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JCG Flashback – 2011 – W38

Hello guys,

Time for another post in the JCG Flashback series. These posts will take you back in time and list the hot articles on Java Code Geeks from one year ago. So, let’s see what was popular back then:

5. Configuration Management in Java EE
This article discusses configuration management in a Java EE environment and examines the various approaches to it.

4. Java Concurrency Tutorial – CountDownLatch
Concurrency utilities in Java again and this is a tutorial on CountDownLatch. Learn how to use it in order to coordinate code execution among multiple threads..

3. Database schema navigation in Java
This is a tutorial on JOOQ (a fluent API for typesafe SQL query construction and execution) and how to use it for database schema navigation.

2. Measuring Code Complexity
This article talks about Technical Debt, Code complexity and the various tools used to measure it.

1. Don’t rewrite Your Application
An article discussing the all time classic question of whether you should rewrite a legacy application or choose to carry it along, perhaps applying a bit of refactoring!

That’s all guys. Stay tuned for more, here at Java Code Geeks. And don’t forget to share!


Ilias Tsagklis

Ilias is a software developer turned online entrepreneur. He is co-founder and Executive Editor at Java Code Geeks.
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