
8 Things Java Developers Need to Know in 2020

This coming New Year, make it your resolution to do something truly valuable – become the best Java Developer you can be! But first, let’s check the Things that Java Developers Need to Know in 2020.

Programming languages are going to change our future – well, they already are! – and are going to be used for more astounding apps, beautiful websites and software products than we can ever imagine. There are many programming languages out there, from C language to Python, but Java is popular because it can be easily customized and is considered very versatile. In 2019, TIOBE Index ranked Java as the top programming language, meaning that developers, programmers, app and website owners all need to be able to use Java as their mainstream language. Java is used by many companies, large and small, from Google and Amazon to niche small businesses. Becoming a seasoned Java developer will put you in the frontline to work with any client you could want – have we convinced you yet of the importance of Java as a skill to have?

Things Java Developers Need to Know

So – you’ve decided to become a Java developer this 2020, or you already are one and are looking for ways you can improve. Here are the top 8 things Java developers need to know for 2020.

1. Core Java

“If you want to be a Java developer, you better have a sound knowledge of the inner workings of Java – you need to be able to grasp basic concepts like operators, arrays, loops and the general-purpose API’s such as java.math, java.oi, and java.lang. Keep practicing using Java and you will learn how to use it well, understanding all the limitations, possible problems and best design practices out there,” says Regan Knox, a tech writer at Writemyx and Britstudent.

2. Java EE

EE (Enterprise Edition) moves beyond the core Java to be more advanced, and
allows you to work on projects like web development because it offers specific
features like web services and distributed computing. There are technologies to
learn here like Java Server Faces, WebSocket, Servlet and more.

3. JSP and Servlets

you learn in Java EE can be taken further in what is known as Front End
technologies such as CSS, HTML and JavaScript. You can then make mini projects
based on particular subtopics, sharpen your programming skills and gain experience
with JSP and Servlet. It’s important to keep up to date with new technologies
and developments in the programming world!

4. Learn about Hibernate Framework and Spring Framework

Java, Spring and Hibernate are the most famous frameworks around – Hibernate is
used to map domain object-orientated models to relational databases, whilst
Spring is used in Spring MCV, Spring Boot and Spring Cloud. By having a working
knowledge of these frameworks, you’re in a much better position to work in a
Java development company!

5. DevOps

Java developers are learning about DevOps (Docker and Jenkins) because more
companies are moving to DevOps. DevOps is very fast and requires a good
knowledge of tools and principles, but don’t be put off – it’s an invaluable
skill in 2020. If you’re a Java developer with a passion for managing the
environment, automation and improving the overall structure, DevOps is for you.
There are even great courses like Master Jenkins CI for DevOps and Developers,
which is a great place to start learning!

6. Git and GitHub

many companies are migrating their projects from SVN, CVS to Git, so it’s high
time to learn and master it. Again, there are great guides out there like the
Git Complete: the definitive, step by step guide to Git from Udemy. A good

7. Java Versions 9, 10, 11 +

problem with programming is that it is constantly evolving. It’s sometimes hard
for developers and programmers to keep up to date! Java 9 has introduced new
features such as modules, Jigsaw, Reactive Streams, Process API, HTTP2 client,
JShell and API improvements. Further versions will have more to learn.

8. RESTful Web Service

programmers say there are not many people out there with a working knowledge of
Java and REST. So, being able to write REST API and implementing secure,
scalable RESTful Web Service in Java by using Spring Framework is a great skill
to have,” says Solomon Gibson, a from java blogger at 1day2write and Nextcoursework.

Beatrice Beard

Beatrice is a professional copywriter at Origin writings and Academic brits specializing in all kinds of topics. She is always open to share her personal experience at PhD kingdom and give some advice to beginner writers uncovering all the peculiarities of creating content that sells!
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