Software Development

Mastering Advanced URL Rewriting with Apache APISIX

Apache APISIX, a high-performance open-source API gateway, offers a robust URL rewriting mechanism that allows you to dynamically manipulate and transform incoming requests. This feature is invaluable for implementing various use cases, such as redirecting traffic, handling legacy systems, and enhancing user experience. In this article, we’ll delve into the intricacies of advanced URL rewriting with Apache APISIX, exploring its capabilities, configuration options, and practical examples.

1. Understanding URL Rewriting

What is URL Rewriting?

URL rewriting is the process of modifying the structure of a URL by changing its appearance while keeping the actual resource or endpoint on the server the same. It involves intercepting an incoming request and altering the URL’s path or query parameters before the request is processed by the server. URL rewriting is typically done on the server side, often using configuration files like .htaccess in Apache, or URL routing in frameworks like Django, Express.js, or Ruby on Rails.

Why is URL Rewriting Important?

  1. SEO Optimization: Search engines prefer clean and descriptive URLs because they are easier to crawl and index. A well-structured URL can improve a website’s ranking on search engine results pages (SERPs).
  2. User Experience: Human-readable URLs are easier for users to understand, remember, and share. For example, is much more user-friendly than
  3. Security: URL rewriting can help obscure the underlying server technology and structure, reducing the risk of certain types of attacks. For instance, hiding query strings that might reveal sensitive information or the inner workings of the server.
  4. Consistency: It allows you to maintain consistent URLs even if the underlying structure of your web application changes. This helps prevent broken links and maintain the integrity of external references.
  5. Flexibility in Development: Developers can decouple the URL structure from the actual file system or application logic, making it easier to reorganize or refactor code without affecting the URLs users rely on.

Common Use Cases of URL Rewriting

  1. Search Engine Optimization (SEO):
    • Converting dynamic URLs like into static-looking URLs like to improve SEO rankings.
  2. Clean URLs:
    • Removing file extensions, like turning into
  3. Redirection:
    • Redirecting users from outdated URLs to new ones, such as when content has been moved. For instance, could be redirected to
  4. Language Localization:
    • Dynamically rewriting URLs to include language or region information, like for Spanish users.
  5. A/B Testing and Tracking:
    • Modifying URLs for different versions of a page to conduct A/B testing or to track specific campaigns, without altering the content served to the user.
  6. Hiding Technical Details:
    • Concealing the underlying technology stack by rewriting URLs to remove or mask query parameters, session IDs, or other technical details that might otherwise be exposed.
  7. Canonical URLs:
    • Ensuring that multiple URLs that access the same content are rewritten to a single canonical URL to avoid duplicate content issues in search engines. For example,,, and might all be rewritten to

2. Apache APISIX Overview

Apache APISIX is a dynamic, cloud-native API gateway and microservices management tool designed to handle high-performance, scalable, and secure API traffic. It is open-source and built on top of the NGINX server and Etcd for configuration storage, offering features that support the management, routing, and monitoring of API requests.

Key Features

High performance: Handles a large number of concurrent requests with low latency.
Plugin-based architecture: Extensible with plugins for various functionalities like authentication, rate limiting, and more.
Dynamic configuration: Allows for runtime configuration changes without restarting the gateway.
HTTP/2 and gRPC support: Supports modern protocols for efficient communication.
Open-source and community-driven: Developed and maintained by a large community.
Integration with various backends: Works seamlessly with different backend services.
Rich monitoring and analytics: Provides insights into API usage and performance.

How does it work?

Apache APISIX operates as a reverse proxy, intercepting incoming requests and routing them to the appropriate backend services based on predefined rules. It uses a plugin-based architecture, allowing you to customize its behavior through plugins. When a request arrives, APISIX evaluates the request path, headers, and other attributes to determine the appropriate plugin chain to execute. The plugins can perform various tasks, such as authentication, rate limiting, and URL rewriting. Once the request is processed, APISIX forwards it to the backend service and returns the response to the client.

3. Advanced URL Rewriting with APISIX

Regular Expressions and Pattern Matching

Apache APISIX supports powerful regular expression matching for URL rewriting. You can define complex patterns to match specific parts of the URL and modify them accordingly. This allows for flexible and granular control over URL rewriting.

Dynamic Variables and Context-Aware Rewriting

APISIX provides dynamic variables that can be used in your rewriting rules. These variables represent information about the request, such as the request method, path, headers, and more. This enables you to create context-aware rewriting rules that adapt to different situations.

