Software Development

Workflows Tips #51: Fix Scope Error When Searching the Okta Log, Format and Validate JSON with JSON Formatter, and Show/Hide the Folder List

Welcome to Okta Workflows Tips post. Read all previous tips.

In this post:

  • Fix insufficient scope error when reading the Okta log
  • Format and validate JSON with JSON Formatter
  • Show/hide the folder list

Fix insufficient scope error when reading the Okta log

If you get the error below when using the Okta – Search Systems Logs card, read Fix the 403 Forbidden Error When Using Search Systems Logs Card to learn how to fix it.

scope=\"\", error=\"insufficient_scope\", error_description=\"The access token provided does not contain the required scopes.\", resource=\"/api/v1/logs\"

Format and validate JSON with JSON Formatter

Thanks to Mads Grandt for sharing this tip on the Okta support forum.

The JSON Formatter is a helpful tool to format and validate JSON.

Some examples where JSON Formatter can help you.

Fix the JSON file:

Fix JSON file

Collapse/expand nodes and run query the JSON file (next screenshot):

Collapse/expand JSON nodes

Query the JSON file:

Query JSON file

Show/hide the folder list

You can now show/hide the folder list. This is now available on Preview environments.

Published on Java Code Geeks with permission by Max Katz , partner at our JCG program. See the original article here: Workflows Tips #51: Fix Scope Error When Searching the Okta Log, Format and Validate JSON with JSON Formatter, and Show/Hide the Folder List

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