Core Java

Java’s Modern Toolbox: Records, Sealed Classes, and Pattern Matching

Java has been a steadfast player in the programming world for decades. However, recent updates have shown that Java isn’t just resting on its laurels—it’s evolving to meet modern development needs. Three standout features—Records, Sealed Classes, and Pattern Matching—are revolutionizing how we write concise, robust, and type-safe code. In this guide, we’ll dive into these features and explore how they simplify development while enhancing expressiveness.

1. Records: A Breath of Fresh Air for Data Classes

Data classes, often verbose in older Java versions, are now a breeze to create with Records. Introduced in Java 14 (as a preview) and finalized in Java 16, Records provide a compact syntax for immutable data structures.

1.1 What Are Records?

A Record is a special class that acts as a transparent carrier of immutable data. The Java compiler automatically generates boilerplate methods like equals(), hashCode(), and toString().


public record Point(int x, int y) {}

With the above declaration:

  • The fields x and y are implicitly final.
  • A constructor, equals(), hashCode(), and toString() methods are auto-generated.

1.2 Why Use Records?

  • Conciseness: No need to manually implement getters, constructors, or toString().
  • Immutability: Fields in Records are final, promoting thread safety.

2. Sealed Classes: Control the Class Hierarchy

Sealed classes, introduced in Java 15 as a preview and finalized in Java 17, allow developers to define restricted class hierarchies.

2.1 What Are Sealed Classes?

Sealed classes let you explicitly specify which classes can extend them. This enforces stronger control over inheritance, making your codebase easier to reason about.


public sealed class Shape permits Circle, Rectangle, Square {}
public final class Circle extends Shape {}
public final class Rectangle extends Shape {}
public final class Square extends Shape {}

In this hierarchy:

  • The Shape class can only be extended by Circle, Rectangle, and Square.
  • Other classes attempting to extend Shape will result in a compilation error.

2.2 Benefits

  • Clear Hierarchies: Control the subclassing of a type.
  • Enhanced Maintainability: Restricting subclasses reduces unintended behavior.

3. Pattern Matching: A Cleaner Approach to Type Checks

Pattern matching simplifies conditional logic involving type checks and casting. It’s been incrementally introduced, starting with Pattern Matching for instanceof in Java 16.

3.1 What Is Pattern Matching?

It allows you to combine type checks and casting in one step, removing repetitive boilerplate.


if (obj instanceof String str) {
    System.out.println("String length: " + str.length());

Here, if obj is a String, it’s automatically cast to str, eliminating the need for explicit casting.

3.2 Upcoming Features

Pattern matching is evolving to include switch expressions. For example:

switch (shape) {
    case Circle c -> System.out.println("Circle with radius: " + c.radius());
    case Rectangle r -> System.out.println("Rectangle dimensions: " + r.width() + "x" + r.height());
    default -> System.out.println("Unknown shape");

3.3 Advantages

  • Readability: Simplifies complex if-else and switch blocks.
  • Safety: Reduces casting errors.

3.4 Best Practices for Leveraging These Features

To make the most of Java’s newest features, it’s essential to understand their ideal use cases and integrate them thoughtfully into your development workflow. Records are particularly well-suited for scenarios where you need simple, immutable data containers. By replacing verbose Plain Old Java Objects (POJOs) with Records, you can streamline your code while ensuring immutability, making them an excellent choice for representing entities like configuration settings, API responses, or geometric points.

Sealed Classes shine in applications that benefit from well-defined and tightly controlled type hierarchies. For instance, when modeling business domains with finite, specific types—such as shapes in a drawing tool or user roles in a system—Sealed Classes provide clarity and enforce constraints, reducing the likelihood of unintended subclassing. This makes your code more predictable and easier to maintain.

Pattern Matching offers a clean and efficient way to handle type checks and casts, eliminating the boilerplate often associated with traditional instanceof checks. By using Pattern Matching in conditional logic, you can write more readable and concise code, particularly in scenarios involving complex type hierarchies or multi-branch conditions. Whether you’re refactoring legacy if-else statements or adopting the newer switch expressions, Pattern Matching helps reduce errors and improves the overall expressiveness of your code.

4. Final Thoughts

Java’s recent features are a testament to its adaptability in a modern programming landscape. Records, Sealed Classes, and Pattern Matching empower developers to write concise, maintainable, and robust code. By understanding and integrating these tools into your projects, you can unlock the full potential of Java’s modern capabilities.

So, the next time you reach for Java, remember: it’s not just classic—it’s cutting-edge.

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Eleftheria Drosopoulou

Eleftheria is an Experienced Business Analyst with a robust background in the computer software industry. Proficient in Computer Software Training, Digital Marketing, HTML Scripting, and Microsoft Office, they bring a wealth of technical skills to the table. Additionally, she has a love for writing articles on various tech subjects, showcasing a talent for translating complex concepts into accessible content.
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