Conditional Rewriting Based on Request Attributes

You can use conditional statements to apply rewriting rules based on specific request attributes. For example, you might want to redirect users to a different page based on their browser type or device. APISIX allows you to define complex conditions using expressions and operators.

Custom Plugins for Complex Scenarios

If the built-in rewriting features are not sufficient for your needs, you can create custom plugins to implement more complex logic. Plugins can be written in Lua and can interact with APISIX’s core functionality to perform custom URL rewriting tasks. This provides a high degree of flexibility and customization.

Here’s an example of a simple URL rewriting rule using regular expressions and dynamic variables:

-- Rewrite URLs matching /blog/post/(number) to /articles/(number)
location /blog/post/([0-9]+) {
  set $new_path /articles/$1;
  rewrite ^/blog/post/([0-9]+)$ $new_path permanent;

In this example, the regular expression ^/blog/post/([0-9]+)$ matches URLs that start with /blog/post/ followed by a number. The captured number is stored in the $1 variable, which is then used to create the new URL /articles/$1. The rewrite directive permanently redirects the request to the new URL.

4. Practical Examples

Redirecting Traffic to Different Servers

  • Load balancing: Distribute traffic across multiple servers to improve performance and reliability.
  • Geolocation-based routing: Redirect users to servers located closer to them for faster response times.
  • A/B testing: Redirect a portion of traffic to different versions of your application for testing purposes.

Handling Legacy URLs

  • 301 redirects: Permanently redirect old URLs to new ones to maintain SEO rankings.
  • 302 redirects: Temporarily redirect users to a different URL, preserving the original URL in the browser’s address bar.
  • URL rewriting: Rewrite old URLs to new ones to maintain compatibility with existing links.

Implementing Custom Routing Logic

  • Custom rules: Create custom rules to determine how requests are routed based on various criteria, such as path, headers, or query parameters.
  • API gateways: Use APISIX as an API gateway to implement complex routing logic and manage multiple backend services.

Creating User-Friendly URLs

  • SEO-friendly URLs: Create URLs that are easy to understand and search engine-friendly.
  • Dynamic URLs: Use dynamic URLs to represent different content or resources.
  • URL rewriting: Rewrite complex URLs to create more readable and user-friendly versions.

Here are some specific examples:

Redirecting traffic:

location /old-page {
  rewrite ^/old-page$ /new-page permanent;

Handling legacy URLs:

location /legacy-app {
  proxy_pass http://legacy-server;

Implementing custom routing logic:

location /api/v1 {
  if ($request_method = GET) {
    proxy_pass http://api-server-1;
  if ($request_method = POST) {
    proxy_pass http://api-server-2;

Creating user-friendly URLs:

location /blog/post/([0-9]+) {
  rewrite ^/blog/post/([0-9]+)$ /article/$1 permanent;

These examples demonstrate how Apache APISIX can be used to implement various URL rewriting scenarios, providing you with flexibility and control over your API gateway’s behavior.

5. Best Practices and Considerations

When implementing advanced URL rewriting with Apache APISIX, it’s essential to consider the following factors to ensure optimal performance, security, and maintainability:

ConsiderationBest Practice
Performance optimizationUse efficient regular expressions and avoid unnecessary rewriting. Leverage caching mechanisms to improve performance.
Security implicationsBe cautious when rewriting URLs to avoid security vulnerabilities. Sanitize and validate user-provided input to prevent injection attacks.
Debugging and troubleshootingUtilize APISIX’s logging and debugging features to identify and resolve issues. Use tools like curl or Postman to test your rewriting rules.

6. Wrapping Up

Apache APISIX provides a powerful and flexible mechanism for advanced URL rewriting. By understanding the key concepts, configuration options, and best practices, you can effectively manipulate and transform incoming requests to meet your specific requirements. Whether you need to redirect traffic, handle legacy systems, or create user-friendly URLs, Apache APISIX offers the tools and capabilities to achieve your goals.

Key takeaways:

  • Apache APISIX provides a robust URL rewriting engine.
  • You can use regular expressions, dynamic variables, and conditional statements to create complex rewriting rules.
  • Custom plugins offer flexibility for advanced scenarios.
  • Consider performance optimization, security implications, and debugging best practices.

Eleftheria Drosopoulou

Eleftheria is an Experienced Business Analyst with a robust background in the computer software industry. Proficient in Computer Software Training, Digital Marketing, HTML Scripting, and Microsoft Office, they bring a wealth of technical skills to the table. Additionally, she has a love for writing articles on various tech subjects, showcasing a talent for translating complex concepts into accessible content.
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