be null if the incoming record has no key
Double value = record.value(); // Can be null if the incoming record has no value
// Process the record

In the above example, the ConsumerRecord type is injected directly into the consumer method.
Alternatively, you can use the simpler Record type:

public void consume(Record<String, Double> record) {
String key = record.key(); // Can be null if the incoming record has no key
Double value = record.value(); // Can be null if the incoming record has no value
// Process the record

The Record type provides a simple and convenient wrapper around the key and payload of the incoming Kafka record.


Another approach to consuming messages is to inject a Multi instance in your bean and subscribe to its events. This can be achieved using the @Channel annotation. Here is an example:

import io.smallrye.mutiny.Multi;
import org.eclipse.microprofile.reactive.messaging.Channel;@Inject
private Multi<Double> prices;@PostConstruct
void initialize() {
prices.subscribe().with(price -> {
// Process the price

In the above example, the Multi<Double> instance represents the stream of incoming messages from the “prices” channel. By subscribing to this Multi, you can process each price as it arrives.

5. FAQs

How does Quarkus support Kafka integration?

Quarkus provides seamless integration with Apache Kafka through the SmallRye Reactive Messaging framework. It offers easy-to-use APIs, annotations, and configuration options to consume and produce messages from Kafka topics.

What are the benefits of integrating Kafka with Quarkus?

Integrating Kafka with Quarkus brings several benefits, including scalability, real-time data processing, fault tolerance, elasticity, and flexibility. Kafka’s distributed and fault-tolerant nature, combined with Quarkus’s performance and low latency, makes it an excellent choice for building high-performance and reliable applications.

Are there any best practices for integrating Kafka with Quarkus applications?

When integrating Kafka with Quarkus, it is recommended to follow best practices such as configuring the connection properties correctly, handling exceptions and errors gracefully, optimizing message processing logic, and considering security aspects such as authentication and authorization.

Can Quarkus handle Kafka event streaming efficiently?

Yes, Quarkus is designed to efficiently handle Kafka event streaming. Its lightweight and container-native architecture, combined with the optimized SmallRye Reactive Messaging framework, ensures low startup times, minimal memory footprint, and high-performance event processing.

6. Conlcusion

In conclusion, integrating Apache Kafka with Quarkus empowers developers to leverage the power of event streaming and build scalable, fault-tolerant, and high-performance applications. By using the SmallRye Reactive Messaging framework and the messaging-kafka extension, developers can easily consume and produce messages from Kafka topics, enabling real-time data processing and seamless integration with other microservices. With Quarkus and Kafka, you can take your applications to the next level of performance and scalability.


  1. Apache Kafka Reference Guide – Quarkus
  2. Getting Started to Quarkus Messaging with Apache Kafka
  3. Getting Started to Quarkus Reactive Messaging with Apache Kafka

Eleftheria Drosopoulou

Eleftheria is an Experienced Business Analyst with a robust background in the computer software industry. Proficient in Computer Software Training, Digital Marketing, HTML Scripting, and Microsoft Office, they bring a wealth of technical skills to the table. Additionally, she has a love for writing articles on various tech subjects, showcasing a talent for translating complex concepts into accessible content.
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