Software Development

Count(*) vs Count(1): Unraveling the SQL Counting Mystery

When performing SQL queries to determine the number of rows in a table, you’ve probably encountered COUNT(*) and COUNT(1). These two functions might seem interchangeable, but there are subtle differences in their behavior and potential performance implications.

In this article, we’ll delve into the intricacies of COUNT(*) and COUNT(1) to understand when to use each effectively and optimize your SQL queries.

1. Understanding COUNT(*)

How COUNT(*) works

The COUNT(*) function in SQL is used to determine the total number of rows in a specified table. It operates by scanning the entire table and incrementing a counter for each row encountered.

Key points about COUNT(*):

  • It counts every row in the table, including those with NULL values.  
  • It ignores duplicate rows.
  • It doesn’t require any specific column information.  

When to use COUNT(*)

  • Total row count: When you need to know the exact number of rows in a table, COUNT(*) is the most straightforward option.
  • Quick estimates: If you need a rough estimate of the table size and performance is not critical, COUNT(*) can be used.

Performance implications

  • Table scans: COUNT(*) typically involves a full table scan, which can be inefficient for large tables.
  • Index ineffectiveness: Indexes are generally not used to optimize COUNT(*) queries.
  • Performance impact: On large tables, COUNT(*) can be slow.

While COUNT(*) is a simple and often used function, it’s essential to consider its performance implications for large datasets.

2. Understanding COUNT(1)

How COUNT(1) works

Unlike COUNT(*), COUNT(1) specifies a constant value (1) as the argument. For each row in the table, the database engine evaluates this constant expression to 1 and then counts the number of rows.

Key points about COUNT(1):

  • Counts the number of rows, similar to COUNT(*).
  • Evaluates a constant expression (1) for each row.
  • Ignores NULL values.

When to use COUNT(1)

Historically, some database systems might have optimized COUNT(1) differently than COUNT(*), leading to performance variations. However, modern database systems often treat them equivalently.

  • Compatibility: In some older database systems or specific use cases where there might be performance differences, COUNT(1) could have been preferred.
  • Habit or convention: Some developers might use COUNT(1) out of habit or convention.

Performance implications

  • Similar to COUNT(*): In most modern database systems, the performance of COUNT(1) is generally the same as COUNT(*).
  • Potential optimizations: Some database systems might optimize constant expressions, but the overall impact on performance is usually negligible.

While COUNT(1) has been used as an alternative to COUNT(*) in the past, the practical difference between the two is often minimal in modern database systems.

3. COUNT(*) vs COUNT(1): A Comparison

While both COUNT(*) and COUNT(1) are used to determine the number of rows in a table, there are subtle differences in their implementation and potential performance implications. Let’s compare them:

FunctionCounts all rows, including those with NULL valuesCounts the number of rows by evaluating a constant expression (1) for each row
PerformanceTypically involves a full table scanGenerally similar performance to COUNT(*) in modern databases
Use casesIdeal for determining the total number of rows in a tableCan be used as an alternative to COUNT(*) but offers no significant performance advantage
RecommendationGenerally preferred for counting rowsLess common and often unnecessary


While both functions achieve the same result, COUNT(*) is the standard and preferred method for counting rows in most SQL databases. In modern database systems, there is usually no performance difference between the two. Understanding these nuances can help you write more efficient and optimized SQL queries.

Eleftheria Drosopoulou

Eleftheria is an Experienced Business Analyst with a robust background in the computer software industry. Proficient in Computer Software Training, Digital Marketing, HTML Scripting, and Microsoft Office, they bring a wealth of technical skills to the table. Additionally, she has a love for writing articles on various tech subjects, showcasing a talent for translating complex concepts into accessible content.
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