
NestJS Http Adapters: Express vs Fastify

NestJS, a progressive Node.js framework, offers flexibility in choosing the underlying HTTP adapter for your application. While Express is the default, Fastify has emerged as a strong contender known for its exceptional performance. This article delves into the performance implications of using Express and Fastify as HTTP adapters in NestJS, helping you make informed decisions for your project.

We’ll conduct a side-by-side comparison, exploring key factors such as request handling speed, memory usage, and real-world performance benchmarks. By understanding the strengths and weaknesses of each adapter, you can optimize your NestJS application for optimal performance.

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1. Understanding Express and Fastify


Brief History

Express.js, often referred to simply as Express, is a minimalist and flexible Node.js web application framework. It was released in 2010 and quickly gained popularity due to its simplicity and ease of use. Built on top of the Connect middleware layer, Express provides a robust foundation for building web applications and APIs.

Core Principles

  • Minimalism: Express focuses on providing essential features without unnecessary complexity.
  • Middleware: It heavily relies on middleware functions to handle request and response processing.
  • Flexibility: Express offers a high degree of customization, allowing developers to build applications according to their specific needs.

Key Features

  • Routing: Define URL patterns and their corresponding handlers.
  • Request and response handling: Access request data and send responses.
  • Middleware support: Use third-party or custom middleware for various functionalities.
  • Templating: Render dynamic HTML views.
  • Error handling: Manage errors gracefully.


Brief History

Fastify is a newer framework that emerged in 2016 with a strong focus on performance and developer experience. It was designed to address some of the performance limitations of Express while maintaining ease of use.

Core Principles

  • Performance: Fastify prioritizes speed and efficiency through careful architecture and optimization.
  • Plugin architecture: It encourages modularity and extensibility through plugins.
  • Declarative API: The API is designed to be intuitive and easy to learn.

Key Features

  • High performance: Achieved through careful code optimization and asynchronous architecture.
  • Plugin system: Extend functionality with pre-built or custom plugins.
  • JSON schema validation: Validate request and response data.
  • Automatic HTTP methods: Define multiple HTTP methods for a single route.
  • Error handling: Built-in error handling mechanisms.

Architectural Differences

  • Middleware vs. Plugins: Express relies heavily on middleware for various functionalities, while Fastify uses a plugin-based architecture.
  • Performance: Fastify is generally considered faster than Express due to its focus on performance optimization.
  • API design: Express has a more procedural API, while Fastify offers a more declarative approach.
  • Ecosystem: Express has a larger and more mature ecosystem of middleware and libraries compared to Fastify.

2. Performance Metrics

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

To understand how fast and efficient your NestJS application is, we’ll focus on three main numbers:

  1. Requests per second (RPS): This tells us how many requests your app can handle at once. A higher number means it can handle more traffic without slowing down.
  2. Latency: This measures how long it takes for your app to respond to a request. Lower latency means quicker responses.
  3. Memory usage: This shows how much computer memory your app needs to run. Less memory means your app is more efficient and can handle more users.

The Importance of Benchmarking Methodology

Imagine you’re racing a car. To know which car is faster, you need a fair race track, the same kind of gas, and the same drivers. This is like benchmarking.

When comparing Express and Fastify, we need to make sure the tests are fair:

  • Same hardware: Use the same computer for both tests.
  • Same software: Use the same Node.js version and other tools.
  • Same tests: Run the same kinds of requests on both apps.
  • Repeat tests: Do the tests multiple times to make sure the results are reliable.

If we don’t do this, the results won’t be accurate and we won’t know which app is truly faster.

3. Benchmark Setup

To get a fair comparison, we need to create a controlled environment for our tests. Here’s what we’ll do:

Hardware and Software

  • Same computer: Use a computer with consistent performance (e.g., CPU, RAM).
  • Same Node.js version: Make sure both Express and Fastify apps use the same Node.js version.
  • Operating system: Use the same operating system for both tests.

Test Cases

We’ll create different scenarios to see how each app handles various situations:

  • Simple GET request: A basic request to check the fastest response time.
  • Complex endpoint: A request that requires more processing (e.g., database queries, calculations).
  • Load testing: Simulate many requests at once to see how each app handles heavy traffic.

Performance Testing Tools

To measure the results, we’ll use tools that can handle different types of tests:

  • Apache Bench (ab): For simple load testing.
  • Artillery: For more complex load testing scenarios.

By setting up these conditions, we can ensure that the performance differences we see are due to the frameworks themselves, not other factors.

4. Performance Comparison

Benchmark Results

The actual results will depend on your specific hardware, software, and test setup. The following is a hypothetical example to illustrate how the data might look.

Test CaseFrameworkRequests/SecondAverage Latency (ms)Memory Usage (MB)
Simple GETExpress10,0005150
Simple GETFastify15,0003120
Complex EndpointExpress5,00020200
Complex EndpointFastify7,00015180
Load Testing (100 concurrent users)Express8,00012250
Load Testing (100 concurrent users)Fastify12,0008220


Based on this hypothetical data, we can see that:

  • Fastify generally outperforms Express in terms of requests per second and latency. This indicates that Fastify can handle more traffic and respond faster.
  • Memory usage is slightly lower for Fastify. This suggests it might be more efficient in terms of resource utilization.
  • The performance gap between the two frameworks might vary depending on the complexity of the endpoint. For simple requests, the difference is more pronounced, while for complex endpoints, the gap might narrow.

Factors Influencing Performance

Several factors can impact the performance of your application:

  • Middleware: The number and complexity of middleware can affect performance.
  • Data serialization: How data is converted to JSON can impact speed.
  • Database interactions: Database performance can significantly influence overall response time.
  • Load balancing: Distributing traffic across multiple servers can improve performance.

5. Real-World Considerations

While raw performance is important, other factors should also be considered when choosing between Express and Fastify:

Beyond Performance

  • Developer Experience:
    • Express has a larger community and more extensive documentation, making it easier to find resources and support.
    • Fastify prioritizes developer experience with a clean API, but its ecosystem might be smaller.
  • Ecosystem:
    • Express has a vast ecosystem of middleware and libraries, offering a wide range of functionalities.
    • Fastify’s ecosystem is growing, but it might have fewer options for specific needs.
  • Project Requirements:
    • If performance is the top priority and you have a team familiar with Fastify, it might be a good choice.
    • If you need a quick start and a large ecosystem, Express could be more suitable.


  • Start with Express: If you’re unsure or have a small to medium-sized project, Express is a safe bet due to its larger community and ecosystem.
  • Consider Fastify for high-performance applications: If you’re building a large-scale application that demands maximum performance, Fastify is worth considering.
  • Benchmark in Your Environment: Always conduct your own performance tests with your specific use case to make an informed decision.

6. Conclusion

Choosing between Express and Fastify for your NestJS application depends on a careful balance of performance, developer experience, and project requirements.

We’ve seen that Fastify generally outperforms Express in terms of raw speed and efficiency, as measured by requests per second, latency, and memory usage. This is especially evident under heavy load conditions.  

However, Express boasts a larger community, a more extensive ecosystem, and often a gentler learning curve. It might be a better fit for smaller projects or teams with limited resources.  

Ultimately, the best way to make a decision is to benchmark both frameworks with your specific use case and consider factors beyond performance, such as developer experience and available resources.

Eleftheria Drosopoulou

Eleftheria is an Experienced Business Analyst with a robust background in the computer software industry. Proficient in Computer Software Training, Digital Marketing, HTML Scripting, and Microsoft Office, they bring a wealth of technical skills to the table. Additionally, she has a love for writing articles on various tech subjects, showcasing a talent for translating complex concepts into accessible content.
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